RT @PEAKapp_EU: 🎙 The interview of our partner Johannesl Slacit from @jkulinz for #enliteurope is now available! Click ⬇ for more!
#energycommunities #energydemocracy #localenergysystems #activeconsumers #ecrew #h2020energy #H2020
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1625514762263052288
#EnlitEurope #energycommunities #EnergyDemocracy #localenergysystems #activeconsumers #ecrew #H2020Energy #H2020
RT @SocialRESeu: Our last moment together: #SocialRES review meeting was a success!
Thanks to all the partners and to CINEA @cleanenergy_EU for the great teamwork.
Together we make energy! #energydemocracy #energytransition
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1622573446424154113
#SocialRES #EnergyDemocracy #EnergyTransition
RT @MplsEnergyOpts
Community Power is hiring two Co-Directors to build energy justice & democracy in MN! Both positions are cross-listed - check it out and share with Minnesotans (or soon-to-be Minnesotans) you know! #hiring #energydemocracy #communitypower https://ideali.st/cHY62Q
#hiring #EnergyDemocracy #communitypower
RT @energycities: If not us, who else? 💪We join forces with citizens to make #energycommunities the ‘new normal’! Watch out for our updates over the next 3 years in the frame of the #LifeLoopEU project ➡️https://energy-cities.eu/project/lifeloop/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euenergyweek/status/1600458202948067334
#energycommunities #LifeLoopEU #EnergyDemocracy
A key feature of the #EnergyTransition is citizens & communities claiming rights and roles that earlier were available only to large energy corporations & utilities. #EnergyCommunities promote #EnergyDemocracy and help avoid energy crises in future.
#EnergyDemocracy #energycommunities #energytransition
RT @euenergyweek: ⚡️Introducing the finalists of #EUSEW2022 Local Energy Action category!
http://minoanenergy.com is an energy cooperative fully funding a Photovoltaic Plant of 405 kWp & promoting #EnergyDemocracy.
🏆 Vote now 👉🏿 https://interactive.eusew.eu/awards-public-vote?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=posts&utm_campaign=awards22
@EEAthina @EDIC_Crete @NowHeraklion
⚡️Introducing the finalists of #EUSEW2022 Local Energy Action category!
http://minoanenergy.com is an energy cooperative fully funding a Photovoltaic Plant of 405 kWp & promoting #EnergyDemocracy.
🏆 Vote now 👉🏿 http://bit.ly/EUSEWvote
@EEAthina @EDIC_Crete @NowHeraklion
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/euenergyweek/status/1562746912813432832
The @WIPRenewables #EU funded @SocialRESeu project empowers citizens in the #renewableenergy market of the future through #energydemocracy
🇪🇺 https://europa.eu/!YWtmPy
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1547513735408848896
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #EU #renewableenergy #EnergyDemocracy
RT @solarthermal: What are rural #EnergyCommunities? Find that out in this interesting launch event by @eumayors on June 17!
#renewables #EnergyTransition #EnergyDemocracy
#energycommunities #renewables #EnergyTransition #EnergyDemocracy
RT @REScoopEU: ‼️ Today the @europarl_en failed to find common ground for the revision of #ETS, also moving the vote for the #SocialClimateFund to September.
We need a #JustTransition now!
Read our position 👉https://www.rescoop.eu/toolbox/making-sure-fit-for-55-is-fit-for-a-just-energy-transition
#Fitfor55 #ETS2 #EnergyCrisis #EnergyDemocracy
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/catherinemep/status/1534938249872957442
#ETS #socialclimatefund #JustTransition #Fitfor55 #ETS2 #EnergyCrisis #EnergyDemocracy