Jeroen SZ 🦣 · @JeroenSH
282 followers · 272 posts · Server

I made a lot of progress with my depression these past weeks and am finally motivated to read and write again.
I've started writing an a long time ago, to cope with what I've been through, but also to release it one day.

I'd love to let other people contribute chapters to my book. Essays on various topics that come up in my story.

So now I'm asking you all, if there is anyone who could think of writing such an essay for me, because you are affected by the topic yourself, or are an expert in the field.
Or if you know someone, who would be perfect for that topic.

Here are a few of the topics:

( @ueckueck, you said you might write that one, still interested?)

There are other topics as well, but I already have people in mind who I'll directly ask to write essays about them; especially topics around .

The essays should be at least 2-5 pages long and provide a general gist about the topic, but ideally also contain something personal, like what the topic means to you.
Written in or .

Preliminary deadline is summer '24, but a lot can change until then and if you need longer, don't worry.

Please :boost: . Thanks. ❤️

#autobiography #depression #genderidentity #asexuality #SurveillanceCapitalism #Fediverse #SocialPhobia #wtfromance #selfharm #suicidality #ClimateJustice #English #german #boost #author #book #writing #Essay #FollowerPower

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr. Mary Dockray-Miller · @MDockrayMiller
109 followers · 397 posts · Server

Yes, this radio station actually did want me to talk about regional/local dialects (!!??)

#English #hel #language

Last updated 1 year ago

Sascha Wolfer · @sascha_wolfer
544 followers · 403 posts · Server

In a previous corpus-linguistic study (, we found that built only with 'native' material are accepted faster into the German language than from .

Back then, we operationalized 'acceptance into the language' by the amount of 'flagging' (use of linguistic markers, e.g. quotes or "so-called").

#English #loanwords #language #neologisms

Last updated 1 year ago

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) · @hongminhee
259 followers · 2068 posts · Server

I've always read as “aitch tee tee pee” and used “an” to prefix an indefinite article to HTTP, but today I saw a sentence with “a HTTP.” Is there a different way to read it among native speakers?

#HTTP #English

Last updated 1 year ago

chef 😎 · @ruedi
770 followers · 13688 posts · Server

Not so easy in German....

Der Computer (male: the computer)
Die Spülmaschine (female: the dishwasher)
Das Betriebssystem (neuter: the operating system)

Damn those articles. 😩 😅

#language #Sprache #grammar #grammatik #English #german

Last updated 1 year ago Sex Anzeigen · @Ladies_DE
32 followers · 7421 posts · Server
Neverfadingwood 🇺🇦 · @Neverfadingwood
629 followers · 7913 posts · Server

Excellent video on "difficult" varieties of Well worth a watch.

#English #language #linguistics

Last updated 1 year ago

gargle · @gargle
5 followers · 3 posts · Server

So happy to see posts in , , , , and more on! What a relief.

#German #French #Spanish #English

Last updated 1 year ago

Dasha Dayter · @Coocho
343 followers · 502 posts · Server

Is there a word in English that you’ve always wanted to use but never found a chance?

I’ll go first: mellifluous

(And that’s me who manages to regularly use things like “artifact” or “onomatopoeia” in non-academic conversation)

#English #language #languagelover #languagenerd

Last updated 1 year ago

Tab Combs · @DrTCombs
1996 followers · 1548 posts · Server

Fedi-brain-hive, I need you once again.

Is there an that means "to make permanent?" Essentially, I need the word "permanentize" to exist, but evidently it does not. Surely another word exists in its stead?

Please ! This problem has been vexing me for over three years (since I began tracking the way cities changed their street space during the pandemic and whether or not those changes were permanentized).

I'm so tired of writing "were made permanent."

#English #word #help #language

Last updated 1 year ago

Rita Singer · @_bydbach_
147 followers · 604 posts · Server

I work as the Community Outreach Officer for the Welsh Dictionary of Biography, more collquially called the , at the . Our goal is to close representational gaps and set the Dictionary on a course of recording the diverse lives of historical Welsh people in all their facets.

Otherwise, I'm working on mostly from the long , so there is lots of overspill into and , and of this small nation. Other research interests include , particularly illustrated accounts and the history of the . For recent projects, I've undertaken some work and community outreach about , German submarine warfare and its effects on Welsh communities.

I share longer on my blog:

Toots will be mostly in , but occasionally also in and .

