RT de Clean Creatives are at Cannes ⛱ :
🚨 Yesterday young creatives from Clean Creatives are at Cannes ⛱ had a question for Shell's brand CEO at the @FemaleQuotient #CannesLions2022 #equalitylounge:
Why does Shell say they support women when their actions have destroyed so many women's lives?
See his answer to @tolmeia 👇 https://twitter.com/cleancreatives/status/1539892452391280641/video/1
#CannesLions2022 #EqualityLounge
RT de Clean Creatives are at Cannes ⛱ :
🚨 Yesterday young creatives from Clean Creatives are at Cannes ⛱ had a question for Shell's brand CEO at the @FemaleQuotient #CannesLions2022 #equalitylounge:
Why does Shell say they support women when their actions have destroyed so many women's lives?
See his answer to @tolmeia 👇 https://twitter.com/cleancreatives/status/1539892452391280641/video/1
#CannesLions2022 #EqualityLounge