Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
357 followers · 590 posts · Server

Among 9/11 memories, I refer you to my 2015 essay Packaged Terror, about how ripples of the attack touched me personally, several states away in New Hampshire.

I'm pretty confident that if you have the time, you'll find it an engaging read.

Had I not lived it, I might doubt some of its details myself, but I quite assure you this is a completely true story. And the take-home message is still very relevant today.

#911day #911NeverForget #911anniversary #memories #terrorism #terror #politics #Essay #shortstory #history #historical #nineeleven #september11 #neverforget

Last updated 1 year ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
357 followers · 590 posts · Server

For those who are into 9/11 memories today, I refer you to my 2015 essay Packaged Terror, about how ripples of the attack touched me personally, several states away in New Hampshire.

It's such an odd tale that it may seem like fiction. Had I not been there, looking back on text now cold with distance of time, it would seem like that to me had I not lived it. But I quite assure you it's actually true. And it has an important message for all of us.

#911day #911NeverForget #911anniversary #memories #terrorism #terror #politics #Essay #shortstory #history #historical

Last updated 1 year ago

I made a lot of progress with my depression these past weeks and am finally motivated to read and write again.
I've started writing an a long time ago, to cope with what I've been through, but also to release it one day.

I'd love to let other people contribute chapters to my book. Essays on various topics that come up in my story.

So now I'm asking you all, if there is anyone who could think of writing such an essay for me, because you are affected by the topic yourself, or are an expert in the field.
Or if you know someone, who would be perfect for that topic.

Here are a few of the topics:

( @ueckueck, you said you might write that one, still interested?)

There are other topics as well, but I already have people in mind who I'll directly ask to write essays about them; especially topics around .

The essays should be at least 2-5 pages long and provide a general gist about the topic, but ideally also contain something personal, like what the topic means to you.
Written in or .

Preliminary deadline is summer '24, but a lot can change until then and if you need longer, don't worry.

Please :boost: . Thanks. ❤️

#autobiography #depression #genderidentity #asexuality #SurveillanceCapitalism #Fediverse #SocialPhobia #wtfromance #selfharm #suicidality #ClimateJustice #English #german #boost #author #book #writing #Essay #FollowerPower

Last updated 1 year ago

MeerderWörter · @MeerderWoerter
58 followers · 387 posts · Server

Hmm, vll nicht ganz die richtige Instanz, aber weiß hier zufälligerweise jemand wo man einen wissenschaftlichen Essay zu Bewegungstheorie und sozialem Wandel publizieren könnte? Als Master-Studentin, sollte sowas doch eigentlich möglich sein.

#FollowerPower #soziologie #Essay #sozialebewegungen #bewegungsforschung #sozialerWandel

Last updated 1 year ago

#50 Konzerne

Die wahren Klima-Verbrecher

Die Carbon Majors sind die Konzerne, die am meisten zur Klimakrise beitragen. Wie lange wollen wir das noch verzeihen? Höchste Zeit, sie zur Verantwortung zu ziehen. ~ 9 Minuten Lesezeit

#verantwortung #fossile #Essay

Last updated 1 year ago

patyt reyes ✨ · @blackholeness
366 followers · 40 posts · Server

I totally fell in love with Lewis Mumford's on "Authoritarian and Democratic Technics"

A timeless piece on how the insatiable, ideological drive behind Science and Tech has created a system that strips us away from our humanity & disconnects us from each other.

His solution? Redesign tech & cut the system back so that there's space for our human autonomy and intervention.

Also a good + tech manifesto; and great prose 🖤

#philosophyoftechnology #philosophy #diy #Essay

Last updated 1 year ago

Mick Birchall Reviews · @mickelrath
39 followers · 158 posts · Server
Nils Weisensee · @nw
515 followers · 585 posts · Server

A fascinating and terrifying on how the internet has come to own us. Where do we go from here?

#Essay #technology #relationship #autonomy

Last updated 1 year ago

Yahia Lababidi · @EgyptianAphorist
863 followers · 4611 posts · Server

It seemed to me that ‘my’ readers would be readers of their own selves, my book being merely a sort of magnifying glass.
— Marcel Proust

#beauty #literature #quote #substack #reading #books #Essay

Last updated 1 year ago

Yahia Lababidi · @EgyptianAphorist
648 followers · 2716 posts · Server

‘safe’ chats with me about booze & :

"After I told My AI I was 15 & wanted to have an epic birthday party, it gave me advice on how to mask the smell of & pot.

When I told it I had an due for it wrote it for me."

via @washingtonpost

#snapchat #ai #sex #alcohol #Essay #school #artificialintelligence #Tech #technology #technews

Last updated 1 year ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
380 followers · 361 posts · Server

“I have some bad news,” the bartender tells me, just recently, in fact. I prepare myself for the worst. She’s getting to know me quite well and probably actually knows the things that matter to me, I realize.

