Jesus spoke in parables throughout His whole ministry on the earth (Matthew 13:34), to determine who had (spiritual) eyes to see and ears to hear, to give them the understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 13:10-11). We cannot fall into the trap that Jesus was just telling a story; no, it’s a warning to the Church for those with illuminated understanding.

According to the scripture above, the difference between the wise and foolish was the possession of oil. The oil is referring to the Holy Spirit, the teacher and counselor (John 14:26).

The Holy Spirit is what enlightens us to the understanding of the revelation of Christ. It is much more than just knowing we need Jesus, as we will discover in the writings of the Early Church.

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#virgin #oil #Lamp #light #bride #wedding #Foolish #wise #Hebrew #Enlighten

Last updated 1 year ago

Pleasing God

Paul said that if we seek to please man we cannot be a servant of Christ (Gal 1:10). Do you live to please other people or are you pleasing to the Lord?
Most people tend to worry about what other people think of them, usually stemming from past hurts like criticism, or feelings of worthlessness or insecurity. This can lead us to try and please other people and by compromising our beliefs and values as a Christian, in order to be liked and accepted by others.

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#Identity #Enlighten #Reveal #Mindset #order #transformation #offering #sacrifice #Peter #submission #obedience #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago