We bail out leaders with votes & banks with our money yet they keep coming back for more, like children plead with parents. #EnoughlsEnough, change is happening now.
Just an after thought: "bail out" (verb) to secure the release of an arrested person by providing bail money. Why are "they" allowed to carry on & not arrested.
We bail out leaders with votes & banks with our money yet they keep coming back for more, like children plead with parents. #EnoughlsEnough, change is happening now.
Just an after thought: "bail out" (verb) to secure the release of an arrested person by providing bail money. Why r "they" allowed to carry on & not arrested.
#EnoughlsEnough War has to be controlled along with #patriarchalcapitalism the two are inseparable. #WeThePeoples need to be allowed 2 work in partnership not adversarialy. #TruePeace is more than ...an end to war, cannot exist without true #Unity on a planetary scale. Ancient wisdom confirms this, #WeThePeoples need to remember. To achieve this we need #Education #Equality #Equity #Justice. This is controlled not given even though they should b a basic right 1/2
#EnoughlsEnough #patriarchalcapitalism #wethepeoples #truepeace #unity #education #equality #equity #justice
I suspect that Gary Lineker may have more fans than the tories have remaining voters. The Tory fascists may not win this fight. #ToriesUnfitToGovern #EnoughlsEnough #GeneralElectionN0W
#generalelectionn0w #EnoughlsEnough #ToriesUnfitToGovern
RT @Saccaguru
🎶There's a Tory, they're bad, that's true
It's about a Party that you once knew
#CorruptConservatives then ran-around
With every Oligarchy guy n gal in town🎶
#Cuntocracy #SOSNHSDEMO
#EnoughlsEnough #SaveOurNHS
#UpRise #UniteB1 #BuckTories
#GeneralElectionNow #ToriesOut240
#toriesout240 #generalelectionnow #bucktories #uniteb1 #uprise #saveournhs #EnoughlsEnough #sosnhsdemo #cuntocracy #corruptconservatives
#michiganstate #EnoughlsEnough #GunSenseNow
Welcome to America
#michiganstate #EnoughlsEnough #gunsensenow
RT @eiecampaign
🚨 NEW: Energy giant BP has announced annual profits of £23,000,000,000 – more than double the previous year.
At the same time, 3.2 million British homes were cut off because they couldn’t afford energy bills.
Their profits = our pain
RT @eiecampaign
🚨 NEW: Energy giant BP has announced annual profits of £23,000,000,000 – more than double the previous year.
At the same time, 3.2 million British homes were cut off because they couldn’t afford energy bills.
Their profits = our pain
RT @eiecampaign
🚨 NEW: Energy giant BP has announced annual profits of £23,000,000,000 – more than double the previous year.
At the same time, 3.2 million British homes were cut off because they couldn’t afford energy bills.
Their profits = our pain
It is time for a Universal Basic Income to address the totally unacceptable levels of poverty in this country. Match Investment income with income tax rates and have a land value tax. This would level up working lives in the UK and keep our NHS public! #EnoughlsEnough
RT @DanielKebedeNEU: -1,000,000 children under 4 live in poverty
- Working poverty in families with 3+ children is 42%
- Half of children living in lone-parent families are in poverty
- 75% of childr…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreenPartyScott/status/1622171315728748546
The Dutch have it - Brexit personified.
#toriesout211 #sunakout102 #GeneralElectionNow #EnoughlsEnough
We are being told that even a 5% pay rise for public services would be inflationary, yet Shell's profits up 53% (to $40 billion) is absolutely fine for inflation, and doesn't allow for imposing a windfall tax. #EnoughlsEnough
RT @eiecampaign: Massive turnout in London today to support striking workers 👊
The message to the government is clear:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/catherinerowett/status/1620853937988591617
Gran Bretaña ha vivido la mayor jornada de huelgas en 11 años https://loquesomos.org/gran-bretana-ha-vivido-la-mayor-jornada-de-huelgas-en-11-anos/ #SaveOurSchools #TeacherStrike #EnoughlsEnough
#saveourschools #teacherstrike #EnoughlsEnough
RT @eiecampaign
Massive turnout in London today to support striking workers 👊
The message to the government is clear:
Here's why I am on #UCUStrike today:
The UK #HigherEd annual pay 'increases' in REAL TERMS
2010 -3.8%
2011 -5.0%
2012 -2.9%
2013 -2.6%
2014 -0.8%
2015 -1.2%
2016 -1.5%
2017 -1.7%
2018 -1.2%
2019 -1.5%
2020 -2.1%
2021 -1.4%
2022 ~-7.1% (avg of Q1-Q2)
That's a ~28.4% decrease
Original post - https://twitter.com/PWGTennant/status/1579061761013329921
#ucurising #EnoughlsEnough #highered #ucustrike
RT @MrsLLyons
@JohnHayto @eiecampaign We are also the workers and we are educating your children, caring for your sick ... It's not just about pay, despite what the media will have you believe. #SupportTheStrikes #EnoughlsEnough
#SupportTheStrikes #EnoughlsEnough
RT @Saccaguru
🎶Here's a Tory, he's bad that's true
It's about a Party that you once knew
#CorruptConservatives then #RanAround
With every Oligarchy guy in town🎶
#PutinsBrexit #CorruptToryParty
#EnoughlsEnough #GeneralStrikeNow
#UpRise #UniteB1 #BuckTories
#ToriesOut #GTTO #ToriesOut209
#corruptconservatives #ranaround #PutinsBrexit #corrupttoryparty #EnoughlsEnough #generalstrikenow #uprise #UniteB1 #bucktories #toriesout #gtto #toriesout209
Enough is Enough (still)
#ucuRISING #UCU #UCUstrike #UCUstrikes #EnoughlsEnough #Enough @ucu @CardiffUCU
#ucurising #ucu #ucustrike #UCUstrikes #EnoughlsEnough #Enough
RT @BDieplattform@twitter.com
Kundgebung | 01.02.2023 | 16 Uhr | Britische Botschaft | Wilhelmstraße 70/71 | 10117 Berlin
#EnoughlsEnough #b0102 #klassestreik