#introduction #bywgraffiadur #NationalLibraryofWales #WelshWritingInEnglish #c19 #romanticlit #EdwardianLit #culturalheritage #history #travelwriting #VisitorsBook #publichistory #portheritage #ww1 #workinprogress #English #Deutsch #cymraeg

Last updated 1 year ago

Carmen Bianca BAKKER · @carmenbianca
104 followers · 226 posts · Server

@Linux_Is_Best Honestly just blame the language. There's no consistency for compound words (or anything for that matter). 'Fire brigade' but 'firefighter'. 'Head lice' but 'headrest'. 'Bike lane' but 'bikeway'.

Amusingly, in , where all compound words are closed, there's a phenomenon called 'English disease' or 'spatitis', where compound words are wrongly opened. 'Fietswiel' becomes 'fiets wiel' (bike wheel). The influence of the English language is often blamed for this, but I'm more wont to blame American programmers. Search engines are rubbish for closed compound words, and spell[ ?]check can't deal with slightly rare closed compound words either. Never mind phone keyboards, where it's always hit-or-miss whether the word you just fat-fingered exists in the phone's dictionary.

The digital age was designed for English first and foremost, and all new digital technology must necessarily flow through English _first_, and I hate it.

#English #dutch #i18n

Last updated 1 year ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
2028 followers · 3349 posts · Server

Rigaer94: Zwangsräumungen töten
## below

"Heute sind in Spandau Poster und Flyer aufgetaucht, die auf die Geschehnisse vor Ort, vom 24. Juli 2023 aufmerksam machen sollen. Der Text von den Postern und Flyern ist der Folgende, die Poster findet ihr im Anhang: Was sich am Dienstag, den 24. Juli am Brunsbüttler Damm in Spandau ereignet hat, ist kein Einzelfall sondern einer der vielen Momente, in denen sich das kapitalistische System in seiner mörderischen Konsequenz offenbart. Ein System, in dem das Recht auf Eigentum höher gewertet und vom Staat geschützt wird als das Bedürfnis eines Menschen, ein Dach über dem Kopf zu haben."

#English #kapitalismus #EatTheRich #Berlin

Last updated 1 year ago

Amy Fountain · @amyfou
1706 followers · 507 posts · Server

this was a garden path sentence for

"Breaking News: Biden's poll numbers get stronger, and more" === Biden gets both stronger and more poll numbers somehow?

...multiple seconds of confusion pass...

...Oh. OK. I get it now.

#headlines #GardenPath #sentences #English #parsing

Last updated 1 year ago

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥 · @JStatePost
953 followers · 22703 posts · Server

🥥 This is about how to create a on the .
Until you've created your first thread, you may imagine the process consists of some arcane set of incantations or some such.
Afterwards, you say something like "d'oh" and get on with your life.
If has a word for being unable to accomplish a task because you expect it to be difficult and then you find out that it's actually quite simple, I, for one, would like to know what that word is. 🥥

#tip #thread #fediverse #English

Last updated 1 year ago

James Louis Smith · @scrivenersmith
1399 followers · 636 posts · Server

The ink is dry now, so I'm happy to report that I'll be starting a new postdoc next week at @UCC in and . In the next few months I'll have new publications to share, and details about work towards my second monograph which focuses on shared questions and themes of and . I'll also look forward to working with Prof. Claire Connolly on her future plant humanities research plans and with colleagues in my college and school.

#English #digitalhumanities #deepmaps #bluehumanities

Last updated 1 year ago

:fedi: The join Fediverse Wiki :fedi:
as of July 21, 2023

🎉 We moved to a new server!

:joinfediversewiki: The recently moved to a new server in Vienna, Austria powered by the .
There was an issue with newly uploaded pictures, but @fossie, who also migrated the wiki, fixed it.

:firefish: All pages on were edited to reflect the rebranding to . Translated pages don't all show the rebranding yet.

:fedi: We have pages on 18 Fediverse projects. Plus there are drafted but unfinished pages on:

🗣️ There are 9 active languages, but many translations missing:


You can always start a translation to a new language too.

Please join the editorial team of the wiki and help editing/translating the pages. We have lots of todos. See:

#JoinFediverseWiki #FediverseFoundation #calckey #firefish #threads #foundkey #drupal #English #francais #Deutsch #日本語 #italiano #espanol #portugues #russian #עברית #korean

Last updated 1 year ago

Queen of New York · @queenofnewyork
360 followers · 2331 posts · Server

I love learning new things. This is a video about “weak forms” in .


Last updated 1 year ago

Patrick Sherriff · @patricksherriff
102 followers · 352 posts · Server

Just some thoughts on why, even as an in , I don't assign homework to kids.

#English #teacher #japan

Last updated 1 year ago