RT @ICLEI_energy: Only three days left to register for our online discussion with @Energy4Europe's @EnergyRuud & @hydrogeneurope.
On the agenda: #EU hydrogen policy + ensuring regional & #climate benefits of #renewable #hydrogen for #local & #regional #energytransitions!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eumayors/status/1637827320097406976
#EU #climate #renewable #Hydrogen #local #regional #EnergyTransitions
Raser le seul truc qui capte le carbone, qui offre un dernier refuge à la biodiversité, et appeler ça “énergie renouvelable” : Il faut que ça CESSE ! 😬
#foret #ecologie #capitalisme #storytelling #energie #partagercestsympa #EnergyTransitions
#EnergyTransitions #partagercestsympa #energie #storytelling #capitalisme #ecologie #foret
How can communities achieve #climate goals without leaving people behind? If you're based in #Cornwall, come along to this event to find out. Jan 26, Wadebridge.
Either, please boost!
#JustTransition #EnergyTransitions #climatechange #energymastodon
#climate #cornwall #justtransition #EnergyTransitions #ClimateChange #energymastodon
#Energytransitions, by their very nature, create winners and losers. It's not surprising then to see industries who are destined to lose actively resist change.
Todays #propane story from the US and ongoing #hydrogen for #heat debates in the UK demonstrate the tenacity of industries going through existential crises.
Classic paper from Frank Geels calling for a shift in attention from growth in sustainable innovations towards destabilization of #FossilFuel regimes:
#EnergyTransitions #propane #hydrogen #heat #fossilfuel
RT @T_Krawchenko@twitter.com
I recently gave a public talk on just #EnergyTransitions through @uviccontinuing@twitter.com. One of the attendees made the argument that Canada shouldn't bother decarbonizing because we're not a large net GHG contributor.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/T_Krawchenko/status/1601281900102184961
Consommation d’électricité et son intensité carbone en #suisse. 🔌
Si l'intensité carbone de la production en suisse est plutôt bonne, son intermittence nous rend dépendent d'énergie moins propre comme celle de l'Allemagne qui utilise encor beaucoup de #charbon. 🤔
#IntensitéCarbone #Énergie #co2 #decroissance #ecologie #EnergyTransitions
#EnergyTransitions #ecologie #decroissance #co2 #energie #intensitecarbone #charbon #suisse
Les plus grands #producteurs de cuivre au monde 😅
L'homme dépend du #cuivre depuis la préhistoire. Il s'agit d'un métal majeur qui a de nombreuses applications grâce à sa grande ductilité, sa malléabilité et sa conductivité électrique.
De nombreuses nouvelles technologies essentielles à la lutte contre le #changementclimatique comme les panneaux #solaires et les #éoliennes, reposent sur ce métal.
#visualcapitalist #data #decroissance #Chili #Pérou #Chine #RDCongo #EnergyTransitions
#EnergyTransitions #rdcongo #chine #perou #chili #decroissance #data #visualcapitalist #eoliennes #solaires #changementclimatique #cuivre #producteurs
D'où vient tout ce CO₂ ? 🙄
La population mondiale émet environ 34 milliards de tonnes de #CO2 chaque année.
Ce graphique cartographie les émissions de carbone dans le monde, en utilisant les données de 2018 de la Commission européenne.
Ce type de visualisation nous permet de voir les centres de population, mais aussi les trajectoires de vol, les voies de navigation et les zones de forte production.
#PythonMaps #visualcapitalist #data #ecologie #decroissance #EnergyTransitions #globalwarming
#globalwarming #EnergyTransitions #decroissance #ecologie #data #visualcapitalist #pythonmaps #co2
Les plus grands #producteurs de cuivre au monde 😅
L'homme dépend du #cuivre depuis la préhistoire. Il s'agit d'un métal majeur qui a de nombreuses applications grâce à sa grande ductilité, sa malléabilité et sa conductivité électrique.
De nombreuses nouvelles technologies essentielles à la lutte contre le #changementclimatique comme les panneaux #solaires et les #éoliennes, reposent sur ce métal.
#visualcapitalist #data #decroissance #Chili #Pérou #Chine #RDCongo #EnergyTransitions
#producteurs #cuivre #changementclimatique #solaires #eoliennes #visualcapitalist #data #decroissance #chili #perou #chine #rdcongo #EnergyTransitions
La population mondiale émet environ 34 milliards de tonnes de #CO₂ chaque année.
D'où vient tout ce CO₂ ? 🙄
Ce graphique cartographie les émissions de carbone dans le monde, en utilisant les données de 2018 de la Commission européenne.
Ce type de visualisation nous permet de voir les centres de population, mais aussi les trajectoires de vol, les voies de navigation et les zones de forte production.
#PythonMaps #visualcapitalist #data #ecologie #decroissance #EnergyTransitions #globalwarming
#co #pythonmaps #visualcapitalist #data #ecologie #decroissance #EnergyTransitions #globalwarming
New article 📢: illustrating the missing links between #justice, #responsiblesourcing & #energytransitions & more efforts are required to bridge that gap in #research & #policy. Congrats @Mariethereskügerl @BOKUvienna @re_sourcing @SUMEXproject
#justice #responsiblesourcing #EnergyTransitions #research #policy
Hi everyone, new server #introduction post!
I'm a researcher at #IIASA working on #energyaccess, #decentlivingstandards and equitable #energytransitions predominantly for communities in the global South. I mainly work with #rstats.
I apply #econometric methods to describe #inequities and understand the effects of #policy intervention. I also sometimes use #spatial methods to map things.
The threads on #econtwitter were/are incredibly helpful to my research and I look forward more here!
