Get a look at Hot Toys' Eternals Thena figure #eternals #hottoys #sideshowcollectibles
#Eternals #hottoys #sideshowcollectibles
#AllStarTrek Is this show going to turn into a super weird abortion metaphor like #Eternals? Cuz I will laugh my ass off if it does.
Yo hubiese hecho un limited series de Marvel's #Eternals, en lugar de la película esa de mil horas, con personajes a medio desarrollar.
Hubiese estado súper gufiá, un episodio por período de tiempo.
Yo hubiese hecho un limited series de Marvel's #Eternals, en lugar de la película esa de mil horas, con personajes a medio desarrollar.
Hubiese estado súper gufiá, un episodio por período de tiempo.
O possível calendário de 2026 será:
- 'Doutor Estranho 3'
- 'Vingadores: Dinastia Kang'
- 'Eternos 2'
"Eles estão explorando mover o Avatar 4 até novembro ou atrasá-lo um ano para dar às Guerras Secretas dezembro, em vez de adiar para maio de 2027."
RUMOR: #CaptainAmerica4 will reportedly involve a geopolitical conflict over countries wanting to claim ownership of Tiamut Island from #Eternals, which is said to contain Adamantium! Full details:
"Eternos 2 será o Dia do Julgamento e será mais cósmico. Chloé Zhao não está contratada e há uma chance de ela não voltar para fazer a sequência."
Se os rumores dos últimos dias forem verdade, #Eternals pode tornar-se um dos filmes mais marcantes do #MCU.
RUMORES DE #Thunderbolts!!
-#Sentry deberá ser detenido a cualquier costo, las voces en su cabeza (The Void) lo harían muy peligroso.
-Tiamut, el #Celestial dormido de #Eternals podría convertirse en #Genosha, la isla mutante, y fuente de #Adamantium.
(F: DanielRPK vía @Marvelpodcast)
#Thunderbolts #Sentry #celestial #Eternals #genosha #adamantium
That’ll teach me to pay attention to sizing better! I’ve been eyeing this Eternals mega volume for a while. Dipped to a great price… having no idea it’s the size of a small child! But, like, a book! Honestly this is probably how Kirby art should always be presented! #Marvel #MarvelComics #Eternals #ComicBooks #Comics
#comics #comicbooks #Eternals #marvelcomics #marvel
Never was much of a #Eternals comic fan. It was the lesser Jack Kirby comic for me. Not even the mid-2000’s Gaiman and JRjr run could get me to stick around, but this run by Kieron Gillen and Essad Ribic makes me a believer. Eternal comics are good, actually? #comics #marvel #goodcomics
#Eternals #comics #marvel #goodcomics
Per aquella gent que va critica #Eternals de #Marvel referent a la referència que fan sobre els espanyols, i que la gent sempre diu que és una llegenda negra...
"La conquista de América fue una brutal y sangrienta invasión que debería generar vergüenza" - Antonio Espino López, historiador español
Bandit bespricht: Marvels ETERNALS
Der Spruch "immer der gleiche Sermon" ist nicht unbedingt positiv gemeint. ...
#Eternals #Marvel #MarvelCinematicUniverse #MarvelsEternals #MCU
#mcu #marvelseternals #marvelcinematicuniverse #Marvel #Eternals
If you like the music from #GameofThrones or #WestWorld, you'll probably enjoy the #Eternals soundtrack, also by #RaminDjawadi. It played a big part in my enjoyment of the movie!
#gameofthrones #westworld #Eternals #RaminDjawadi
#Eternals - I didn't like the plot and some of the character developments, but other than that I loved the visuals, many of the characters, most of the acting, the sound balance, background music, etc. etc. Definitely MUCH more enjoyable than the supposedly better #DuneMovie
Ob man sich bei Marvel wohl hätte träumen lassen, wohin das Marvel Cinematic Universe führen würde? Ich denke: ja. ...
#mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #Marvel #Eternals
Final Trailer: Marvels ETERNALS
Er startet zwar erst im November, aber Marvel spendiert trotzdem schon mal einen "finalen Trailer" für seinen neuen MCU-Film ETERNALS. Der dreht sich um eine Gruppe von Unsterblichen, die seit Jahrtausenden über die Menschheit wachen. ...
#Trailer #mcu #Marvel #Eternals #film
Einer der nächsten anstehenden Filme aus dem Marvel Cinematic Universe ist bekanntlich ETERNALS und die Details dazu sind bislang noch eher spärlich ...
#Trailer #teaser #mcu #Marvel #Eternals #film
Trailer: Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4
Bei Disney und Marvel ist man offensichtlich eindeutig der Ansicht, dass wir die scheiß Pandemie gegen Ende des Jahres endlich aus dem Kopf haben ...
#Film,TV&Stream #BlackWidow #Eternals #Marvel #MarvelCinematicUniver5se #MCU #Neuland #Phase4 #Shang-Shi #Spider-Man #Trailer
#Trailer #spider #Shang #Phase4 #neuland #mcu #MarvelCinematicUniver5se #Marvel #Eternals #BlackWidow #film