Don't forget to include your #web3 assets in your estate planning.
I spoke on this very topic last week at NYU at an event created by @nysba.
#EstatePlanning #estatetax #digitalassets #cryptocurency #defi #NFT #btc #eth #opensea #nyc #trusts #probate #coldwallet #hotwallet
#web3 #EstatePlanning #estatetax #digitalassets #cryptocurency #defi #NFT #btc #eth #opensea #nyc #trusts #probate #coldwallet #hotwallet
Yesterday was #HealthcareDecisionsDay, and I shared a post from a few years ago. Here's a follow-up with some more good information. #Death #EstatePlanning
#healthcaredecisionsday #death #EstatePlanning
Losing a loved one sucks.
You can make it easier on your family when you shuffle off this mortal coil.
But you have to do it now. You can't come back after you die to help them figure stuff out.
#death #estateplanning #endoflife #wills
#death #EstatePlanning #endoflife #wills