To all people using #EnergizedProtection filters: As their website is down (energized.pro), we are currently running an unofficial #mirror. Some rules are missing, but the essential is here.
Find the filters here: https://codeberg.org/tblock/EnergizedProtectionFilters
If you are a #TBlock user, you can #update now to the newest version (1.3.0) to be able to use filter mirrors.
#EnergizedProtection #mirror #tblock #update
📬Scam: Falsche Virenwarnungen locken in die Kostenfalle📬 https://tarnkappe.info/scam-falsche-virenwarnungen-locken-in-die-kostenfalle/ #EnergizedProtection #filecrypt.cc #uBlockOrigin #Microsoft #HostsMan #Artikel #Malware #windows #Betrug #Virus #Scam
#EnergizedProtection #HostsMan #artikel #malware #windows #betrug #virus #scam #filecrypt #ublockorigin #microsoft