Gun found in preschool student’s backpack in Ahwatukee
#momsdemand #Arizona #EthansLaw for #SafeGunStorage passed in the House in 2020 but neither Sen. Sinema nor Kelly advocated for it, and Senate ignores chlid safety. #NRAisaterroristorg
#nraisaterroristorg #safegunstorage #EthansLaw #Arizona #momsdemand
Both U.S. senators from #Arizona are quietly complacent with current national Assault Weapons chaos. Truth hurts. Also zero advocacy from their platforms for #EthansLaw.
#MarkKelly silent as usual since January 2021. #ReplaceSinema #KyrstenSinema is all-around #unfit to serve. #Uvalde Anniversary Failures!
#Uvalde #unfit #kyrstensinema #replacesinema #markkelly #EthansLaw #Arizona
@realTuckFrumper My senators from AZ failed to advocate for or sponsor #SafeGunStorage which passed in House last session. #EthansLaw #SineMAGA
#sinemaga #EthansLaw #safegunstorage
@lednabm Dem House last session passed #EthansLaw for Safe Gun Storage, but U.S. Senate apparently thought it too extreme to discuss and vote on. Senators from Arizona are silent and not representative of constituents. #GunViolenceEpidemic #Gunlaws
#gunlaws #GunViolenceEpidemic #EthansLaw
Why doesn't Senator #MarkKelly AZ vocally support potus & Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut in calls for a ban on sales of assault weapons? Does he operate on a It's none of Arizonans' business like Sinema does? Why didn't he fight for Safe Gun Storage in the gun bill passed last year that Sinema is now campaigning on? The House had already passed SafeGunStorage, #EthansLaw to prevent children's accidents and deaths by guns. His office doesn't answer these questions.
@pivoinebleue #EthansLaw for Safe Gun Storage was passed by House last session. Neither senator from #Arizona tried to include it in the showpiece oligarchy bipartisan gun bill that Senate passed. So-called deliberative body is #ChamberOfCommerce Corrupt beyond the pale.
#chamberofcommerce #Arizona #EthansLaw
State of mind is a thing I have control over, it's a struggle wanting to have input in #democracy when "deliberative" higher body in DC is fascist. Though #MarkKelly AZ is not committee chair, why can't he at least advocate publicly on behalf of Arizonans as a moral leader for real gun reform? Did he lose bone mass in his spine while on space missions? #WTF #BaldSinema #Durbin #Schumer #SineMAGA #Nashville #Kids #EthansLaw #gunreformnow #BanAR Silence of good men pleases #ChamberOfCarbon?!
#chamberofcarbon #banar #gunreformnow #EthansLaw #Kids #Nashville #sinemaga #schumer #durbin #baldsinema #WTF #markkelly #Democracy
@MusiqueNow Today still in 2023 the U.S. deserves more than one regular advocate for real gun reform in the U.S. Senate. My senators from AZ are generally mute and passive, and they put so-called "bipartisanship" with NRA Oiligarchs above loyalty to voters. They didn't even fight to keep #EthansLaw #SafeGunStorage in newest law. #Denver #Nashville #MontereyPark Thank You Senator #ChrisMurphy
#EthansLaw #chrismurphy #montereypark #Nashville #denver #safegunstorage