What is a simple, quick & dirty method to induce Ca2+ release from the ER in a common cell-line like HEK293T?
I'm looking for something to be a positive control for Ca2+ release, and it needs to be a method that will not require cloning or purchasing an expensive drug.
RT @EmboMolMed
Infancy-onset #diabetes caused by de-regulated AMPylation of the human #EndoplasmicReticulum chaperone BiP
By D. Ron, E. De Franco & colleagues @Cambridge_Uni @UniofExeter
#diabetes #EndoplasmicReticulum #openaccess
Okay #introduction / #introductions time!!
My interests revolve around systems of subcellular organisation, from a #cellbiology and #biophysics perspective. I’m particularly focussed on #MembraneContactSites between organelles in funky cells like #neurons. I use a bunch of #microscopy techniques (#ElectronMicroscopy / #SuperResolution) alongside in vitro reconstitution systems to study contact site biology. The #EndoplasmicReticulum is the best organelle…this is a hill I am prepared to die on.
#introduction #introductions #cellbiology #biophysics #membranecontactsites #neurons #microscopy #ElectronMicroscopy #SuperResolution #EndoplasmicReticulum
So, after lurking here for a couple of days, I realized that hashtags are important here. So here are a few of my interests:
#ribosome #P_bodies #StressGranules
#Transcription #Translation #mRNADegradation
#CellBiology #MolecularBiology
#EndoplasmicReticulum #mitochondria #Peroxisome
#Microscopy #fluorescent #FluorescentProteins
#PeerReview #StaffScientist
#lablife #reproducibility #StaffScientist #PeerReview #FluorescentProteins #fluorescent #microscopy #Peroxisome #mitochondria #EndoplasmicReticulum #TunnelingNanotubes #MolecularBiology #CellBiology #mRNADegradation #translation #transcription #StressGranules #P_bodies #ribosome #mRNALocalization #mRNA #rna