Ubuntu 18.04 General Support Ends, Enable ESM to Stay Protected
As anticipated, support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is now over — but don’t panic if you’re still using it, as this is not the end of the road. Ubuntu 18.04 ‘Bionic Beaver’ lives on through Expanded Security Maintenance1, or ESM. This provides users of the distro with a further five years (!) of core security updates from Canonical and Ubuntu developers. ESM isn’t automatic but it is easy to enrol. To benefit, you need to sign up for an Ubuntu Pro subscription — but don’t worry, this is free for regular users on up to 5 devices (more if you’re :sys_more_orange:
#News #BionicBeaver #Esm #Ubuntu18_04Lts #UbuntuPro
:sys_omgubuntu: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/05/ubuntu-18-04-general-support-ends-enable-esm-to-stay-protected
#news #BionicBeaver #Esm #Ubuntu18_04Lts #UbuntuPro
Canonical Extends Support of Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 to 10 Years
Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04 just got a major support boost from Canonical. Announced today, Canonical says both releases will now get an extended 10 years of support from their original release date, up from the 5 originally provided. This commitment brings these older LTS releases in line with the 10 year commitment already in place for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS. As a result, Ubuntu 14.04 is supported until April 2024, and Ubuntu 16.04 is supported until April 2026. The announcement is sure to be welcomed by enterprise, business, and other service customers who run orders versions of :sys_more_orange:
#News #Canonical #Esm #Lts #TrustyTahr #XenialXerus
:sys_omgubuntu: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/09/canonical-extends-support-of-ubuntu-14-04-and-16-04-to-10-years
#news #Canonical #Esm #Lts #TrustyTahr #XenialXerus