Lorry :unverified: · @Lorry
686 followers · 3573 posts · Server mstdn.social

@samhainnight @Tnicholsmd a lot of people I know with (including myself) seem to think it started with ( ) - Given the general symptons of it does make sense that when the virus went away, somehow the body just didn't turn all the responses off and in my case just left me with a whole load of EBV symptoms for the next 22 years.

#EBV #EpsteinBarr #glandularfever #mecfs

Last updated 2 years ago

Künftig gibt es vielleicht die Möglichkeit, die Erkrankung an weniger wahrscheinlich werden zu lassen: mit einem gegen -Virus:


Gute Nachrichten!

#multiplesklerose #impfstoff #EpsteinBarr

Last updated 3 years ago