"Taiwan is a democracy. I don't think Taiwan should be supporting a despot to supress human rights," said Sicelo Mngomezulu.
@kharistempleman calls it a "dilemma" for Taiwan's foreign policy
#HumanRights #Eswatini #Taiwan
🇳🇫 #TAIWAN: ❝#African politicians, MPs laud [#President #Tsai_Ing_wen's (#蔡英文)] trip❞
#Eswatini 🇸🇿
#Eswatini #蔡英文 #tsai_ing_wen #president #african #Taiwan
🇳🇫 #TAIWAN: ❝#President [#Tsai_Ing_wen (#蔡英文)] to visit #Eswatini 🇸🇿 next month❞
#Eswatini #蔡英文 #tsai_ing_wen #president #Taiwan
❝#Eswatini 🇸🇿 PM backs #Taiwan’s 🇳🇫 #freedom❞
Opposition leader Tulani Maseko was killed in #Eswatini before the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov.
He was shot after a report on intelligence ties with #Russia.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1617907429701996544
#Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov flew to the capital city of #Eswatini.
Eswatini is a small state in southern Africa with a population of less than 1.2 million people. The country has been ruled by King Mswati III for more than 30 years.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1617817363075985409
Heute wieder ein neuer Beitrag in ReiseFreak's #ReiseMagazin und #ReiseBlog
Neuer Reiseführer: Baedeker Südafrika, Eswatini (Swaziland) und Lesotho
Wird es bei und dunkel, kalt und feucht, steht man vor dem (beleuchteten) Globus und überlegt, wo es denn wärmer sein könnte. Wegen des kaum zu merkenden Zei
#Buchvorstellung #Baedeker #Eswatini #Lesotho #Reiseführer #Südafrika #Swaziland
#swaziland #sudafrika #reisefuhrer #Lesotho #Eswatini #baedeker #buchvorstellung #reiseblog #Reisemagazin
A demonstration escalates in #Eswatini (Swaziland), the last absolute monarchy in Africa following the imprisonment of several bus drivers. The Manzini police station was set on fire and shops looted. The soldiers opened fire on the demonstrators
A demonstration escalates in #Eswatini (Swaziland), the last absolute monarchy in Africa following the imprisonment of several bus drivers. The Manzini police station was set on fire and shops looted. The soldiers opened fire on the demonstrators
The prime minister of #Eswatini, died in a South African hospital on Sunday after contracting Covid-19, the government said in a statement.