@drhettie nice piece! #EnvironmentalHumanities #WomenOfColor #EnvHistory
#EnvironmentalHumanities #womenofcolor #EnvHistory
Je termine tout juste les derniers chapitres de La nature et le roi de Devroey, quand le nouveau numΓ©ro des Annales sort avec deux notes critiques portant dessus.
Bref, lisez ce livre et les #AnnalesHSS π
#AnnalesHSS #histodon #medievistodon #envhistodons #envhist #EnvHistory
Hello! Happy to be here π
Initially a geographer π¨π¦π¬πΈπ²π« - into #Geomorphology and #EnvHistory. I left academia to join the Tech industry as a technical writer/knowledge manager. I lead an independant research about #dataphyz and #datasculpture since 2021. On a blog I publish creators interviews & data objects related articles, also featuring my own research-creation ceramic projects
#datasculpture #dataphyz #EnvHistory #geomorphology