On November 23, 2022, Israeli forces demolished an elementary school in the Palestinian community of Khirbet a-Safai al-Foqa in Masafer Yatta. Masafer Yatta is an area in the South Hebron Hills of the occupied West Bank. Following the demolition, the residents came together to build temporary classrooms. With resilience, they set up tents for the children to study and learn during the winter. On December 6, Israeli soldiers arrived and destroyed the tents, leaving these children with no school or access to education.
According to the Norwegian Refugee Council, Israel is currently threatening to demolish 57 schools in the occupied West Bank. If these schools are destroyed, over 5,000 Palestinian youth will lose access to education. Demolitions are taking place at an unprecedented rate and thousands of Palestinian residents in Masafer Yatta are facing the imminent threat of forced displacement by Israeli forces.
# SaveMasaferYatta #EndOccupation #FreePalestine #stopDemolitions
#EndOccupation #freepalestine #stopdemolitions
ich werde zum gedenken der #reichspogromnacht an keinen veranstaltungen teilnehmen wo die #hatikva gesungen wird
#reichspogromnacht #hatikva #OneDemocraticPalestine #EndOccupation #freepalestine
kann mir jemand sagen warum KEINE linke orga in münchen mich auf diese demo hingewiesen oder sie auch nur im nachhinein kommentiert hätte??
RT @PalestinSpricht@twitter.com
Ein überwältigendes Video aus #Müchen 😍😍😍🇵🇸
#SaveSheikhJarrah #FreePalestine #EndOccupation https://twitter.com/PalestinSpricht/status/1393196056159080449
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PalestinSpricht/status/1393215300657717249
#Müchen #SaveSheikhJarrah #freepalestine #EndOccupation