Petrobras buscará projetos de grande porte de energia renovável, diz CEO
#Petrobras #jeanpaulprates #Equinor #negocios #forbesmoney
#Equinor and #Shell sponsorship gagging clauses for Science Museum, means exhibitions and statements on #climate and hydrocarbons will at best tell only part of the story.
Deutsch-norwegische Energiepartnerschaft
#RWE und #Equinor bauen Pipeline für #Wasserstoff
@allthebrazilianpolitics ...then there is this, it seems to have worked for Norway #Equinor
.@CharlesMichel @eucopresident, meets Anders #Opedal, CEO of #Equinor, on the sidelines of the UN Climate Change Conference #COP27 on 8 November 2022 in Sharm el Sheikh.