RT @EURightsAgency: ⚠️ 1 in 8 women in the EU experienced sexual abuse before they were 15.
▶️We urgently need to do more to protect children against sexual exploitation, abuse & violence.
#EUVsChildSexualAbuse #EndChildSexAbuseDay
Explore #EURightsAgency data:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1594702599932059649
#EUvsChildSexualAbuse #EndChildSexAbuseDay #EURightsAgency
RT @EP_ThinkTank: Child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse are among the worst forms of violence against children, and constitute serious crimes that know no borders
#EndChildSexAbuseDay @ewakopacz @Childmanifesto @davidlega @CaterinaChinnic @hildevautmans @saskiabricmont
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AnnaMariaCB/status/1594637467294093315
Jednym z moich priorytetów w PE jest ochrona praw dzieci👉http://m.in. jestem współautorem rezolucji dot.unijnej strategii praw dziecka czy tymczasowej regulacji dot.ochrony dzieci przed wykorzystywaniem seksualnym w Internecie 🛑Nie bądź obojętny!#EndChildSexAbuseDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/j_wisniewska/status/1593559595984846848
RT @EURightsAgency: ⚠️ 1 in 8 women in the EU experienced sexual abuse before they were 15.
▶️We urgently need to do more to protect children against sexual exploitation, abuse & violence.
#EUVsChildSexualAbuse #EndChildSexAbuseDay
Explore #EURightsAgency data:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/YlvaJohansson/status/1593637154009366530
#EUvsChildSexualAbuse #EndChildSexAbuseDay #EURightsAgency
RT @EP_ThinkTank: Child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse are among the worst forms of violence against children, and constitute serious crimes that know no borders
#EndChildSexAbuseDay @ewakopacz @Childmanifesto @davidlega @CaterinaChinnic @hildevautmans @saskiabricmont
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1593682901224357889
Child sexual exploitation & abuse continues to increase
EU cooperation helps prevent offences, protect victims & prosecute perpetrators
#EndChildSexAbuseDay @EP_Justice @JFLopezAguilar @paultang @echo_pbreyer @NKizilyurek @alexagiussaliba @NiclasHerbst
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1593641934618329090
RT @EP_ThinkTank: Child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse are among the worst forms of violence against children, and constitute serious crimes that know no borders
#EndChildSexAbuseDay @ewakopacz @Childmanifesto @davidlega @CaterinaChinnic @hildevautmans @saskiabricmont
⛔️ Child sexual abuse has no place in the world, including the online world.
From #BIKPlus to the #EUChildRights Strategy: discover what the EU 🇪🇺 does to make the internet a more positive & safe online space for young people.
#BIKplus #EUChildRights #EndChildSexAbuseDay
I wrote this in 2018 on the unforgivable nature of using clerical sexual abuse as a political or moral football #BlackrockCollege
#EndChildSexAbuseDay https://shelterofeachother.blogspot.com/2018/08/unforgivable-pope-francis-and.html?m=1
#BlackrockCollege #EndChildSexAbuseDay
Child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse are among the worst forms of violence against children, and constitute serious crimes that know no borders
#EndChildSexAbuseDay @ewakopacz @Childmanifesto @davidlega @CaterinaChinnic @hildevautmans @saskiabricmont
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1593515098831724547
🧸 The growth in online child sexual exploitation & abuse material is a significant challenge for law enforcement agencies.
On #EndChildSexAbuseDay, Europol and @GRACE_FCT_EU are releasing new guidelines for first responders.
Learn more ⤵️
RT @EP_ThinkTank: Child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse are among the worst forms of violence against children, and constitute serious crimes that know no borders
#EndChildSexAbuseDay @ewakopacz @Childmanifesto @davidlega @CaterinaChinnic @hildevautmans @saskiabricmont
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MariaSpyraki/status/1593536991911706625
Sexual exploitation and abuse are among the worst forms of violence against children, and constitute serious crimes, knowing no borders.
Today, we raise awareness around the need to prevent it.
Let children be children.
#EndChildSexAbuseDay #EUagainstCSA
⚠️ 1 in 8 women in the EU experienced sexual abuse before they were 15.
▶️We urgently need to do more to protect children against sexual exploitation, abuse & violence.
#EUVsChildSexualAbuse #EndChildSexAbuseDay
Explore #EURightsAgency data:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1593510137754398721
#EUvsChildSexualAbuse #EndChildSexAbuseDay #EURightsAgency
18 November is European #EndChildSexAbuseDay.
We hope that 🇪🇺#EUfunded research such as Sue Black's @LancasterUni can help. It aims to find ways to identify child sex abusers just from images of their hands.
Learn how 👉 https://bit.ly/H-UNIQUE
@CoE_children @HUniqueProject
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1593514383858356225
#EndChildSexAbuseDay #EUfunded
The UN has declared today, November 18th as World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Exploitation, Abuse, and Violence. Our CEO, Maeve Lewis, recorded a message that we wanted to share with you: #WorldDayNov18 #EndChildSexAbuseDay @UN https://youtu.be/ONbodt_uECY
#worlddaynov18 #EndChildSexAbuseDay
⚠️ 1 in 8 women in the EU experienced sexual abuse before they were 15.
▶️We urgently need to do more to protect children against sexual exploitation, abuse & violence.
#EUVsChildSexualAbuse #EndChildSexAbuseDay
Explore #EURightsAgency data:
#EUvsChildSexualAbuse #EndChildSexAbuseDay #EURightsAgency
RT @UN_EndViolence: High-level event on #Barnahus model on the occasion of the European #EndChildSexAbuseDay
Child-friendly services & justice for victims of violence cannot wait. We must support children dealing with the devastating / life-long consequences of abuse ‼️
#Barnahus #EndChildSexAbuseDay
😮 Samo 2021. prijavljeno je 85 milijuna fotografija i videozapisa seksualnog zlostavljanja djece.
⛔ Možemo i moramo zaustaviti seksualno zlostavljanje djece.
1⃣8⃣.1⃣1⃣. Europski dan #EndChildSexAbuseDay
Više: https://europa.eu/!9XfK7F
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1593287856662847489
👮 Europol works with police around the 🌍 to protect vulnerable children from abuse.
🎙️ Listen to the first episode of The Europol Podcast to learn more about our Victim Identification Task Force & #TraceAnObject website ⤵️
#TraceAnObject #EndChildSexAbuseDay