So langsam nimmt mein erstes #Halloween-Projekt Formen an. Es soll ein EPP-Kissenbezug werden, grobes Tutorial puste ich bei Interesse gerne aufs Crafting-Blog hoch.
#quilten #patchwork #sewing #nähen #kissen #HalloweenDeko #pumpkin #holiday
#EPP #EnglishPaperPiecing
@sewing @fiberarts
#halloween #Quilten #patchwork #sewing #nahen #Kissen #Halloweendeko #pumpkin #holiday #EPP #EnglishPaperPiecing
Did a little bit quilting today. First time with batting. I jut love it, when I'm doing the stitches and it changes from 2-D to 3-D. 🤩
#quilting #quilt #quilten #nähen #sewing #cottageCore #patchwork #stitching #EPP #EnglishPaperPiecing #NähenVonHand #Handnähen #DIY #HabIckSelbstjemacht
#quilting #quilt #Quilten #nahen #sewing #cottagecore #patchwork #stitching #EPP #EnglishPaperPiecing #nahenvonhand #handnahen #diy #habickselbstjemacht
22nd rosette for my #doctorwho themed #lapassacagliaquilt
Inspitation from The Stolen Earth and Journey's End from the 4th season of the reboot.
#lapassacaglia #eppeverywhere #epp #doctorwhoquilt #doctorwhofanart #handpiecing #englishpaperpiecingeverywhere #englishpaperpiecing #quiltingismytherapy #quiltersgonnaquilt #mayhemmakers #nerdquilt #nerdquilter #geekquilter #geekquilt #10thdoctorfanart #makersgonnamake #paperpiecesprojects #paperpiecing
#paperpiecing #paperpiecesprojects #makersgonnamake #10thdoctorfanart #geekquilt #geekquilter #nerdquilter #nerdquilt #mayhemmakers #quiltersgonnaquilt #quiltingismytherapy #EnglishPaperPiecing #englishpaperpiecingeverywhere #handpiecing #doctorwhofanart #doctorwhoquilt #epp #eppeverywhere #lapassacaglia #lapassacagliaquilt #DoctorWho
15th rosette for my #doctorwho themed #lapassacagliaquilt
This is one of the random planets seen in the sky. No name as of yet in canon.
Inspitation from The Stolen Earth and Journey's End from the 4th season of the reboot.
#lapassacaglia #epp #doctorwhoquilt #doctorwhofanart #handpiecing #englishpaperpiecing #quiltingismytherapy #youngandmillenialquilters #quiltersgonnaquilt #nerdquilt #geekquilt #paperpiecing #doctorwhocrafts
#doctorwhocrafts #paperpiecing #geekquilt #nerdquilt #quiltersgonnaquilt #youngandmillenialquilters #quiltingismytherapy #EnglishPaperPiecing #handpiecing #doctorwhofanart #doctorwhoquilt #epp #lapassacaglia #lapassacagliaquilt #DoctorWho
15th rosette for my #doctorwho themed #lapassacagliaquilt
This is one of the random planets seen in the sky. No name as of yet in canon.
Inspitation from The Stolen Earth and Journey's End from the 4th season of the reboot.
#lapassacaglia #epp #doctorwhoquilt #doctorwhofanart #handpiecing #englishpaperpiecing #youngandmillenialquilters #nerdquilt #geekquilt #paperpiecing #lapassacagliarosette
#lapassacagliarosette #paperpiecing #geekquilt #nerdquilt #youngandmillenialquilters #EnglishPaperPiecing #handpiecing #doctorwhofanart #doctorwhoquilt #epp #lapassacaglia #lapassacagliaquilt #DoctorWho
20th rosette for my #doctorwho themed #lapassacagliaquilt
This is one of the random planets seen in the sky. No name as of yet in canon.
Inspitation from The Stolen Earth and Journey's End from the 4th season of the reboot.
#lapassacaglia #epp #doctorwhoquilt #doctorwhofanart #englishpaperpiecing #quiltingismytherapy #youngandmillenialquilters #quiltersgonnaquilt #nerdquilt #geekquilt #paperpiecesprojects #paperpiecing
#paperpiecing #paperpiecesprojects #geekquilt #nerdquilt #quiltersgonnaquilt #youngandmillenialquilters #quiltingismytherapy #EnglishPaperPiecing #doctorwhofanart #doctorwhoquilt #epp #lapassacaglia #lapassacagliaquilt #DoctorWho
Fussy cut center (quite proud! fabric scale was challenging with this piece size, and print registration a bit fuzzy), random cut but fussily arranged outer ring. At least today has a little nice #quilting, #EnglishPaperPiecing lets even small progress feel satisfying.
