#StopCopCity says zepp from #Atlanta transplanted to #Baltimore to fight for #EnergyJustice
#StopCopCity #atlanta #baltimore #EnergyJustice
#FERCtoFREC #NoFalseSolutions #EnergyJustice #LandBack #ReparationsNow #KeepItInTheGround #BernieSanders #ElizabethWarren
Three years ago, as Presidential candidates, Senators Sanders and Warren publicly endorsed the idea of changing the broken and corrupt Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) into a Federal Renewable Energy Commission — FREC. Today their leadership is needed again as lead sponsors of our FERC to FREC legislation.
Can you join me in calling on them to introduce the FERC to FREC bill? Click here: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/tell-senators-sanders-and-warren-its-time-to-introduce-ferc-to-frec-legislation?source=email&
#FercToFrec #NoFalseSolutions #EnergyJustice #landback #ReparationsNow #keepitintheground #berniesanders #elizabethwarren
#FERCtoFREC #EnergyJustice #ClimateEmergency #KeepItInTheGround #NoFalseSolutions
Stop Joe Manchin's FERC
January 19th, 9AM at the FERC office
(888 First St NE, Washington, DC 20002)
Corrupt coal baron, Senator Joe Manchin, now effectively controls FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. On the morning of January 19th, when the FERC commissioners have their monthly meeting, we will take action in front of the FERC DC headquarters in DC demanding that Manchin be removed as head of the Senate committee which oversees FERC.
FERC needs to stop being a rubber stamp agency for the methane gas industry. Yet last March, after FERC under the leadership of Richard Glick had begun to take steps toward reform, Manchin used his power to stop it, in collaboration with other FERC commissioners.
Since Manchin began to pressure FERC decisions- FERC has approved natural gas projects that amount to a cumulative 282,866,661 metric tons of C02 a year.
Or to put it another way:
-76 coal plants
- 6 Mountain Valley Pipelines
- 1,561,936 Rail Carts of Coal
-60,949,062 Gas Powered Cars Driving for 1 Year
We will soon be releasing a full report detailing the impact of Manchin's manipulation of FERC.
Then, after President Biden in September nominated Glick for a second term, Manchin refused to hold a hearing on that nomination, so Glick is now gone.
Congress needs to pass legislation to replace FERC with a Federal RENEWABLE Energy Commission, FREC, which would lead the urgently-needed shift off of fossil fuels to clean renewables, with environmental justice for low wealth and people of color communities most impacted by the production and burning of fossil fuels. Until that happens we demand Senator Chuck Schumer replace Manchin, we commit to supporting continued grassroots resistance to all new fossil fuel expansion projects, and we call upon employees of FERC to resist this new Manchin FERC.
Manchin Must Go!
FERC Must Be Resisted and Replaced!
This action is initiated by Beyond Extreme Energy (BXE).
For more info email: actions@beyondextremeenergy.org.
#FercToFrec #EnergyJustice #climateemergency #keepitintheground #NoFalseSolutions
#FERCtoFREC #ClimateEmergency #EnergyJustice #KeepItInTheGround #NoFalseSolutions
Stop Joe Manchin's FERC
January 19th, 9AM at the FERC office
(888 First St NE, Washington, DC 20002)
Register Here: https://tinyurl.com/2hjncyw8
Corrupt coal baron, Senator Joe Manchin, now effectively controls FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. On the morning of January 19th, when the FERC commissioners have their monthly meeting, we will take action in front of the FERC DC headquarters in DC demanding that Manchin be removed as head of the Senate committee which oversees FERC.
FERC needs to stop being a rubber stamp agency for the methane gas industry. Yet last March, after FERC under the leadership of Richard Glick had begun to take steps toward reform, Manchin used his power to stop it, in collaboration with other FERC commissioners.
Since Manchin began to pressure FERC decisions- FERC has approved natural gas projects that amount to a cumulative 282,866,661 metric tons of C02 a year.
Or to put it another way:
-76 coal plants
- 6 Mountain Valley Pipelines
- 1,561,936 Rail Carts of Coal
-60,949,062 Gas Powered Cars Driving for 1 Year
We will soon be releasing a full report detailing the impact of Manchin's manipulation of FERC.
Then, after President Biden in September nominated Glick for a second term, Manchin refused to hold a hearing on that nomination, so Glick is now gone.
Congress needs to pass legislation to replace FERC with a Federal RENEWABLE Energy Commission, FREC, which would lead the urgently-needed shift off of fossil fuels to clean renewables, with environmental justice for low wealth and people of color communities most impacted by the production and burning of fossil fuels. Until that happens we demand Senator Chuck Schumer replace Manchin, we commit to supporting continued grassroots resistance to all new fossil fuel expansion projects, and we call upon employees of FERC to resist this new Manchin FERC.
Manchin Must Go!
FERC Must Be Resisted and Replaced!
This action is initiated by Beyond Extreme Energy (BXE).
For more info email: actions@beyondextremeenergy.org
#FercToFrec #climateemergency #EnergyJustice #keepitintheground #NoFalseSolutions
House rule vote on attaching #DirtyDeal to #NDAA tomorrow morning!
I just called my Senator, Representative, & Speaker Pelosi to urge them to block Senator Manchin’s #DirtyDeal. Please join me! Call 917-791-2257, (888) 997-5380, & (202) 225-4965 & use the script below 👇. #PeoplevsFossilFuels
“Hi, my name is ____, & I’m from ____. As your constituent I’m urging you to vote NO on any rule that would advance Senator Manchin’s dirty permitting deal. I'm deeply concerned about any legislation that would fast-track fossil fuel projects and undermine our ability to give input on new energy projects.”
#ClimateEmergency #EnergyJustice #NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP #PeopleVsFossilFuels
#DirtyDeal #ndaa #PeopleVsFossilFuels #climateemergency #EnergyJustice #NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP