EU’s Michel vows to hold Russia ‘accountable’ after Ukraine dam attack #CharlesMichel #environmentalcrime #humanitariandisaster
#CharlesMichel #EnvironmentalCrime #humanitariandisaster
Make Ecocide a Crime [Promoted content] #ecococide #environmentalcrime #march #planet #protest
#ecococide #EnvironmentalCrime #march #planet #protest
The Guardian view on Plymouth’s lost trees: an act of #vandalism
#EnvironmentalCrime #vandalism
Parliament adds ecocide to EU’s draft list of environmental crimes #ecocide #environmentalcrime
‼️ NEW ‼️
MEPs support stricter sanctions for #EnvironmentalCrime
The @EP_Legal Committee adopted its position on an update of EU rules on environmental crimes, calling for new offences and harsher sanctions for offenders.
RT @HSIEurope: 🇪🇺Today @EP_Justice will vote on @saskiabricmont's opinion on @EU_Commission proposal to revise #EnvironmentalCrime Directive.
✅Together with @Green_Europe @ifawEU @WWFEU @Act4AnimalsEU @BirdLifeEurope @BornFreeFDN @TRAFFIC_WLTrade were urging MEPs to support compromise AMs.
RT @EU2022_CZ: ⚖️ #JHA Justice | Minister @blazek_p chairs the Justice and Home Affairs Council.
📌 fight against impunity in #Ukraine
📌 #EnvironmentalCrime
📌 #digitalisation of justice
More ⬇️
#JHA #Ukraine #EnvironmentalCrime #digitalisation #EU2022CZ
🌊 #LawEnforcement officials specialised in environmental crime or economic crimes, are invited to join our #CEPOLwebinar: Water pollution, illegal water abstruction.
📆 30 November, 10AM CET
#LawEnforcement #CEPOLwebinar #EMPACT #FightingCrimeTogether #EnvironmentalCrime
The #pandemic is linked to a rise in #illegal #toxic #medical #waste dumping in #Malaysia, according to the #KL Dept. of #Environment. Current amendments to the EQA (if passed) would impose fines of up to 10 Million RM, and a 5-year jail term for convicted perpetrator(s). There is currently an existing 'hotline' to report violator(s), but perhaps the more pressing issue relates to the motivation behind this type of behaviour in the first place. #environmentalcrime #SDG16
#pandemic #illegal #toxic #medical #waste #malaysia #kl #environment #EnvironmentalCrime #SDG16
#Tuesdayvibe: What an autumn workload. With #RestoreNature advocacy, #RepowerEU damage control, side glance at #EnvironmentalCrime codecision and input on ineffective #EnvironmentalLiability Directive. Besides support for complaints. And coordination + admin @NABU_de Brussels.
#Tuesdayvibe #RestoreNature #RepowerEU #EnvironmentalCrime #EnvironmentalLiability
RT @EP_Environment: ✅@EP_Environment adopted today its opinion to @EP_Legal report on the protection of the environment through criminal law #ecocide #environmentalcrime
Rapporteur @spietikainen
Ympäristövaliokunnassa @EP_Environment neuvottelemani lausunto EU:n ympäristörikoslainsäädännöstä hyväksyttiin tänään valiokunnan äänestyksessä. 🎉 Lausunto ajaa lisää kunnianhimoa oikeudellisten asioiden valiokunnan kantaan lainsäädännöstä 💪
RT @EP_Environment: ✅@EP_Environment adopted today its opinion to @EP_Legal report on the protection of the environment through criminal law #ecocide #environmentalcrime
Rapporteur @spietikain…
✅@EP_Environment adopted today its opinion to @EP_Legal report on the protection of the environment through criminal law #ecocide #environmentalcrime
Rapporteur @spietikainen
RT @HSIEurope: 🗳️Tomorrow @EP_Environment votes on revision of #EnvironmentalCrime Directive.
✅We're urging MEPs to support ALL Compromise AMs & not weaken text.
🌍It's self-evident that criminals who damage environment, incl via #wildlifetrafficking, should be effectively penalised, right?!
#EnvironmentalCrime #wildlifetrafficking
🌱 Two full days of discussions on #EnvironmentalCrime:
#Eurojust hosted the EU-US Liaison meeting with @EU_Commission and @TheJusticeDept/@DOJEnvironment, as well as the Annual General Meeting and 10-year anniversary event of the #ENPE Network. 🌍
#EnvironmentalCrime #Eurojust #ENPE
RT @Eurojust: 🙋 Excited to host today several MEPs interested in our work on #EnvironmentalCrime. 🌱🌍
The number of new #Eurojust cases in this field has tripled in the last two years. 📈
💡 Learn how our unique tools help to tackle these crimes in 🇪🇺 & beyond:
🙋 Excited to host today several MEPs interested in our work on #EnvironmentalCrime. 🌱🌍
The number of new #Eurojust cases in this field has tripled in the last two years. 📈
💡 Learn how our unique tools help to tackle these crimes in 🇪🇺 & beyond:
RT @news_rapha: MEP @marietouss1: this summer has been awful, and it's just the beginning. We need all the different pieces of legislation #forNature, besides on #Deforestation e.g. on #EnvironmentalCrime, to #RestoreNature and the future #CBD agreement at COP15!
#ForNature #deforestation #EnvironmentalCrime #RestoreNature #cbd
📯 We have released our latest Operational Training Needs Analysis (OTNA) on Environmental Crime!
🔎 The report will help define the #CEPOL #training portfolio in relation to #environmentalcrime.
🔗 More:!wGtP6C
#lawenforcementtraining #EUGreenDeal
#CEPOL #training #EnvironmentalCrime #lawenforcementtraining #EUGreenDeal
⏲️🚢 Remember to register for tomorrow's #CEPOLwebinar on Shipbreaking, starting at 10AM CEST:!rywcnw
#EMPACT #FightingCrimeTogether #environmentalcrime
RT @EU_CEPOL: 🚢On 13 July, at 10AM CEST, we organise a #CEPOLwebinar on Shipbreaking, to discuss recent developments & case examples from the perspective of 🇩🇪 and 🇳🇱 #LawEnforcement authorities. @NGOShipbreaking will share their views of the current situation: http:…
#CEPOLwebinar #EMPACT #FightingCrimeTogether #EnvironmentalCrime #LawEnforcement