@auguryignored I've really enjoyed reading #blackSwordHack and #errant; both are freely available with an SRD. So much flavour.
Ran some #Errant tonight and had a fucking BALL. Playtesting my dungeon23 project has only paid off.
There's so much of the layout I need to change from a practical standpoint, but the loops I put in have been SO much fun.
The first area has holes down, and they've picked them 100% of the time. This time, it was descending into a city gate full of undead guards
This weekend I've been trying to change my online writing presence. Learning how RSS + Blogger works, so I can stop using Substack LIKE a blog and just blog. Maybe newsletter here and there.
Check out what I've been working on BEFORE I get the chance to share my writing. I made an elder God covenant for use with #Errant & #OSR #NSR . Tsathoggua! Thanks @joeyv for the template!
@LeviKornelsen hey everybody! 👋
My name is Asher, and I post (and blog!) about all sorts of #OSR #NSR stuff. I have some #MÖRKBORG adventures on my itch page!
Working on a #dungeon23 project that uses #Errant as its skeleton. I like worker-owned businesses, am a Leftist from Pittsburgh, and have been getting really into DUNGEON SYNTH.
#osr #NSR #MorkBorg #dungeon23 #Errant
I built a simple markdown template for creating #Errant RPG Testaments. Find it here:
#Errant #ttrpg #osr #errantrpg
Adding #Errant : A Fantasy Role Playing Game to my shelves. Looking forward to reading through it this weekend.
Watching this great stream where Ava Islam drops the incredible line "in my home game I tell my players I won't call their characters by their names until they hit level 2". I think this is somehow not included among Errant's many procedures and subsystems? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-uSH6tS3g8&ab_channel=PlusOneExp #ttrpgs #errant #PlusOneExp
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#MacAttack (or whatever it ends up being named)
#ttrpg #5and5 #uvg #IntoTheOdd #ShadowoftheDemonLord #Factotums #CthulhuDark #LesOubliés #CoureursDOrages #vademecum #MechaHack #MailOrderApocalypse #Errant #SEACAT #LaRouteDuMaitre #MacAttack