#introduction #iiasa #EnergyAccess #decentlivingstandards #EnergyTransitions #rstats #econometric #inequities #policy #spatial #econtwitter
#renewables #energy #EnergyTransitions #EnergyPolicy Great podcast about the energy situation in Germany and the future direction it needs to take. Lessons for Australia too. https://open.substack.com/pub/davidroberts/p/germanys-current-energy-situation?utm_source=direct&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
#renewables #energy #EnergyTransitions #Energypolicy
RT @flacamera: Great to speak at #EUEnergyDay & co-host a #COP27 session on how #renewable hydrogen trade can fuel #energytransitions.
I value the close cooperation w/ #Egypt & the @EU_Commission. @IRENA’s upcoming work will support the implementation of the #EU’s 2030 climate & energy goals.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1592201657995362304
#EUEnergyDay #COP27 #renewable #EnergyTransitions #Egypt #EU
RT @TRAJECTS_Centre@twitter.com
The book aims at familiarizing people from various disciplines with a better understanding of how local communities in #coal-mining territories in #Colombia envision just #energytransitions at a local/national level, which are truly inclusive and #democratic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TRAJECTS_Centre/status/1590023060480200705
#coal #colombia #EnergyTransitions #democratic
RT @cinea_EU: 🔎 #H2020Energy #Projectspotlight✨
@SONNET_energy brought diverse groups to make sense of #SocialInnovation in #EnergyTransitions
🗞️ https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/442272-getting-people-on-board-the-energy-transition?WT.mc_id=exp
🖥️ https://sonnet-energy.eu/
📽️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSDp08Hd4bM&feature=youtu.be
📸Promxima Studio/Shutterstock.com
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1588123065359253505
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #SocialInnovation #EnergyTransitions #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
🔎 #H2020Energy #Projectspotlight✨
@SONNET_energy brought diverse groups to make sense of #SocialInnovation in #EnergyTransitions
🗞️ https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/442272-getting-people-on-board-the-energy-transition?WT.mc_id=exp
🖥️ https://sonnet-energy.eu/
📽️ https://youtu.be/nSDp08Hd4bM
📸Promxima Studio/Shutterstock.com
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #SocialInnovation #EnergyTransitions #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
At today's 24th @IRENA Council in AbuDhabi we reaffirmed the #EU’s commitment to #ClimateAction & #EnergyTransitions, focusing on #SolarEnergy & the 🇪🇺 #Hydrogen Strategy.
This is part of the #EUGreenDeal to be the first climate neutral continent by 2050. https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en
#EU #ClimateAction #EnergyTransitions #solarenergy #Hydrogen #EUGreenDeal
Today V-P @TimmermansEU and Commissioner @KadriSimson participate in the G20 #EnergyTransitions ⚡️ Ministerial Meeting in Bali🇮🇩. https://europa.eu/!8VyW9p
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1565600118543450114
Burning Buried Sunshine: Human Consumption of Ancient Solar Energy
Jeffrey S. Dukes1
Climatic Change volume 61, pages 31–44 (2003)
Fossil fuels developed from ancient deposits of organic material, and thus can be thought of as a vast store of solar energy from which society meets >80% of its current energy needs. Here, using published biological, geochemical, and industrial data, I estimate the amount of photosynthetically fixed and stored carbon that was required to form the coal, oil, and gas that we are burning today. Today's average U.S. Gallon (3.8 L) of gasoline required approximately 90 metric tons of ancient plant matter as precursor material. The fossil fuels burned in 1997 were created from organic matter containing 44 × 1018 g C, which is>400 times the net primary productivity (NPP) of the planet's current biota. As stores of ancient solar energy decline, humans are likely to use an increasing share of modern solar resources. I conservatively estimate that replacing the energy humans derive from fossil fuels with energy from modern biomass would require 22% of terrestrial NPP, increasing the human appropriation of this resource by ∼50%.
Dukes's article has singlehandedly done more than any other source to shape my thinking on energy, finite resources, renewables, and the fundamental failure of economic markets to rationally price production. Largely toward pessimism.
The buried lede is that we're consuming petroleum and natural gas at 5 million times their rate of formation. In about 200 years we'll have drawn down an inheritance accumulated over 400 million years, effectively accounting for bank withdrawals based on the cost of printing cheques written against it.
As cheap energy is presumed for all economic productiion functions, and cost accounting ignores natural capital, this is a tremendous bias at the very core of all market pricing mechanisms. The system is based on a lie.
The numbers also reveal just how rocky the process of moving off fossil fuels will be, whether that's a planned sustainable migration to renewable/carbon-neutral sources or something more catastrophic. The magnitudes involved are tremendous, specific qualities of energy sources hugely significant, and glib expectations that a few windmills, solar panels, and dams scattered across the landscape will be sufficient tremendously naive. (Of other renewable options, only geothermal offers any plausible scale, much of which is already exploited. And there's the troublesome prospect of nuclear power.)
Author Vaclav Smil (see below) describes oil wells as punctiform. They are literally holes in the ground from which modern civilisation has spouted, more effectively than any djin pouring forth from a lamp. Renewable resources are (mostly) expansive: they capture or harness energy diffusely incident over vast areas, measured in watts per square meter.
The paper pairs well with deeper contexts. Ironically, petroleum apologist Daniel Yergin's The Prize (1992) does a phenomenal job of conveying just how completely transformative oil was for humanity. Vaclav Smil's Energy and Civilization (2018) quantifies the impacts and mechanisms of past energy transitions. The economic piece has yet to be written, though Herman Daly, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Robert U. Ayres, and Steve Keen have provided significant bits. Possibly Mariana Mazzucato's work on value also.
#energy #climateChange #fossilFuels #JeffreySDukes #EnergyTransitions #Limits #LimitsToGrowth #economics
#energy #climatechange #fossilfuels #JeffreySDukes #EnergyTransitions #limits #limitstogrowth #economics