Gatugäng även i Helsingfors – flera fängelsedomar
Under de senaste åren har sådana även börjat dyka upp i Finland. Det har visats tydligt av den rättegång i Helsingfors tingsrätt där två personer dömts till fängelse för en lång rad våldshän
#Brott #Esbo #Finland #Helsingfors #Vld #Espoo #Fngelse #Gangstergng #Helsinki #KriminellaNtverk #KurdishMafia #LCity #Misshandel #Mordfrsk #Mordplaner #Skjutning
#skjutning #mordplaner #mordfrsk #misshandel #lcity #kurdishmafia #kriminellantverk #helsinki #gangstergng #fngelse #Espoo #vld #Helsingfors #finland #esbo #brott
RT @AnttiTimonen: Excellent results from #GeneratorsofHope collection by the cities of #Helsinki, #Espoo and #Vantaa: nearly 120 generators, power units, heaters and other devices on their way to those in need in #Ukraine.
Big thanks to all donors!
#GeneratorsofHope #Helsinki #Espoo #Vantaa #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine
So uhh...
Yesterday, some private security guards (basically mall cops but with no real legal authority) killed a woman through excessive use of force.
According to eye witnesses, the woman was being dragged out of a shop while she resisted.
Several security guards apparently tackled her to the ground then laid on top of her.
As she stopped breathing, it was the customers at the mall, NOT THE TRAINED GUARDS, who attempted to resucitate her. But she perished despite their efforts.
So we have a bunch of private security guards who basically took the life of someone in broad daylight. And the police are investigating this as an accident, not as any kind of homicide.
You know... Cops making favors for pretend-cops. #ACAB #Finland #Espoo #Securitas #IsoOmena
Article, in Finnish:
#acab #finland #Espoo #Securitas #isoomena
As the price of electricity rises & the threat of electricity shortages grows, cities need to introduce measures to reduce the consumption of electricity. #Espoo participates in the national 'Down a Degree' campaign & encourages its staff and residents to save energy. @mmarkkula
As the price of electricity rises & the threat of electricity shortages grows, cities need to introduce measures to reduce the consumption of electricity. #Espoo participates in the national 'Down a Degree' campaign & encourages its staff and residents to save energy. @mmarkkula
My city #Espoo has a special energy preparedness team to tackle the threat of electricity shortages. The City Board has approved an extensive set of direct energy-saving measures, including reducing peaks in electricity consumption and curbing the rise in energy costs. @mmarkkula
My city #Espoo has a special energy preparedness team to tackle the threat of electricity shortages. The City Board has approved an extensive set of direct energy-saving measures, including reducing peaks in electricity consumption and curbing the rise in energy costs. @mmarkkula
Avec l’appui et le soutien des équipes de la #RegionSud, la Métropole Aix-Marseille arrive en finale du prix Capitale européenne de l’innovation ! 🏅
Maintenant, tous ensemble pour faire gagner notre territoire, en compétition avec #Valence et #Espoo : verdict en décembre.
RT @leilachaibi: ☢️PROJET #CIGÉO #BURE, Mobilisation des outils juridiques européens : #Aahrus, #Espoo, évaluation Environnementale
📝Heureuse de vous convier avec @MicheleRivasi à ce colloque le 5/10/2022 au Parlement🇪🇺 de Strasbourg et en ligne.
Infos et inscriptions👉
Projet Cigéo : Les conventions #Espoo et #Aarhus n'auraient-elles pas dû déjà être appliquées? Le public est-il suffisamment informé en amont ? Quid du respect de la directive européenne liée à l'évaluation environnementale des projets?
Infos et inscription au colloque⬇️
RT @MicheleRivasi: Je vous invite à la conférence « Projet Cigéo • Mobilisation des outils juridiques européens : Aarhus, Espoo & évaluation environnementale »…
RT @cedra_collectif: 📝 COLLOQUE Mercredi 5 octobre 2022, 14h-17h30
☢️ PROJET #CIGÉO #BURE, Mobilisation des outils juridiques européens : #Aahrus, #Espoo, évaluation Environnementale
Retrouvez l'invitation et le programme ci-dessous !
#Cigéo #Bure #Aahrus #Espoo #nucléaire
Cities and city-driven regions are the drivers of transformation. We #Espoo and #Helsinki Region will be carbon neutral by 2030. We will increase the research and development investments above five percent of the GDP. @mmarkkula #EPPLocalDialogue
#Espoo #Helsinki #EPPLocalDialogue
Cities and city-driven regions are the drivers of transformation. We #Espoo and #Helsinki Region will be carbon neutral by 2030. We will increase the research and development investments above five percent of the GDP. @mmarkkula #EPPLocalDialogue
#Espoo #Helsinki #EPPLocalDialogue
RT @AnneRannali: Over the years I have had a priviledge to participate number of #Eurocities AGMs in number of #European cities. This time we gather in #Espoo with 450 city peers with themes Dream-Act- Lead- Together. @oulunkaupunki @Oulu2026offici #Eurocities2022
#Eurocities #European #Espoo #Eurocities2022
As one of the #EUMission cities, #Espoo we will aim to reach Climate Neutrality by 2030 and support other cities to accelerate their energy renewal. Collaborating with industry, academia & citizens is our way to reach this target. @mmarkkula #RePowerEU
As one of the #EUMission cities, #Espoo we will aim to reach Climate Neutrality by 2030 and support other cities to accelerate their energy renewal. Collaborating with industry, academia & citizens is our way to reach this target. @mmarkkula #RePowerEU