#quilting #EnglishPaperPiecing #lapassacagliaquilt
Here's a closer look at this #EnglishPaperPiecing project in progress. Started last August, and the end is in sight now, at least the end of the piecing part - all by hand. #Quilting will also need to be by hand which is more intimidating. Cross that bridge when we get to it though. (Pattern is a lightly modified "La Passacaglia with Mister Penrose" by Willyne Hammerstein.)
#EnglishPaperPiecing #quilting
Ich habe ein neues Spielzeug! Die liebe @Loewenmama hat mir von ihrem Liebsten diese tollen Schablonen fürs EPP anfertigen lassen. So dermaßen cool - und wie ihr seht, auch direkt im Einsatz! Für Neugierige: Das English Paper Piecing Pattern heißt "Geranium". Ich mache keinen großen Quilt daraus, sondern es wird ein Kissenbezug. (50 x 50cm)
Sind die Schablonen nicht cool? 🤩
#EPP #EnglishPaperPiecing #Quilting #quilten #handarbeiten #3DDruck #nähen #sewing #DIY #HabIckSelbstjemacht #handarbeiten #crafting #handmade #NähenVonHand #fabrics #Stoffe #CottageCore #Patchwork
#EPP #EnglishPaperPiecing #quilting #Quilten #handarbeiten #3ddruck #nahen #sewing #diy #habickselbstjemacht #crafting #handmade #nahenvonhand #fabrics #stoffe #cottagecore #patchwork
@LiraLarum Ja. Das ist mit der Technik #EnglishPaperPiecing gemacht. Da nähst du die ganze Zeit so kleine Fetzchen aneinander - erstaunlich simpel und coole Ergebnisse.
10th rosette for my #doctorwho themed #lapassacagliaquilt
Hopefully, this one looks familiar! This was the one I was dreading the most because of the clearly defined continents and trying to get recognizable shaped from the predetermined kaleidoscope pattern of the rosette.
#lapassacaglia #epp #doctorwhoquilt #quilt #quilting #planetearth #doctorwhofanart #englishpaperpiecing #nerdquilt #geekquilt #DoctorWho
#geekquilt #nerdquilt #EnglishPaperPiecing #doctorwhofanart #planetearth #quilting #quilt #doctorwhoquilt #epp #lapassacaglia #lapassacagliaquilt #DoctorWho
9th rosette for my #doctorwho themed #lapassacagliaquilt
This is Clom, first mentioned in "Love & Monsters", inhabited by the Abzorbaloffs, twin planet to Raxacoricofallapatorius.
Inspitation from The Stolen Earth and Journey's End from the 4th season of the reboot.
Each rosette will be one of the 28 planets stolen (Spoiler Alert) by the Daleks to build the Doomsday Machine.
#lapassacaglia #eppeverywhere #epp #doctorwhoquilt #doctorwhofanart #quilt #quilting #englishpaperpiecing
#EnglishPaperPiecing #quilting #quilt #doctorwhofanart #doctorwhoquilt #epp #eppeverywhere #lapassacaglia #lapassacagliaquilt #DoctorWho
7th rosette for my #doctorwho themed #lapassacagliaquilt
Welcome to Pyrovillia!
There's not been an image of the planet itself, so I based my fabric choices on volcanoes, lava, & fire given we were introduced to the Pyroviles inside Mount Vesuvius in "The Fires of Pompeii."
Inspitation from The Stolen Earth & Journey's End from the 4th season of the reboot.
#lapassacaglia #epp #englishpaperpiecing #nerdquilt #nerdquilter #geekquilter #geekquilt #paperpiecing
#paperpiecing #geekquilt #geekquilter #nerdquilter #nerdquilt #EnglishPaperPiecing #epp #lapassacaglia #lapassacagliaquilt #DoctorWho
I have 2 #CrossStitch and 1 #TunisianCrochet #wip in the room with me while I isolate, along with my sewing corner, all my college stuff etc.
Why am I learning how to do #FoundationPaperPiecing and #EnglishPaperPiecing #quilting ?
#crossstitch #TunisianCrochet #wip #FoundationPaperPiecing #EnglishPaperPiecing #quilting
Working through #lapassacagliaquilt here is my 4th and so far favorite rosette! It's a #doctorwho themed #quilt based on The Stolen Earth and Journey's End episodes of the David Tennant era.
I do adore #englishpaperpiecing so much!
#EnglishPaperPiecing #quilt #DoctorWho #lapassacagliaquilt
Und dann sitze ich tatsächlich da, gefangen in dem überwältigenden Drang, Hexies von Hand zu nähen. Mache ich etwas doch noch meinen Frieden mit #Quilting?
#quilting #EnglishPaperPiecing