¡Hoy es el #DíaDeLaJuventud!
Y 2023 es también el Año Europeo de las Habilidades: razón de más para explorar las oportunidades para los #jóvenes.
Desde #ErasmusPlus hasta #DiscoverEU, pasando por formar parte del proceso democrático 🇪🇺, hay mucho por descubrir ↓
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European Commission: Today is #YouthDay!
And 2023 is also the European Year of Skills - all the more reason to explore the opportunities for young people.
From #ErasmusPlus to #DiscoverEU to being part of the 🇪🇺 democratic process, there's a lot to discover ↓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1690403607202373632
#DíaDeLaJuventud #jóvenes #ErasmusPlus #DiscoverEU #YouthDay
Today is #YouthDay!
And 2023 is also the European Year of Skills - all the more reason to explore the opportunities for young people.
From #ErasmusPlus to #DiscoverEU to being part of the 🇪🇺 democratic process, there's a lot to discover ↓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Commission/status/1690249254324023296
#YouthDay #ErasmusPlus #DiscoverEU
Europe: the biggest multiplier of opportunities for #YOUTH ! 🇪🇺 #YouthDayCelebration
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Erasmus+: Today is International Youth Day.
Have you already participated in one of our initiatives? If not, what are you waiting for?
There are lots of opportunities:
Visit the European Youth Portal to find out more!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sandrogozi/status/1690360890460139520
#youth #YouthDayCelebration #ErasmusPlus #DiscoverEU #EUSolidarityCorps #EUYouthStrategy
🇺🇦Сьогодні – Міжнародний день молоді #YouthDay !
Крім того, 2023 рік – Європейський рік навичок – є ще однією причиною відкривати нові можливості для молоді.
Від #ErasmusPlus та #DiscoverEU аж до того, аби стати частиною 🇪🇺 демократичного процесу, є багато можливостей⬇️
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European Commission: Today is #YouthDay!
And 2023 is also the European Year of Skills - all the more reason to explore the opportunities for young people.
From #ErasmusPlus to #DiscoverEU to being part of the 🇪🇺 democratic process, there's a lot to discover ↓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUDelegationUA/status/1690277699246264320
#YouthDay #ErasmusPlus #DiscoverEU
W Międzynarodowym Dniu Młodzieży zwracamy szczególną uwagę na rozwijanie umiejętności przyszłości wśród młodego pokolenia. Jest wiele możliwości rozwoju: od #ErasmusPlus przez #DiscoverEU po staże w instytucjach unijnych🇪🇺
↓ Szczegóły w artykule na @medium
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinWroclaw/status/1690392068508569600
#ErasmusPlus #DiscoverEU #YouthDay
Today is International Youth Day.
Have you already participated in one of our initiatives? If not, what are you waiting for?
There are lots of opportunities:
Visit the European Youth Portal to find out more!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUErasmusPlus/status/1690264354669858816
#ErasmusPlus #DiscoverEU #EUSolidarityCorps #EUYouthStrategy
🇪🇺⭐ #УмениетоЕСила
С @EU_Social и People of Sofia отбелязваме #EuropeanYearOfSkills с 12 истории за смелостта да продължаваш да търсиш, да се учиш и да откриеш призванието си.
Срещаме ви с Павлен, който балансира между брокерството, психологията и проектите по #ErasmusPlus.👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECinBulgaria/status/1689895812497567744
#УмениетоЕСила #EuropeanYearOfSkills #ErasmusPlus
Describe your #ErasmusPlus experience using just 3 emojis. Challenge accepted? 💪😁
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUErasmusPlus/status/1689532029249949699
¿Haz escuchado de las becas #Erasmus y deseas tener más información?🤔
👉No te pierdas la sesión informativa para estudiar en la #UE 🇪🇺 y de la experiencia de #ChapinesEnErasmus. 🤩
🗓 Miércoles 9 de agosto
⏰ 18:00 hrs.
