Veteran CBC, Globe & Mail journalist, Rodney Palmer gives second testimony to NCI over media’s role in deception, coercion and manipulation of Canadian public
Rodney Palmer is the only perso
#CBC #Enemypropaganda #Globalist-Mediacomplex #Governmentmediacomplex #NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Twitter
#twitter #NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Governmentmediacomplex #Globalist #Enemypropaganda #CBC
Just a reminder for people who might forget exactly how much the media in Canada is guilty of major crimes
#Enemypropaganda #Globalist-Mediacomplex
Joe Rogan, horrified by CBC agitprop against Freedom
Joe Rogan notices the dialectic tactic of the CBC without naming it specifically. Specifically, what the CBC is doing, is applying Discourse Theory to negate or cancel people who want freedom, by claiming that the word freedom itself, is a dogwhistle for "far right groups. In other words, Freedom is bad
#CBC #Dialectics #Enemypropaganda #Protests
#Protests #Enemypropaganda #Dialectics #CBC
Dutch stage protest against enemy propaganda media, causing the deaths of thousands and thousands
Please see RAIR Foundation for the story details behind this video
A couple of weeks ago, a small protest was held in front of Canada's CBC HQ for the same reasons. Below, is a couple of the speeches given there.
#CBC #Enemypropaganda #Holland
#Holland #Enemypropaganda #CBC
Videos and speeches from protest at CBC & celebration of anniversary of Freedom Convoy
Please read the article and see all the videos at RAIR Foundation. Below, one of the speeches at CBC by Ari:
It was reported the next morning by attendees of the protest, that police waged a sort of charm offensive at the
#CBC #Enemypropaganda #Protests #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #Protests #Enemypropaganda #CBC
Remember this CTV enemy propaganda from this time last year?
This is what CTV calls 'reporting', or, "news". Not sure I remember a debate on that network on whether or not these shots were a good idea.
#Enemypropaganda #vaccines
CTV anchor appears to have a stroke on live TV
CTV, CBC, and Global push the vaxx near constantly and to the best of my knowledge have never once had a person on to challenge the narrative of the safety or effectiveness of them. These networks are dealers of dangerous drugs. Vending machines for Pfizer. Hundreds of thousands of people took the vaxx or refused to push back agai
#Enemypropaganda #vaccines
CBC does its usual dialectic attack on Alberta’s new act disguised as news
The analysis and the analysis of the analysis:
What Premiere Daniele Smith actually said:
#Alberta #Canada #CBC #Enemypropaganda
#Enemypropaganda #CBC #Canada #Alberta
Enemy propaganda at fever pitch
Just two examples of the insultingly obvious degree to which enemy-propaganda is ready to lie to us to enforce a narrative, and make damn sure we know we are being lied to and can't seem to do anything about it.
Let's start with CBC News:
(Watch or don't watch the news clip. Its funnier if you do. I love the part where he makes an analogy to explain
#CBC #Enemypropaganda #vaccines
#vaccines #Enemypropaganda #CBC
Preview of program on recognizing disinformation and propaganda!
This begins Tomorrow at 7:00 PM Eastern (New York-Toronto) time and looks like an excellent use of our time and brain cycles. With Dr. Pierre Kory who is excelent, and Prof. Mark Miller who I don't know anything about yet. But the preview lo
#Covidmeasures #disinformation #disinformationcampaigns #Enemypropaganda #vaccines
#vaccines #Enemypropaganda #disinformationcampaigns #disinformation #Covidmeasures
Two surprising interviews from the protest at the Tamara Lich judgement
These are short and quite interesting. Both shot on Friday, July 8th, 2022. One man was next to the Nazi flag guy at the Freedom Convoy and spoke to him, and another man we spoke to is a municipal councilor for Gatineau Quebec, the city right across the river from Otta
#Enemypropaganda #Islam #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #Islam #Enemypropaganda
Excellent example of the partizan disinformation and propaganda that defines the CBC
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #CBC #Enemypropaganda #vaccines
#vaccines #Enemypropaganda #CBC #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
COMINTERN agency, Euronews deceptively edits NATO chief to placate audience
This is an update to the post from earlier where the European head of NATO appeared to have made some pro-freedom noises. One of our most perceptive readers has sent in the following comment about this video, which changes its context by 180 degrees.
#Communism #Enemypropaganda #Globalist-Mediacomplex
#Globalist #Enemypropaganda #Communism
Global News doing the Winston Smith against veteran, James Topp
As some of you may know, James Topp, the Veteran who is walking his way to Ottawa from Vancouver, was reported by Global News thusly:
Canadian soldier charged for speaking against COVID-19 vaccine mandate in uniform
A Canadian soldier who publicly spoke out against federal vaccine requirements while in u
How CBC worked with a scam artist to try and defame the Freedom Convoy by narrative attacks
This is an important story by Rebel News journalist, Alexandra Lavoie. She busts the COMINTERN enemy propaganda media machine, CBC, for conspiring with a scam artist to push a critical-theory narrative, what Stephen Coughlin would
#CBC #Enemypropaganda #ExposingLeftism
#ExposingLeftism #Enemypropaganda #CBC
How flawed data has driven the narrative (From respected expert to cancelled)
"Every war in the past 50 years has been caused by media lies" - Julian Assange
This war was against us. But it was started and won by the same means.
#Covidmeasures #Enemypropaganda
#Enemypropaganda #Covidmeasures
Why Canadians do not, and should not, trust government or law enforcement
The language was also deceptive. Notice that the inserted police chief managed to wedge in the word, "Occupation" with reference to the protest in Ottawa. By tha
#Enemypropaganda #ExposingLeftism #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #ExposingLeftism #Enemypropaganda
Project Veritas: Part II of the NYT propagandist and narrative fabricator explains how the Times does its job
No surprise he won a Pulitzer. That prize is reserved for people who are no threat to the powerful, and spin the narrative to advance their agendas.
#Enemypropaganda #ProjectVeritas
#ProjectVeritas #Enemypropaganda
Project Veritas: Pulitzer Prize Winning New York Times Reporter: January 6 Media Coverage ‘Overreaction,’ FBI Involved, Event Was Not Organized Despite Ongoing Narrative
#corruptUSleftists #Enemypropaganda #Governmentmediacomplex #Mediabias
#Mediabias #Governmentmediacomplex #Enemypropaganda #corruptUSleftists
All things concerning the Russia Ukraine war for February 27, 2022
Please check the comments under this post as that is where most of the substance will be. Some materials will make their way into the post though, so check back now and again.
1. NATO Secretary General Warns Russia of ‘Article 5’ Counter Attack
Jens Stoltenberg, the S
#Enemypropaganda #Outandoutwar #Russia #Ukraine
#Ukraine #Russia #Outandoutwar #Enemypropaganda