Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep, really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough. ~ #ErnestHemingway
#Art: #Photograph by #EarlTheisen📷
💙 #YOU & us⚓🌊🌐🌊⚓
#ErnestHemingway #book #forwhomthebelltolls #art #photograph #earltheisen #you
I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.
-- Ernest Hemingway
⬆ #Quotes #ErnestHemingway #Communication #Listening
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LakePowell #SlickRock #Canyon #Utah
#quotes #ErnestHemingway #communication #listening #photography #panorama #lakepowell #slickrock #canyon #utah
I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.
-- Ernest Hemingway
⬆ #Quotes #ErnestHemingway #Communication #Listening
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LakePowell #SlickRock #Canyon #Utah
#quotes #ErnestHemingway #communication #listening #photography #panorama #lakepowell #slickrock #canyon #utah
Never confuse movement with action.
-- Ernest Hemingway
#action #ErnestHemingway #quotes #panopainting #bot
Never confuse movement with action.
-- Ernest Hemingway
#action #ErnestHemingway #quotes #panopainting #bot
Ernest Hemingway in his kitchen, eating dinner, drinking wine, petting cat (1957)
#wine #ernesthemingway
Grab your fedoras noir fans, because TCM is playing The Killers (1946) tonight! Watch and toot along during this crime thriller classic while I post trivia, riff, and work on a new live-drawn portrait of Ava Gardner. Show starts at 2:00 AM EST late Friday night!
#TCMParty #TheKillers #TheKillers1946 #FilmNoir #AvaGardner #ClassicFilm #Noir #40sNoir #WatchParty #NewArt #FanArt #CineMastodon #FilmMastodon #Art #Movies #ErnestHemingway
#TCMParty #thekillers #thekillers1946 #filmnoir #avagardner #classicfilm #noir #40snoir #watchparty #newart #FanArt #cinemastodon #FilmMastodon #art #movies #ErnestHemingway
“Todos los buenos libros tienen en común que son más verdaderos que si hubieran sucedido realmente.”
(Ernest Hemingway).
#escritores #ernesthemingway #letras #literatura #reflexiones #libros #books #bookstodon
#escritores #ErnestHemingway #letras #literatura #reflexiones #libros #books #bookstodon
Love this #ErnestHemingway quote:
"Don’t ever kid yourself about loving someone. It is just that most people are not lucky enough ever to have it. What you have...whether it lasts just through today and a part of tomorrow, or whether it lasts for a long life is the most important thing that can happen to a human being. There will always be people who say it does not exist because they cannot have it. But I tell you it is true and that you have it and that you are lucky even if you die tomorrow."
@jonwesleyhuff I know there are more, but these all came to mind fairly quickly:
#IsaacAsimov #Asimov
#JRRTolkien #Tolkien
#ErnestHemingway #Hemingway
#RainerMariaRilke #Rilke
Doubled up on some of the hashtags just to be safe :)
#shakespeare #maryoliver #rilke #rainermariarilke #hemingway #ErnestHemingway #nkjemisin #tolkien #jrrtolkien #asimov #isaacasimov
ARTE-Doku: Die illustren Erlebnisse des Ernest Hemingway https://leanderwattig.com/dokuliebe/dokus/2021/die-illustren-erlebnisse-des-ernest-hemingway/ #WasmitBüchern–Doku #ErnestHemingway #VirginieLinhart #Doku-Liebe #ARTE
#wasmitbüchern #ErnestHemingway #VirginieLinhart #doku #arte
Links »mit Büchern« — KW24/2020 https://orbanism.com/wasmitbuechern/2020/links-mit-buechern-kw24-2020/ #FrankfurterAllgemeineZeitung(FAZ) #Anna-Amalia-Bibliothek #LiteraturhausMünchen #Links»mitBüchern« #FridtjofKüchemann #WolfgangSchneider #AndreasPlatthaus #ArthurConanDoyle #ErnestHemingway #JorgeLuisBorges #WasmitBüchern #ElmarKrekeler #JohnO’Connell #LeanderWattig #PaulIngendaay #HarryHoudini #ChristaWolf #HansFallada #J.K.Rowling #SibylleBerg #AnjaRobert #DavidBowie #DERSPIEGEL #Doku-Liebe
#FrankfurterAllgemeineZeitung #anna #LiteraturhausMünchen #links #FridtjofKüchemann #WolfgangSchneider #AndreasPlatthaus #arthurconandoyle #ErnestHemingway #JorgeLuisBorges #wasmitbüchern #ElmarKrekeler #JohnO #LeanderWattig #PaulIngendaay #HarryHoudini #ChristaWolf #hansfallada #j #sibylleberg #AnjaRobert #davidbowie #derspiegel #doku