Energija iz obnovljivih virov bo v prihodnje vse bolj običajna oblika energije za vse nas.
Z 🆕 #EnergyMarketDesign bomo bolje zaščitili potrošnike⚡ pred nestanovitnimi cenami.
Uvaja tudi nove pravice za potrošnike ter obveznosti za države EU in dobavitelje energije. 🔗👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1636321119752933382
The new #EnergyMarketDesign proposal aims to better protect & empower #EUConsumers from volatile #energyprices.
It also introduces new rights for consumers and obligations for EU countries and energy suppliers. Learn more 👇🏼
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1635680933134123010
#EnergyMarketDesign #EUconsumers #energyprices
Today, Commissioner @KadriSimson and the EU27 Ministers will discuss the future of energy ⚡️ at the Informal telecommunications, transport & energy meeting in Stockholm 🇸🇪.
Agenda: https://europa.eu/!nhbjyw
#EnergyMarketDesign #securityofsupply #fitfor55
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1630127568950108161
#EnergyMarketDesign #securityofsupply #Fitfor55