📍Escanea el QR
#UEGuatemala #UniónEuropea #ErasmusPlus
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1689033744957788160
#Erasmus #UE #ChapinesEnErasmus #UEGuatemala #UniónEuropea #ErasmusPlus
Your professional journey starts here.
Did you know that #ErasmusPlus is doubling the number of opportunities offered to vocational education and training learners?
If you're an organisation active in this field, click here! Get ready before the next round of application opens!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUErasmusPlus/status/1688444870820532224
RT Themis Christophidou
Discover the #ErasmusApp 📲
Stay in control of your #ErasmusPlus mobility application, ensuring a smooth journey every step of the way.
Download the app now 👉https://erasmusapp.eu/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ChristophidouEU/status/1688449859894882304
Re Pievienojies un iedvesmojies no pieredzes stāstiem, ar kuriem dalīsies:
🌟 influencere Emīlija Sama;
🌟 inovāciju entuziasts Dmitrijs Baburgs;
🌟 jaunatnes darbiniece un aktīviste @viktorijatk.
🤩 Pievienojies, iedvesmojies un piedalies interaktīvas aktivitātes!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EiropasKomisija/status/1684841618279378945
We want to improve education worldwide.
That is why 159 projects will receive #ErasmusPlus funding to modernise higher education everywhere.
It includes a project to create a digital platform for Ukraine's universities so that studies can continue.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUErasmusPlus/status/1687062607855767552
#ErasmusPlus #StandWithUkraine
This is and always was the right decision. The opportunity that @EUErasmusPlus provides is life-forming and life-changing for students. Thank you @SimonHarrisTD . #ErasmusPlus #Erasmus
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Simon Harris TD: Today I’m delighted to announce funding to ensure students in Northern Ireland can access Erasmus+
This was a commitment made by the Irish Government to the people of Northern Ireland after Brexit and today's announcement of €2 million will ensure students can benefit from Sept.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1684529537910964224
RT Komisja Europejska we Wrocławiu
Czy udział w #ErasmusPlus może być przygodą życia? Włącz dziś po godz. 11:30 @prwpl i posłuchaj rozmowy red. @beataJackowska7 z uczestnikami tego znanego programu edukacyjnego #UniaEuropejska🇪🇺
Posłuchaj poprzednich audycji "Co z tą Unią?" → http://bit.ly/CozTąUnią
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinWroclaw/status/1683734074488406016
Friendship is a language that everyone understands. It transcends cultures and backgrounds.
Our participants know this well. Thanks to #ErasmusPlus we study abroad, but more importantly: we form lifelong bonds.
Tag your friends & show some love!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUErasmusPlus/status/1685545763047108608
#ErasmusPlus #InternationalDayOfFriendship
☀️ Nothing like the summer to start what you have been postponing.
😎 And do you know what is still open?
The #OnlineLanguageSupport platform, where you can discover new languages 👇
#ErasmusPlus #EUSolidarityCorps
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUErasmusPlus/status/1686270543941791744
#OnlineLanguageSupport #ErasmusPlus #EUSolidarityCorps
Head over to this survey launched by @ESN_Int and share the most significant transformation you've experienced after studying abroad with #ErasmusPlus.
Hurry, before the deadline hits!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUErasmusPlus/status/1684458600528236548
Re La UE está comprometida con la educación, elemento primordial de nuestra cooperación. A través de Erasmus+, brindamos oportunidades para que estudiantes peruanos expandan sus horizontes. #ErasmusPlus #UEenPerú 🎓 https://t.co/gSkqoIbtvv
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenPeru/status/1681387382099128320
The EU-CELAC have been partners for over 8 years.
Together, #WeAre1billion empowering change and change also comes from education.
Of those, there have been over 18000 #ErasmusPlus participants.
Ahead of the EU-CELAC Summit check out these and more recent facts.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUErasmusPlus/status/1679777765275443205