¿Te gusta pintar?🖼
👩🎨Para Carmen Cáceres, una talentosa #ChapinaEnErasmus, cuando pinta al óleo 🎨 libera emociones, estrés y plasma sus sentimientos de ese momento, con la mezcla de los colores y usando su creatividad.
#DíaDeLaJuventud #ChapinesEnErasmus #UEGuatemala #Erasmus
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1690460647505403904
#ChapinaEnErasmus #DíaDeLaJuventud #ChapinesEnErasmus #UEGuatemala #Erasmus
Celebriamo il #InternationalYouthDay ma il programma ERASMUS va modificato : chiediamo un #ErasmusEquality!
Ogni giovane deve avere la possibilità di studiare all'estero e non solo chi può permetterselo.
Chiediamo borse di studio #Erasmus più elevate: http://act.greens-efa.eu/erasmus-equali…
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Greens/EFA in the EU Parliament 🌍: On today's #InternationalYouthDay, we call for #ErasmusEquality!
Every young person should have the chance to study abroad. Now it’s only those who (or whose parents) can afford it.
Join our call for higher #Erasmus grants: https://act.greens-efa.eu/erasmus-equality
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/rosadamato634/status/1690526738663489536
#InternationalYouthDay #ErasmusEquality #Erasmus
Absolute drivel. So providing funding for Magee University, All Ir. Rail, Derry Bridge & #Erasmus shows ‘no appetite to help out up here ‘ !! & there isn’t even an Executive in place in http://N.Ir.
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Féile an Phobail: Aoife Grace Moore
“There is no appetite in the Irish government to help out up here.”
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SeanKellyMEP/status/1690004425157263360
@EU_Commission other countries have already done the bird thing, it's pretty but unoriginal.
My two proposals:
1. European values: embodied by women like #SophieScholl #MargaKlompé #SimoneVeil #SofiaCorradi
(Bit odd that for all the publicity you guys get out of #Erasmus you almost never mention the woman who created it against fierce opposition from member states governments who were and continue to be The Worst...)
#sophiescholl #margaklompe #simoneveil #sofiacorradi #Erasmus
📢¡Está por iniciar! 🤩Conoce la experiencia #Erasmus y conoce sobre las oportunidades de estudios y becas de posgrado en la #UniónEuropea 🇪🇺
🔴Sigue la transmisión en #CasaDeEuropa ⤵️
#ChapinesEnErasmus #UEGuatemala
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1689428490402107392
#Erasmus #UniónEuropea #CasaDeEuropa #ChapinesEnErasmus #UEGuatemala
Sestdien festivālā "Kopums" aicinām tikties ar iedvesmojošiem, jauniem cilvēkiem, kuri pastāstīs par savu pieredzi #Erasmus projektos jaunajiem uzņēmējiem:
🔸Emīlija Sama (Malta),
🔸Dmitrijs Baburgs (Armēnija),
🔸Viktorija Tkačenko (Spānija).
#EuropeanYearOfSkills @ErasmusPlusLV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EiropasKomisija/status/1688867610807414785
#Erasmus #EuropeanYearOfSkills
¿Haz escuchado de las becas #Erasmus y deseas tener más información?🤔
👉No te pierdas la sesión informativa para estudiar en la #UE 🇪🇺 y de la experiencia de #ChapinesEnErasmus. 🤩
🗓 Miércoles 9 de agosto
⏰ 18:00 hrs.
📍Escanea el QR
#UEGuatemala #UniónEuropea #ErasmusPlus
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1689033744957788160
#Erasmus #UE #ChapinesEnErasmus #UEGuatemala #UniónEuropea #ErasmusPlus
Το εμβληματικότερο πρόγραμμα της ΕΕ #Erasmus+ με απλά λόγια ↓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_EL/status/1688550562206523393
🇪🇺 podupire vaše talente, vještine i rad:
✔ #TheYouthGuarantee
✔ #Erasmus+
✔ #EUSolidarityCorps
✔ #Europass
Osiguravamo da vaš talent razvije svoj puni potencijal, pomažući Europi da postane zelenija i inovativnija.
