The Indicator from Planet Money tackles the social cost of carbon in a 9-minute podcast. #environecon #climatechange
#EconTwitter I need your help!
I am planning a research stay abroad and looking for suggestions of #Econ or #EnvironEcon departments to visit. Preferably, where the host might be researching sequestration in forestry or agriculture. Any dpts/professors in mind?
(I would prefer to stay in the EU)
#econtwitter #econ #EnvironEcon
The final National Strategy to Develop Statistics for Environmental-Economic Decisions was released today. Find it at
Here again, I can only partly agree. There are parallels, but I don't think this is the strongest. In both climate change and orbit use, we're trading *valuable goods and services* (that improve people's lives!) against environmental quality (which also improves people's lives!) -- attributing everything to ignorance underplays the very real value people get from carbon/orbit-intensive goods/services
From @vis_taraz
"How does #ClimateChange affect #education outcomes in the long-run? Co-author Maggie Liu will present "Climate Change and Intensification Effects: Evidence from Human Capital in India" (with Yogita Shamdasani) in an #AERE session at #ASSA2023
We find that higher temperatures reduce educational attainments in India; these effects are intensified over longer time periods; effects are concentrated in rural areas & are more pronounced for females"
#DevEcon #EnvironEcon
#education #climatechange #AERE #assa2023 #mastindia #DevEcon #EnvironEcon
How does #ClimateChange affect #education outcomes in the long-run? My co-author Maggie Liu will present our paper "Climate Change and Intensification Effects: Evidence from Human Capital in India" (joint with Yogita Shamdasani) in an #AERE session at #ASSA2023
We find that higher temperatures reduce educational attainments in #India; these effects are intensified over longer time periods; effects are concentrated in rural areas & are more pronounced for females.
#climatechange #Education #AERE #assa2023 #india #DevEcon #EnvironEcon
May be useful for secondary market in #econ: If you are applying to an #interdisciplinary job, you have to convince a diverse committee. Tailor your cover letter to show your qualifications based on the announcement, interest in interdisciplinary research, and state what attracts you to the unit and uni. To put this in perspective, candidates from other disciplines spend time on this and it stands out when a committee is looking through 100s of applications. #EnvironEcon #DevEcon @agecon
#econ #interdisciplinary #EnvironEcon #DevEcon
How will #ClimateChange impact structural transformation and urbanization in low and middle income countries? We find that rising temperatures in #India inhibit labor reallocation from agricultural to non-agricultural sectors--effectively trapping farmers--and that these effects intensify in the presence of sustained high temperatures.
Read more in my @voxdev column with Maggie Liu and Yogita Shamdasani:
@devecon @environmentalecon #DevEcon #EnvironEcon
#climatechange #india #DevEcon #EnvironEcon
AERE freaking out people by bumping up their conference abstract deadline to the day after New Year's. #EnvironEcon
Does anyone know of econ research on "sacrifice zones"? I know the pollution haven literature a bit, I'm more looking for economists writing on the specific intersection of PHH and environmental justice
#EnvironEcon #econtooter #EconTwitter
So happy to see that @danaehernandezc has joined this site. If you don't know her, she does great work on #airpollution and #justice issues from the perspective of an economist. I believe this paper is forthcoming in JPubE:
#airpollution #Justice #EnvironEcon #DevEcon
I guess this is my #introduction post 😀, as I also made an account here fearing twitter's demise.
I am a PhD student in #EnvironEcon at Aarhus University, in #Denmark.
I also am part of a #Brazilian team of economists contributing to "Por Quê - Economês em bom Português". I write monthly opinion articles about environmental and natural resource economics issues, green economy and sustainable development in Brazil, in Folha de S.Paulo
So... Hello everyone 👋
#introduction #EnvironEcon #denmark #brazilian
Hi #econjobmarket, @econometrics and @machinelearning
Are you a post-doc and you love research? Do you have a strong focus on econometrics and, why not, machine learning?
Apply for our Assistant Professor position!
- 6-year tenure track
- small teaching load for all 6 years (teach in your field!)
- clear tenure requirements (no surprises!)
- dynamic (and young) group working in several fields:
#AppliedMicro #Labor, #IO, #EnvironEcon #Health, #Public and more
#econjobmarket #appliedmicro #labor #IO #EnvironEcon #health #Public
Hi #Econtooter and @environmentalecon! Yesterday with the Italian Association of #EnvironEcon amazing contributions on #firms and #environment by
@julien_sauvagnat @flxhlzmstr
and Markus Walzl! We learned
- the economics of label #credencegoods and
- the environmental bias of corporate #taxation: dirty firms pay less taxes!
#econtooter #EnvironEcon #firms #environment #credencegoods #taxation
Redoing my #introduction w/ hashtags. I'm an associate #professor of #economics at #SmithCollege who works at the intersection of #DevEcon, #EnvironEcon and #AgEcon, w/ a focus on #India and #Africa.
I study how hhs in low- and middle-income countries will be impacted by & respond to environmental challenges, esp. #ClimateChange. I'm interested in #agriculture, #adaptation, #irrigation, #migration, #HumanCapital & #StructuralTransformation.
@devecon @environmentalecon @agecon #econtwitter
#introduction #professor #economics #SmithCollege #DevEcon #EnvironEcon #agecon #india #Africa #climatechange #agriculture #adaptation #irrigation #migration #HumanCapital #StructuralTransformation #econtwitter
Hi #econtooter, @environmentalecon and @industrialorganization crowds!
We, too, are part of the Italian Tour of #EnvironEcon! Don't miss our hybrid seminar on Firms and the Environment tomorrow 12 o'clock⬇️with @julien_sauvagnat @flxhlzmstr and Markus Walzl
Room SR12 SOWI building
#IndustrialOrganization #IO #IAERE #IAERE10Tour #Environment #Resources #ResourceEconomics #EnvironmentalEconomics
#econtooter #EnvironEcon #IndustrialOrganization #IO #IAERE #IAERE10Tour #environment #resources #ResourceEconomics #environmentaleconomics
A couple more general points about managing stock pollutants #EnvironEcon :
1. Marginal external cost vs expected MEC:
We often use E[MEC] in our models because we implicitly assume the regulator has to set the price before the damages are realized. This instrument lets us relax that assumption, since the regulator holds a big deposit.
A tradable performance bond for satellite disposal is a good idea for dealing with #spaceDebris. The idea has connections to new tools for managing stock pollutants (like CO2) more generally.
The idea is even better for satellites because it can support "in-situ assembly and manufacturing" (i.e. "building cool shit in space")
Just started following the group of Environmental Economics @environmentalecon #EnvironEcon
And Machine Learning
I agree with @IgorLetina @VincentMeisner, let's create enhancing field discussions!
Tag along these groups with @ and # if you want your post to be seen from everyone following these groups.