Und nach all der Aufregung über schlechte Werbekampagnen noch ein kleiner Timeline-Cleanser, der #dailydog aus dem Archiv, mit Pferden!
#dogs #mastodogs #dogsofmastodon #hunderunde #EquestrianLife #pferd
#dailydog #dogs #mastodogs #dogsofmastodon #hunderunde #EquestrianLife #pferd
#MastoArt #horses #EquestrianLife #waterwomen
A Morning Swim
#MastoArt #horses #EquestrianLife #waterwomen
"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” - Aristotle
So Joey and I went out in the cold and did appreciate the beauty of many, many snowflakes :-)
#mastohorses #horse #horsesofmastodon #EquestrianLife #equestrian
#mastohorses #horse #horsesofmastodon #EquestrianLife #equestrian
Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
#mastohorses #EquestrianLife #horsesofmastodon
#mastohorses #EquestrianLife #horsesofmastodon