#EuropeanYearOfSkills #MakeItWork
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1687810695625400320
#TheYouthGuarantee #Erasmus #EUSolidarityCorps #Europass #EuropeanYearOfSkills #MakeItWork
¡En sus marcas, listos, #Erasmus! ✈️🇪🇺
Disfrutamos escuchando los sueños y retos de las y los #ChapinesEnErasmus 2023! Todos con enorme potencial e iniciativa para brillar en 🇬🇹 y el 🌎
Que su viaje esté lleno de aprendizaje y crecimiento🌟
#UEGuatemala @EUErasmusPlus
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1687605371160895488
#Erasmus #ChapinesEnErasmus #UEGuatemala
In 1555 kocht Albert Wilhelmi, abt van het #klooster in Rottum, twee boeken van de reformator Bullinger voor zijn katholieke #monniken. In deze schreef hij een opdracht in de geest van #Erasmus van #Rotterdam.
Nu te lezen in de "Verhalen van #Frisia" van onze Bijzondere Collecties. #bijzonderecollecties #erfgoed #geschiedenis #histodons
#klooster #monniken #Erasmus #rotterdam #frisia #bijzonderecollecties #erfgoed #geschiedenis #histodons
This is and always was the right decision. The opportunity that @EUErasmusPlus provides is life-forming and life-changing for students. Thank you @SimonHarrisTD . #ErasmusPlus #Erasmus
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Simon Harris TD: Today I’m delighted to announce funding to ensure students in Northern Ireland can access Erasmus+
This was a commitment made by the Irish Government to the people of Northern Ireland after Brexit and today's announcement of €2 million will ensure students can benefit from Sept.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1684529537910964224
Krepitev zmogljivosti na področju visokošolskega izobr. zunaj naših meja je pomemben del programa #Erasmus+.
Danes je Komisija izbrala 159🆕projektov, ki bodo s sredstvi @EUErasmusPlus prispevali k posodobitvi & 💪visokošolskega izobr. po vsem svetu.
ℹ https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/sl/ip_23_4007
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1687049938805407745
#Erasmus+ can make a difference for young people in Ukraine.
We support a 4-year project to build a digital platform for universities in 🇺🇦.
It will ensure educational continuity for students, especially for those who had to flee the country or are internally displaced.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Commission/status/1687045408550178817
Así es, gracias al programa Erasmus de la #UE🇪🇺, ellos viajaron a Europa para cumplir su sueño de estudiar en grandes universidades europeas, todo pagado. ¿Te interesaría hacer lo mismo?
Atento, que te contaremos más sobre #Erasmus y cómo puedes estudiar en Europa.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenPeru/status/1686144292404731905
RT Paola Marius
Una gran oportunidad para quienes buscan estudiar su maestría con financiamiento completo. Sin la beca Erasmus+ no hubiera podido financiar los costos de mi maestría. Si pueden aprovéchenla 🙌
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UE en Perú: Así es, gracias al programa Erasmus de la #UE🇪🇺, ellos viajaron a Europa para cumplir su sueño de estudiar en grandes universidades europeas, todo pagado. ¿Te interesaría hacer lo mismo?
Atento, que te contaremos más sobre #Erasmus y cómo puedes estudiar en Europa.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/yosoypao/status/1686406768211947520
Studying abroad was totally life-changing, because of people met, languages learned, skills acquired.
A mystery why not everybody does an Erasmus. If you think you’ll miss your partner, take ‘em along!
#Erasmus #University #Education (and I mean the actual sort of education.)
#Erasmus #university #education
“Erasmus has been by far the most enriching experience of my life!
It has taught me a lot and has given me friends that I take with me for the rest of my life.”
Alba's heartfelt testimonial from her unforgettable #Erasmus experience in Graz, Austria last June says it all!
Explore here all the opportunities that can take you abroad and be the beginning of the rest of your life: https://youth.europa.eu/home_en
#Erasmus #internationaldayoffriendship
🇪🇺 podupire vaše talente, vještine i rad:
✔ #TheYouthGuarantee
✔ #Erasmus+
✔ #EUSolidarityCorps
✔ #Europass
Osiguravamo da vaš talent razvije svoj puni potencijal, pomažući Europi da postane zelenija i inovativnija.
#EuropeanYearOfSkills #MakeItWork
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1683733823077359616
#TheYouthGuarantee #Erasmus #EUSolidarityCorps #Europass #EuropeanYearOfSkills #MakeItWork