Originally a word, designated the quarter-days of the lunar cycle (Full, New, First & Last Quarter) thus occurring about every 7 days.

Minor Sabbats (or quarter days) are the 2 & 2 since they quarter the year.

Major Sabbats (or cross-quarter days) bisect the 4 quarters of the solstices & equinoxes. This makes them power-days due to the climax of nature's energy before its decline, similar to peaks & wanes of full moon energy


#babylonian #sabbat #solstices #Equinoxes

Last updated 1 year ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

: is connected in legend to the great hag . Its name means “mountain of the hag” (Sliab na Cailleach). One cairn at opens to the dawn of both .
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and Folklore`
RT @NeuKelte
: On the side of one hill of the (Sliab na ) complex is the Hag’s Chair. Atop that hill is a decorated cairn …

#mythologymonday #Loughcrew #Cailleach #irish #Equinoxes #celtic #mythology

Last updated 2 years ago

Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
1034 followers · 10917 posts · Server mastodon.org.uk

I had one of those “Why didn’t that ever occur to me before?” moments. The time between the is not symmetrical. It’s about 186 days between the and equinoxes and about 179 days from September to March. This is because the speed of the in its varies as it’s rather than circular. I never bothered to count the days and yet it’s “obvious” when you look at the calendar. This gives an eccentricity of the orbit to be around 0.015.

#Equinoxes #march #september #earth #orbit #elliptical

Last updated 3 years ago