@gus Oh yay! I really enjoyed #EntangledLife. It's good all the way through. And on vacation to boot? That's good living.
At the end of the scene, Coach Beard goes back to reading #EntangledLife by #MerlinSheldrake which is about fungi and the mycelial network that connects trees to sustain their socialist community by providing infrastructure for funneling and boosting nutrients where needed most.
#EntangledLife #merlinsheldrake #bookstodon #fungi #mycelialnetwork #authors
At the end of the scene, Coach Beard goes back the reading #EntangledLife by #MerlinSheldrake which is about fungi and the mycelial network that connects trees to sustain their socialist community by providing infrastructure funneling (boosting?) nutrients where needed most.
#EntangledLife #merlinsheldrake #bookstodon #fungi #mycelialnetwork #authors
It was so cool to find these beautiful fungi growing on a stump near the edge of my backyard. #entangledlife
@CloudsGoBy There's some sort of great, yet-to-be-written #story in the spirit of #JulioCortázar titled "Training a Flatworm." And I LOVED #EntangledLife! #books #bookstodon
#bookstodon #Books #EntangledLife #juliocortazar #story
Just read a most amazing fact. Not only can you train a #flatworm - if you cut off it’s head, it will grow a new head, complete with #brain *and* retain its memory. Every day’s a school day that’s for sure. Btw if you haven’t read #MerlinSheldrake ‘s #EntangledLife about how important the networks made by #fungi are I heartily recommend
#flatworm #brain #merlinsheldrake #EntangledLife #fungi
Highly recommend #EntangledLife Haven't been able to stop listening since I was able to borrow it.
Highly recommend #EntangledLife Haven't been able to stop listening since I was able to borrow it.
@amythicwitch That was the most amazing book - it literally expanded my consciousness onto another level. #merlinsheldrake #EntangledLife
#merlinsheldrake #EntangledLife
@Sustainability_Solutions they more than work, they hold the answers and solutions to everything #EntangledLife #fungi #music
@neverjim Some fungi reproduce by division rather than by dispersing spores ... nothing's straightforward. I have this quote in the draft: "It is appetite in bodily form" - from Merlin Sheldrake's book #EntangledLife. Fungi consume. They cause rust, rot, decay, decomposition, but along with other saprotrophs they are part of a cycle of life: helping create humus, nutrients etc. So: they are complex. The trick is tying this to the existing #Glorantha mythos & finding something fun amidst that.
The magical world we live in ... (Nr.2)
This (second) pencil drawing is based on my own observations, of different stages of one slime mold species, the comatricha nigra. It was fun to do, I will definitely make more of these kinds of drawings. Maybe for a book of as a study for a larger painting ...
This drawing is a tribute to #slimemold #myxomycetes #entangledlife #slimemoldart #theartofmushrooms #appearances #disappearances & #fairytales
#fairytales #disappearances #appearances #theartofmushrooms #slimemoldart #EntangledLife #myxomycetes #slimemold
The magical world we live in ...
This is an enamel-glass tribute to #slimemold #myxomycetes
Slime-molds often look like glass so I made these. I often go into the park or the forest to look for them.
#cloudflowers #contemporaryart #mushroomart #entangledlife #slimemoldart #behang #mushroommeditations #psychedelic #fantasticfungi #mushroommagic #appearances #disappearances & #fairytales
#fairytales #disappearances #appearances #mushroommagic #fantasticfungi #psychedelic #mushroommeditations #behang #slimemoldart #EntangledLife #mushroomart #contemporaryart #cloudflowers #myxomycetes #slimemold
The future is fungal ... and the past was fungal too. (I made those words with photographs I took from mushrooms in the last 4 years)
#mushtodon #entangledlife #collage #fantasticfungi
#observation and #fairytales
#fairytales #observation #fantasticfungi #collage #EntangledLife #mushtodon
Onddoei buruzko #EntangledLife liburua bukatzen. Gomendagarria iruditzen zait.
Amaiera aldera egileak Cambridgeko lorategi botanikoan dagoen sagarrondo bat aipatzen du, legendaren arabera Newtoni grabitazioaren teoriaren ideia eman zionaren klona omen dena.
Flower of Kent barietatekoa, sagarrak ez omen dira jateko onak zapore garratz-mikatza dutelako. Sagardotarako ez da txarra izango pentsatu dut.
Segidan gauean sagarrak bildu eta #sagardoa nola egin zuten kontatzen du. Ona zegoela dio 😍
Suzanne Simard ikerlari kanadiarrak CO₂ erradioaktiboa eman zien urki batzuei. Bi urteren ondoren CO₂ horren %6 mikorriza (onddo-sustrai elkarketa sinbiotiko mutualista) bidez konektatutako izeietan aurkitu zuen. Izeiei itzala jarri zienean, fotosintesi ahalmena mugatuz, karbono gehiago jaso zuten urkiengandik. Landare espezie ezberdinek baliabideak komunitatean partekatzen dituzte beharraren arabera. #WoodWideWeb #EntangledLife
#Onddoak bitarrak direnean ere gauzak ez dira horren sinpleak. Boilurrak ematen dituzten onddoek + eta - gurutzatze-formak dituzte, baina horietako edozein izan daiteke ama.
Schizophyllum commune onddoak 23.328 gurutzatze-forma ditu, gutxi gorabehera gure sexuen parekoak.
Horietako bakoitza bateragarria da gainerako gurutzatze-forma gehienekin.
2 kokaleku genetikok erabakitzen dute espezie honen gurutzatze-forma: A kokalekuak 288 alelo edo aldaera ditu, B kokalekuak 81.
Onddo hauetako pare bat ugaldu ahal izateko A eta B alelo desberdinak izan behar dituzte.
Bitartasuna? Zer da hori?
#EntangledLife #Onddoak
Merlin Sheldrakeren "#EntangledLife - How fungi make our worlds, change our minds, and shape our futures" irakurtzen. Interesgarria. Orri honetan zientzialariek naturareriko behar duten umiltasunaz eta ezagutzen ez nuen #WoodWideWeb kontzeptua: landare eta onddoek osatzen dute sinbiosi sarea. Onddoek fosforoa, nitrogenoa... landareei eman eta trukean fotosintesi bidez sortutako azukre eta lipidoak jaso. Landareek beren artean elikagaiak eta seinaleak konpartitzeko ere bai