RT Energy4Europe 🇪🇺
The Commission organises a workshop on 19 September on how legislation can help mobilise investments in #EnergyRenovation 🏗️🏢👷🏽.
The event is fully virtual - register by 10/9 to participate 👉🏽 https://europa.eu/!h4BJm8
#EPBD #energyefficiency #REPowerEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1697510011243548864
#energyrenovation #EPBD #EnergyEfficiency #REPowerEU
RT Energy4Europe 🇪🇺
Strengthened #EnergyEfficiency for a greener 🇪🇺
The EU took a significant stride towards its energy ⚡️ and climate policy objectives - by reforming the Energy Efficiency Directive.
Read more 👉http://europa.eu/!mmpt8x
#Fitfor55 #EUGreenDeal
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1691712867433648315
#EnergyEfficiency #Fitfor55 #EUGreenDeal
Summer, sun and holidays...😎🌅 What better time to read and broaden your horizon? Check out our Blog to learn more about research in the context of #DigitalScience: https://www.uibk.ac.at/disc/blog/
Recent entries deal with ventilation of buildings and medieval mining.
#digitalscience #EnergyEfficiency #KnowledgeGraphs
RT Energy4Europe 🇪🇺
📍 The @eumayors investment forum 2023 wil take place on 25 October.
Learn from successful projects in the #EnergyTransition, financing #EnergyEfficiency, and driving investments in home renovation. 🏡
More info 👉 https://europa.eu/!qjRbY7
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1688858022511022081
#EnergyTransition #EnergyEfficiency #invest4cities
RT LIFE Programme
📢 Share your thoughts!
The mid-term evaluation of the #LIFEprogramme is now open!
Give your feedback now 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1688464487903383552
#LIFEprogramme #EnergyEfficiency #LIFEprojects #Natura2000 #CircularEconomy #ClimateAction
Better understanding would help owners, construction contractors see advantages of renovating their houses and other buildings to improve #energyefficiency. This would help boost a shift in the building sector to #carbonneutrality
#EEABriefing: https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/newsroom/news/how-can-building-owners
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUEnvironment/status/1684848465988198400
#EnergyEfficiency #carbonneutrality #EEAbriefing
Did you know that old buildings equipped with better insulation or thicker windows
🔵need less gas/electricity
🔵have a lower environmental impact?
At the EU Bank, we invest in #EnergyEfficiency retrofitting across the EU to make older builds sustainable ➡️bit.ly/47b43QY
Did you know that old buildings equipped with better insulation or thicker windows
🔵need less gas/electricity
🔵have a lower environmental impact?
At the EU Bank, we invest in #EnergyEfficiency retrofitting across the EU to make older builds sustainable ➡️http://bit.ly/47b43QY
Another milestone has been achieved today towards completing the #FitFor55 objectives.
Our increased ambition & measures on #energyefficiency will accelerate #energytransition.
EU’s #securityofsupply will be boosted & dependency on 🇷🇺 fossil fuels will further decrease.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Energy4Europe 🇪🇺: Another #Fitfor55 milestone has been achieved today with the final approval of the revised
#EnergyEfficiency ⚡️ Directive
It is part of the legislative package to reduce EU 🇪🇺greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.
More ➡️ https://europa.eu/!mmpt8x #EUGreenDeal
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KadriSimson/status/1683766631237910528
#Fitfor55 #EnergyEfficiency #EnergyTransition #securityofsupply #EUGreenDeal
The @EUCouncil adopted the #energyefficiency directive today. ⚡️
Member states will collectively ensure a reduction of final energy consumption of at least 11.7% in 2030, compared with the energy consumption forecasts for 2030 made in 2020.
Read more 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCouncilPress/status/1683755606371446784
Wir begrüßen die endgültige Einigung von @EUCouncil & @Europarl_DE auf
⚡️ höhere Energieeffizienzziele
🛳️ Förderung von nachhaltigen Kraftstoffen für die Schifffahrt
🚗 bessere Infrastruktur für Fahrzeuge mit alternativen Kraftstoffen
Mehr dazu: http://europa.eu/!nckpKP
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Kadri Simson: Another milestone has been achieved today towards completing the #FitFor55 objectives.
Our increased ambition & measures on #energyefficiency will accelerate #energytransition.
EU’s #securityofsupply will be boosted & dependency on 🇷🇺 fossil fuels will further decrease.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinDE/status/1683831972034932737
#Fitfor55 #EnergyEfficiency #EnergyTransition #securityofsupply
📢Have you ever heard about ELENA?
The EIB - EU Commission European Local ENergy Assistance facility offers technical support for #EnergyEfficiency & #RenewableEnergy investment in buildings & sustainable urban transport.
Explore our energy projects⚡ bit.ly/3DlR7tR
#EnergyEfficiency #renewableenergy
RT Energy4Europe 🇪🇺
Another #Fitfor55 milestone has been achieved today with the final approval of the revised
#EnergyEfficiency ⚡️ Directive
It is part of the legislative package to reduce EU 🇪🇺greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.
More ➡️ https://europa.eu/!mmpt8x #EUGreenDeal
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1683765082042384385
#Fitfor55 #EnergyEfficiency #EUGreenDeal
Laura is a project manager specialising in energy and sustainability consultancy in 🇫🇷.
She advises companies & industries 🏭on leveraging #energyefficiency, #decarbonisation and sustainable practices for long-term success.
Watch the 2 min video 📹 https://europa.eu/!9rVPJk
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1683839528237256704
#EnergyEfficiency #decarbonisation
Florian is working in a German 🇩🇪 laboratory where he tests domestic lighting and other electronic consumer products to ensure compliance with #EUEcodesign and #energylabel rules.
Watch the 2 minute video and learn more 👉 https://europa.eu/!9rVPJk
#EnergyEfficiency #REPowerEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1684081116544634881
#EUecodesign #energylabel #EnergyEfficiency #REPowerEU
The EU is proposing to triple the globate rate of deployment of #renewableenergy & to double the rate of #energyefficiency improvements this decade.
I met Bruce Douglas, CEO @GRA_Renewables, to discuss the way forward & to emphasize the importance of having the industry onboard. https://t.co/8qiXML23dQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KadriSimson/status/1682436260747681797
#renewableenergy #EnergyEfficiency
It was a special honour to officially open O Donovan Rossa Community hall in Skibbereen today. Great use of #Leader funding & incorporating #energyefficiency in it’s construction. For football, swimming, rugby or rowing, none better than Skib.! @RossaGAA https://t.co/AKZeTWHQOR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SeanKellyMEP/status/1682458283741683712
Looking for buildings 🏢 and data 📈?
The EU Building Stock Observatory provides information on #buildings, #energyefficiency, ⚡️ consumption and shortly - there will be more !
Explore the #EUBSO webtool ➡️ https://europa.eu/!PbwjDN https://t.co/IxuaeRw9aE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1682001517727940608
#buildings #EnergyEfficiency #EUBSO
What's #EnergyEfficiency retrofitting?
Old homes equipped with better insulation or thicker windows
🔵need less gas/electricity
🔵have a low environmental impact.
An example of EIB-supported retrofitting: making the University of Medicine in Târgu Mureş, Romania more sustainable.
The EU & US cooperation in energy has grown closer over the past few years in the #energycrisis.
In my meeting today with @SecGranholm we discussed the road to #COP28 & mainly the need to increase global targets for #renewableenergy & #energyefficiency. We have no time to lose. https://t.co/Yexh3qNtF2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KadriSimson/status/1682270371184095232
#EnergyCrisis #COP28 #renewableenergy #EnergyEfficiency