Misa de crisma hoy en Newport. San Gwynllyw, ruega por nosotros.
#chrism #chrismmass #anglican #anglicano #Episcopal
I met a cat at church today. I am arbitrarily naming it Mary (or Peter if the cat has balls). #Cats #Episcopal #Episcopalian
#cats #Episcopal #episcopalian
Local Woman Fasts for Lent; Wonders Why She is More Hungry than Usual #Episcopal #Episcopalian #FaithfullyLGBTQ
#Episcopal #episcopalian #faithfullylgbtq
I'm out here using my black Gundam Marker the way it was meant to be used 😤 (marking the Cruciform beads on my Lenten rosary lol) #Gunpla #Episcopal #Episcopalian
#gunpla #Episcopal #episcopalian
Even chickens can go to church uwu lol #Episcopal #Episcopalian #Chickens
#Episcopal #episcopalian #chickens
Justo he escrito mi primera homilía en español. Guau.
Just wrote my first sermon in Spanish. Wow.
#anglican #anglicano #Episcopal
Even though I am keenly aware of how much religious trauma the #LGBTQ community has (having gone through it myself), I occasionally forget and I let slip any hint of my (affirming left wing) Christianity. I accidentally hurt a Portuguese man by doing this and now I feel bad that I hurt him and that he called my faith a delusion. #Episcopal #faithfullylgbtq
#lgbtq #Episcopal #faithfullylgbtq
Estoy tratando de hacer algo nuevo este año: celebrar la misa en español. Es un salto de fe: vivo en Gales, donde no hay muchos hispanohablantes, y aún estoy aprendiendo el idioma. Pero, por razones desconocidos, hacerlo está cerca de mi corazón. Si me quieres reunirte a mí, puedes encontrarme en https://youtube.com/@padrewill . El primer servicio es el 6 de enero a las 17:00 GMT. En cualquier caso, les pido a ustedes su oración.
I'm trying something new this year: celebrating the mass in Spanish. It's a leap of faith: I live in Wales, where there aren't many Spanish speakers, and I'm still learning the language. But, for unknown reasons, doing so is close to my heart. If you'd like to join me, you can find me at https://youtube.com/@padrewill. The first service is on the 6th January at 17:00 GMT. In any case, I ask for your prayers.
#anglicano #anglican #Episcopal #epifania #epiphany
Just learned about the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Some real moving stuff right there. #Episcopal #Episcopalian
#ChurchComms friends, do not be afraid. we are almost through the holidays.
#churchcomms #communications #christianity #christmas #advent #Episcopal
Buenos días, amiguitos de mastodon. El primer domingo del Adviento. Hay muchos servicios para los que tengo que prepararme. Pero, este año, hay uno que para mí es especialmente emocionante. Estrenará el 6 de enero 2023.
Good morning, my mastodon friends. First Sunday of Advent. I've got a lot of services to prepare for. But this year there's one that, for me, is especially exciting. It starts on the 6th of January.
#Advent #anglican #Episcopal #anglicano #adviento
“The feast is unofficially celebrated in some Episcopal parishes, but it is not mentioned in the Episcopal calendar of the church year.” is pretty much as #Anglican as it gets. #WAT #Episcopal
Intro post:
I’m a Disciples pastor in rural IL. I am #exvangelical and former #UMC pastor, play well w/ #ELCA #Episcopal #AngloCatholic #UCC #christianpacifism
Things I care about: #LGBT rights & inclusion, #poverty #antiracism #prochoice #sexpositive #climate #interfaith. Also my wife and our cat.
I will prolly mostly post jokes, but reserve the right to occasional opinions/hot takes
An #antiwar hot take I have is that I’m pro veteran
My #socialism comes from Jesus and the Bible
#exvangelical #umc #elca #Episcopal #anglocatholic #ucc #christianpacifism #lgbt #poverty #antiracism #prochoice #sexpositive #climate #interfaith #antiwar #socialism
Let’s try some hashtags so people can find me. #Episcopal #Episcopalian #Anglican #AngloCatholic to start.
#Episcopal #episcopalian #anglican #anglocatholic
Let’s try some hashtags so people can find me. #Episcopal #Episcopalian #Anglican #AngloCatholic to start.
#Episcopal #episcopalian #anglican #anglocatholic
If I throw out some hashtags, maybe I’ll be easier to find. We’ll start with #Episcopal #Episcopalian #Anglican #Anglo-Catholic
#Episcopal #episcopalian #anglican #anglo
I’m looking to find my fellow #InclusiveOrthodoxy Episcopalians from Twitter! Please help me find my people!!! #Episcopal #Anglican
#inclusiveorthodoxy #Episcopal #anglican
@tpallot - not exclusively #episcopalian, but @thechurchmouse has published a list of folk, many of whom are Anglican (and the others of whom are pretty nice, too). @adarmond also seems to be on top of things quickly, and has already made a lot of connections in the #episcopal / #anglican / #wat world.
#episcopalian #Episcopal #anglican #wat
Is it just me, or is it actually rather easier to be seen & converse with other #anglican / #episcopalian priests here than in The Other Place, now there's no algorithm at work? This all feels a lot healthier, iff'n you ask me. #episcopal #wat
#anglican #episcopalian #Episcopal #wat
#wat #WAM #anglican #Episcopal #episcopalian #anglicano