Heute gaben die #konfis in nur 45 Minuten das #Escape Game zur #Bibel geschafft. Respekt! Wer es noch nicht kennt, bittesehr:
Auch was für #religionEDU
#konfis #Escape #bibel #ReligionEDU #FediKirche
A very #smart #cat https://twitter.com/singh78986/status/1619466426846433281
Another very #smart #cat from #Indonesia - #learning fast - posted by @buitengebieden on #Twitter https://twitter.com/buitengebieden/status/1619465186938871809
ANOTHER #AWESOME CAT #TECHNIQUE HOW TO #ESCAPE LOL https://twitter.com/aureus130/status/1588905015502344193
HAVE A GREAT DAY, EVERYONE & #GBU / viel Gottes #Segen
#MadeMyDay #MMD
#Video #VideoOfTheDay #PictureOfTheDay
#cute #funny #pets
#cat #Katze #Kater #MastoCat #MastoCats #meow
#fun #happy #blessed
#NiceDay #HappyDay #BlessedDay
#smart #Cat #indonesia #learning #twitter #awesome #technique #Escape #gbu #segen #mademyday #mmd #video #videooftheday #PictureOfTheDay #cute #Funny #Pets #katze #kater #mastocat #mastocats #meow #fun #happy #blessed #niceday #happyday #blessedday
A very clear #statement by #Larry the #Cat @Number10cat@twitter.com:
To answer some of your questions:
- No I’m not “#RishiSunak’s cat”
- I live here #permanently, #politicians are #temporary #residents (hahaha)
- Some of them very temporary
- I #agree, he’s not off to a great #start
- No, I’ve not found his #wallet. Yet.
ANOTHER #AWESOME CAT #TECHNIQUE HOW TO #ESCAPE LOL https://twitter.com/aureus130/status/1588905015502344193
#statement #Larry #Cat #RishiSunak #permanently #politicians #temporary #residents #agree #Start #Wallet #awesome #technique #Escape #gbu #segen #niceday #happyday #blessedday
A very clear #statement of #Larry the #Cat @Number10cat@twitter.com:
To answer some of your questions:
- No I’m not “#RishiSunak’s cat”
- I live here #permanently, #politicians are #temporary #residents (hahaha)
- Some of them very temporary
- I #agree, he’s not off to a great #start
- No, I’ve not found his #wallet. Yet.
ANOTHER #AWESOME CAT #TECHNIQUE HOW TO #ESCAPE LOL https://twitter.com/aureus130/status/1588905015502344193
#statement #Larry #Cat #RishiSunak #permanently #politicians #temporary #residents #agree #Start #Wallet #awesome #technique #Escape #gbu #segen #niceday #happyday #blessedday
@CoRohen @teacherrogueone #minetest bietet tolle Möglichkeiten, zb mit #escape Rooms https://blogs.rpi-virtuell.de/minetest/anleitungen/breakout-raeume-bauen-mit-mesecons/ @AnBoe_65 @minetestbildung