Well that explains why, in #Esperanto , the #US is called "Usono." Personally, I'm all in favor of that being the official name instead of "The United States of America." Let's be real, our current name, is VERY #colonial / #imperial WE are #america No one else. FFS, get out of here with that #nonsense
Now I'm going to have to try and hunt down a copy of Here and There in Two Hemispheres by James D. Law
#nonsense #america #imperial #colonial #US #Esperanto
Just changed my default language in #Fedora #Gnome to #Esperanto to be more regularly exposed to it. Now, the date and time are still in English, so I'm gonna have to look into that and figure out if I need to contribute to that 🤔
#language #OpenSource #Esperanto #GNOME #Fedora
Sigo con Duolingo. El esperanto me está gustando mucho. Quizás cuando acabe el curso de Nutrición y Dietética me plantee estudiarlo un poquito más en serio. ¿Alguien conoce un buen libro para aprender esperanto?
I'm Carlos from Mexico 🇲🇽 . I love languages. especially #Esperanto. I'm an #ESL teacher, but in this account I follow artist and enjoy paintings 🎨 and photos. 📸 .
I'm Carlos from Mexico 🇲🇽 . I love languages. especially #Esperanto. I'm an #ESL teacher, but in this account I follow artist and enjoy paintings 🎨 and photos. 📸 .
As an RCM Specialist, I'm familiar with a wide range of office applications commonly used for productivity and communication purposes. Some of the office applications I am knowledgeable about include: Microsoft Office Suite: This includes applications like Microsoft Word (for document creation and editing), Microsoft Excel (for spreadsheets and data analysis), Microsoft PowerPoint (for creating presentat
@Winni while I would consider myself a techie, I'm not really in favor of using something such as #AI just due to the myriad of complications regarding it's use and reliance on complex systems.
Going the #Esperanto route has a few benefits: 1) it's a resilient language and is fairly easy to learn (despite the Euro-centrism.) 2) it can be used as a learning language to prime a user/learner to learn other languages, see: https://youtu.be/8gSAkUOElsg
I'm sitting here doing some learning on #ebike and I'm watching a lot of international English (UK, EU) content and it made me realize how much nicer it would be if we got our act together and started to learn and use #Esperanto as the international auxiliary language (along with #metric in the US)
It would make learning things from other countries and international communication so much easier.
#Education #language #international #globaltribe #metric #Esperanto #ebike
La kato estas tre bela (El gato es muy guapo)
Hodiau la vetero estas bona kaj la suno brilas (Hoy hace buen tiempo y el sol brilla)
La viro kaj la virino laboras en la oficejo. (El hombre y la mujer trabajan en la oficina)
La kato amas min (El gato me quiere)
Unu kaj tri estas kvar (Uno más tres son cuatro)
Cu la cambro estas varma au malvarma (¿Hace calor o frío en la habitación?)
17 días de Duolingo. Voy aprendiendo un poquito de #Esperanto :ablobcatenjoy:
Today is the "Internacia Tago de #Esperanto" (Esperanto Day). The "Unua Libro" (first book), which introduced the language and its grammar, was published 136 years ago today.
For anyone curious about why I like Esperanto so much, I made a video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QsHxQcZbQU
Salutions. Mi estas Ratona. Mi logas kaj laboras el Asturias. Mi estas bone. Mi estas komencanto.
Hola. Soy Ratona. Vivo y trabajo en Asturias. Estoy bien. Soy una principiante.
Mis primeros pasos con el #Esperanto
Jovdio: Ni bezonas pluvo!
Nia gazoneyo esas quale dezerto.
#esperanto reformita
#Esperanto #idolinguo #thursday
Merkurdio: mea incenso esis tro forta. . .tuso tuso.
#esperanto reformita
#Esperanto #idolinguo #wednesday
Mardio: me studiis l'Ogham.
Tre interesanta.
#esperanto reformita
#Esperanto #idolinguo #ogham #tuesday
«La maxim bona linguo internaciona esas ta, qua prizentas la maxim faciles—granda facileso por la maxim multa homi.» - O. Jespersen
#idolinguo #esperanto reformita
du tasi di kafeo ne suficis !
#monday #idolinguo #esperanto reformita
Sundio: hodie, la pastorino prizentis ecelanta prediko.
#idolinguo #esperanto reformita