The timey-wimey shenanigans of the #FifthDoctor #Peri and #Erimem in another #BigFinish #DoctorWho audio with a totally different style to Son of the Dragon but still featuring a host of historical characters #KingRichardIII #Shakespeare #ThePrincesInTheTower
#fifthdoctor #Peri #Erimem #bigfinish #doctorwho #KingRichardIII #shakespeare #ThePrincesInTheTower
A revisit to my review of the #BigFinish audio Son of the Dragon
#DoctorWho #PeterDavison #NicolaBryant #CarolineMorris #Dracula #Peri #FifthDoctor #Erimem
#bigfinish #doctorwho #PeterDavison #NicolaBryant #CarolineMorris #dracula #Peri #fifthdoctor #Erimem
A revisit to my review of the #BigFinish audio Son of the Dragon
#DoctorWho #PeterDavison #NicolaBryant #CarolineMorris #Dracula #Peri #FifthDoctor #Erimem
#bigfinish #doctorwho #PeterDavison #NicolaBryant #CarolineMorris #dracula #Peri #fifthdoctor #Erimem
The 5th Doctor, Peri and new companion Erimem travel to the early days of Christianity in an unusual yet gripping historical from Big Finish
#DoctorWho #classicwho #PeterDavison #SarahSutton #CarolineMorris #TheFifthDoctor #Nyssa #Erimem #BigFinish
#doctorwho #classicwho #PeterDavison #sarahsutton #CarolineMorris #TheFifthDoctor #Nyssa #Erimem #bigfinish