RT by @Snowden: Unconstitutional prosecutions of journalists and their sources under the #EspionageAct pose an existential threat to #pressfreedom in the U.S.
An amendment to reform the 100+ year-old law could finally change that. https://freedom.press/news/proposed-espionage-act-reforms-are-vital-for-investigative-journalism/ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1677361173912592398 - Unconstitutional prosecutions of journalists and their sources under the #EspionageAct po... http://nitter.schl...
In his recent unhinged statement #Trump refers to "THE NEVER USED BEFORE ESPIONAGE ACT OF 1917".
It's been used before--a lot. The law has teeth, as the Rosenbergs learned.
Though I disagree with much of this law and with the death penalty in general, I think that politicians--especially a former president--should be held to the highest legal standard.
Reality Winner got 5 years for stealing one document and was charged under the #EspionageAct Does anyone really believe TFG will be treated like "any other person?" Hell no! But, he is the #TwiceImpeached #TwiceIndictedThisYear #FormerCorruptPrez
#EspionageAct #twiceimpeached #twiceindictedthisyear #formercorruptprez
RT by @Snowden: Bc presidents f/ *both* political parties have abused classification system & #EspionageAct to chill investigative journalism & punish sources, the differences bt Trump's actions & everyone else's will never resonate the way @TheJusticeDept hopes. https://www.salon.com/2023/01/31/trump-pence-and-biden-wont-be-punished--but-chelsea-manning-and-reality-winner-went-to/ - Bc presidents f/ *both* political parties have abused classification system & #Espion... http://nitter.schl...
4 gennaio. La sentenza sul caso Assange. Il padre: i diritti umani inderogabili non possono essere mai negati” https://www.articolo21.org/2021/01/4-gennaio-la-sentenza-sul-caso-assange-il-padre-i-diritti-umani-inderogabili-non-possono-essere-mai-negati/ #JulianAssange #DesireeKlain #EspionageAct #Imbavagliati #JohnShipton #Articoli #Diritti #Esteri
#esteri #diritti #articoli #JohnShipton #Imbavagliati #EspionageAct #DesireeKlain #JulianAssange