#Errorphant reminds me of CJ the elephant from the codemasters game
why do you want to name #errorphant as if it were other character?.. it's just #JonhMastodon having a little time of philosophical reflection... π π
#Errorphant #jonhmastodon
@jeffsamsonow why not both? Why not an #Errorphant showing up during a #Mastodown?
#Errorphant #mastodown
Did #JohnMastodon approve the name for #Errorphant?
#johnmastodon #Errorphant
I vote for #Errorphant +1
@esther I second #Errorphant or #Mastodown
@esther Up with this sort of thing! #Errorphant
#Errorphant Great Idea, love it.
@esther #errorphant, check.
@esther Absolutely support #Errorphant. π
#Errorphant is so good!
@gren Let's hashtag that: #Errorphant