I don’t drink, mind you, but I’m there several times a week. I drink diet coke and ask them to take their ahi tuna salad and substitute salmon. I’m pretty regular about that. It’s not typical bar food, I suppose, but it suits me.

I like salmon. I eat it a lot. I have a couple ounces for breakfast. And it’s a common thing for me to eat when I eat out.

“I have some bad news,” she says again, making sure she has my attention, and that I’m prepared. “They’re changing the menu. There’s not going to be any more salmon.”

I am stunned. I stare at her in anguish. It’s what she expected, and she seems sad. She knew this wouldn’t sit well. But I elaborate.

“The salmon were going away anyway,” I explain. “I always expected that. They’ll be extinct. And often when I eat salmon, I think, I’m really going to miss this. I just didn’t expect it so soon, and for this reason.”

There are still salmon in the world. That’s good at least. But she’s right that I’ll be sad when I come to the restaurant. Still, maybe it’s a wake-up call. Practice. The salmon aren’t quite gone, like the rest of the ecology. Climate change mostly, though we’re fishing out the oceans anyway, and not taking very good care of anything else.

I expect mankind itself to go extinct inside of 20 years. It’s not going to be pretty. Maybe if we started saying it out loud now, it would hit us in time to do something.

I’m going to miss the salmon, when it happens for real.

And soon after that, humanity itself.

Though whatever’s left probably won’t miss us.

- - - - -
I wrote the above essay, titled Passing of the Salmon, in 2015. I was reminded of it today when I saw this news story:

My original essay:

#environment #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #fish #fishedout #salmon #extinction #philosophy #personalizingextinction #writing #Essay #anecdote #shortstory #truestory

Last updated 1 year ago

· @hallvors
288 followers · 424 posts · Server

Fant igjen et oppgavesvar fra lærerskolen, et fra 2021 jeg kalte "kunstig intelligens mangler dannelse".

Kanskje noen her er interessert i å lese det?

#Essay #pedagogikk #didaktikk #ai #dannelse #utdannelse #wergeland

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike · @mikegrindle
3 followers · 17 posts · Server

This mornings short-form

- Firefly by Haruki Murakami
- Elm by Sylvia Plath
- Excerpt from The Republic (Book II) by Plato

First time during this challenge that I've read all the same authors two days in a row. The result of my choosing to stick to the books I have at hand rather than scour the internet (I spend enough time doing that as it is).

#Essay #poem #shortstory #reading

Last updated 1 year ago

Bethany Edgoose · @goosegirl
52 followers · 79 posts · Server

Today was my first day back working after a life-uprooting move. Sitting in a bare apartment on a naked mattress wondering - again - why furniture is so damn expensive; I scrolled through some blogs I wrote a few years back (pandemic blogging binge). This one made me smile; "The Calling You are Calling For is Currently Unavailable". If you, too, have spent time today wondering what it is exactly that you are might like it:

#writing #blogging #blog #Essay

Last updated 2 years ago

Yahia Lababidi · @EgyptianAphorist
393 followers · 1464 posts · Server
Yahia Lababidi · @EgyptianAphorist
306 followers · 991 posts · Server

⚠️ warns: “Do Not Watch This Alone”

*Conversations with a Killer :
The Ted Bundy Tapes*

While reflecting on our increasingly violent culture and the banality of evil , I thought to revisit my own on the subject, on 👇🏼

#Netflix #Essay #meditation #murder #throwbackthursday #humpday #psychology #movies #movie #film #films #review #Reviews #news #mentalhealth #media #thoughts #violence #writing #blog #truecrime

Last updated 2 years ago

Jay · @JavierKolstad
91 followers · 1079 posts · Server
Susan · @onewildlife1
7 followers · 16 posts · Server

"Humans deserve to know when something is written by a human or written by a machine."-Edward Tian. Tian has created an app to combat AI ChatGPT. We need to know how to research, to read and think deeply, to organize and present an argument, to discover pathos, ethos, logos.

#writing #creativewriting #Essay #education

Last updated 2 years ago

ThomasHerterich · @ThomasHerterich
239 followers · 744 posts · Server


Die Dämonisierung von Personen durch -Aktivisten gehört zu den Talking Points der . Losgetreten wurde die transfeindliche Debatte jedoch von linken – bereits vor Jahrzehnten

von Joane Studnik (


#trans #terf #rechten #feministinnen #Essay

Last updated 2 years ago

Yahia Lababidi · @EgyptianAphorist
217 followers · 663 posts · Server