This smells like bullshit to me but of course they haven't linked to the study so it's impossible to judge. Does anyone in the #Energy #EnergyEfficientHomes #EnergyEffiency #HomeHeating communities know what this is all about?
#energy #EnergyEfficientHomes #energyeffiency #homeheating
I’m getting new double glazing in the upstairs windows today. They were over 20 years old and had deteriorated significantly.
I think our government should help people to insulate their homes properly when they can’t afford to do so themselves.
#Sustainability #EnergyEfficientHomes #SavingHeat (hopefully) #SavingMoney #ReducingCO2Emissions #ClimateCrisis #CostOfLivingCrisis #InsulateBritain #ResponsibleGovernment
#sustainability #EnergyEfficientHomes #SavingHeat #savingmoney #ReducingCO2Emissions #ClimateCrisis #Costoflivingcrisis #InsulateBritain #ResponsibleGovernment