This sounds like an act of #EnvironmentalActivism to me, and not algae, as some have speculated.
#Venice authorities investigate after canal turns fluorescent green
By Barbie Latza Nadeau and Sophie Tanno, CNN
Updated 3:21 PM EDT, Sun May 28, 2023
"In 1968 Argentine artist Nicolás García Uriburu dyed the waters of the canal green with a fluorescent dye called Fluorescein, during the annual Venice Biennale. The move was designed to bring attention to ecological issues and the relationship between nature and civilization.
"The curious coloring comes as the city is celebrating the #Vogalonga boat event, created to combat wave motion and to restore #Venetian traditions and help spread attention for the environment and nature as well as the architecture Biennale, which opened last weekend. "
#Environmentalactivism #venice #vogalonga #venetian
It's time to reintroduce my environmental adventure, "The Environmeddlers."
I published this in 2010, to bring the story of environmental activism up to date, into the world of cell phones, computer algorithms and other assorted modern control systems.
It was fun to write, and I think, still fun to read.
#EnvironmentalActivism #Monkwywrenching #HetchHetchy #EnvironmentalFiction
#Environmentalactivism #monkwywrenching #hetchhetchy #environmentalfiction
a very good & thoroughly researched piece here by @Shane_Burley who says “For #TuBShevat I wrote about trees and the battle over what ‘environmentalism’ even means. Two competing visions for ecology come to the fore on this holiday: The JNF's ‘aforestation’ vs. the Atlanta #ForestDefenders. One is liberatory. One is not.”
“There is nothing inherently liberating about the environmental movement, unless that movement sees saving the Earth as just one part of eradicating suffering and oppression for all. That is why Jewish radicals have turned their attention to the ‘forest defenders’ near Atlanta, who have been spending years now blocking the destruction of a forest region to build a police complex colloquially known as ‘copy city’ as well as an entirely unnecessary film studio.”
#stopcopcity #environmentalactivism
#tubshevat #forestdefenders #StopCopCity #Environmentalactivism
Just got around to watching the 2019 Icelandic environmental drama #WomanAtWar
Like so many films & TV productions from this country, the extraordinary Icelandic landscape is an integral element of the dramatic arc. And the acting is consistently good.
#womanatwar #scandinavianfilm #iceland #Environmentalactivism