TFW so called Democratic voices on here tell everyone they are not doing it right. Not working hard enough, long enough, with the correct mindset and focus. Not loving the leader enough and all he is doing. It's exhausting.
Hot tip: we are all worried about the global (and local) dumpster fire and how it affects all we love. But we don't dump on every reply or comment that we disagree with. Jeez, step away first and unplug for a bit.
TED Rant over.
#EnoughAlready #progressive #Democracy
You know that #lumporock (tm) that has been smuggled from Scotland to England, so that Charley can plonk his arse on it tomorrow, Can some one from north of the border please say definitively how you pronounce Scone?
#lumporock #StoneOfScone #putahatoncharley #EnoughAlready
1 dead, 3 injured at El Paso Mall shooting; 2 suspects in custody
#ElPaso #Texas #GunViolence
#GunShooting #GunDeaths #Guns #GunFatalities
#GunInjuries #GunRampage #GunViolence
#AmericanGunViolence #AmericasSadReality #EnoughIsEnough #EnoughAlready #Guns
#EnoughAlready #EnoughIsEnough #americassadreality #americangunviolence #gunrampage #gunfatalities #guninjuries #guns #gundeaths #gunshooting #gunviolence #Texas #elpaso
"The TRUTH is coming out in Ukraine and Zelensky is in deep trouble | Redacted with Clayton Morris"
#UkraineCorruption #USTaxPayerDollars
#MisappropriatedDollars #UkraineScandal
#AidMismanagement #Embezzlement
#BidenBad #PutinBad #ZelenskyBad
#AllWarmongersBad #PeaceOnEarth
#Bribery #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
#PeaceNegotiationsNow #PeaceNOW
#AmericansBasicNeeds #EnoughAlready
#Medicare4All #Housing4All #LivingWages
#CancelStudentDebts #ForgiveMedicalDebts
#forgivemedicaldebts #cancelstudentdebts #livingwages #Housing4All #medicare4all #EnoughAlready #americansbasicneeds #peacenow #peacenegotiationsnow #militaryindustrialcomplex #bribery #peaceonearth #allwarmongersbad #zelenskybad #putinbad #bidenbad #embezzlement #aidmismanagement #ukrainescandal #misappropriateddollars #ustaxpayerdollars #ukrainecorruption
Perhaps East and West
And North and South can focus
On what joins us all.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #Unity #UnitedNations #EnoughAlready #TheWorldUnited
#theworldunited #EnoughAlready #unitednations #unity #onehaikuaday #Haiku
I may have to create a filter to block out all the noise and complaining about the bird site. I didn’t leave there only to come here and have to see that stuff. It’s weird. Reminds me of when someone breaks up with their ex and spends all their time talking about them as if to convince themselves that they were right to break up with them. #twitternoise #enoughalready #moveon
#twitternoise #EnoughAlready #MoveOn
Today has been A DAY. Like I'm already done with this week.
In unrelated news, a reminder to my #unisontheunion pals in the #NHS to send your #VoteYesForTheNHS ballot paper back ASAP.
To be fair I have an entirely cushy job compared to colleagues on the frontline but I stand with you regardless!
#mondayvibe #EnoughAlready #workingfromhome #joinaunion #publicsectorpay #enoughisenough #supportthestrikes
#supportthestrikes #enoughisenough #publicsectorpay #joinaunion #workingfromhome #EnoughAlready #mondayvibe #VoteYesForTheNHS #nhs #unisontheunion
Under 18 US Code § 2776 Holiday Crimes part 23, pp. xxvi (a), sanctioned performances of "Hallelujah," comp. L. Cohen excluding those of the composer shall include John Cale (1991), Jeff Buckley (1994), Rufus Wainwright and Choir! Choir! Choir! (2016). (b) Additional performance or transmission of performance of "Hallelujah," comp. L. Cohen except those designated sanctioned as in (a) is prohibited and punishable by imprisonment for a term not less than one holiday season.