@juliaferraioli +1 and would like to add that licensing matters too. And that ideological tensions between the permissiveness of some licensing and the more opinionated licensing areas exist.

Myself I am concerned about protective licensing that may be taken as a prefigurative measure against unintended harmful consequences of the use of software. firstdonoharm.dev/ was recommended to me, seems quite comprehensive and rigorous, but still researching..

#EthicalSource #freesoftware #copyleft

Last updated 1 year ago

Coraline Ada Ehmke · @CoralineAda
1813 followers · 363 posts · Server ruby.social

I just published "Dimensions of Digital Coercion", a paper that explores how attention, ergonomic, trust, and cultural coercion manifest in both the closed and open hemispheres of the internet-- and how we can start to resist these coercive forces.



Last updated 2 years ago

Coraline Ada Ehmke · @CoralineAda
1813 followers · 363 posts · Server ruby.social

Check out my latest talk, "The World Set Free", recorded at RubyConf Australia a couple of weeks ago!



Last updated 2 years ago

Org for Ethical Source · @ethicalsource
36 followers · 7 posts · Server fosstodon.org

There's already a lot going on with the Organization for Ethical Source (OES) in 2023!

First of all, we're happy to share that we have been granted our official 501(c)(3) non-profit status in the US!


Last updated 2 years ago

Dan · @dcook
58 followers · 194 posts · Server mastodon.social

There have been a few of these articles this year which touch on in , I guess because *gestures around broadly*

But I've been thinking about it a lot myself because my project AssemblyLift is licensed under an ethical source license. It felt like a good idea and I wanted to try it on; I figured worst case it is easier to go strict -> permissive than the other way around if I changed my mind.


#EthicalSource #foss

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt "msw" Wilson · @msw
2209 followers · 776 posts · Server mstdn.social

Some have suggested that we write new software licenses that would prohibit unethical use (as mentioned in the article above). See ethicalsource.dev/

In my opinion it is quite unlikely that such a software license would be more effective than the has been in protecting for those who use Red Star OS.

That is to say: not at all.

#ethicalsoftware #EthicalSource #oss #FLOSS #FOSS #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #softwarefreedom #GPL

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt "msw" Wilson · @msw
2209 followers · 774 posts · Server mstdn.social

This open ended opinion piece (theregister.com/2023/01/01/fos) from @ssharwood takes me back to Red Star OS (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_St) and Red Flag Linux (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Fl).

If it is true that they are, or were, Red Hat Linux derivative distributions, they are based on the installer software I wrote when I worked there.

Of the two, reports of what Red Star OS is and does trouble me (personally speaking).

#ethicalsoftware #EthicalSource #oss #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

Last updated 2 years ago

Deiim · @deiim
5 followers · 10 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Feeling into right relationship with AI. Anyone have tips/connects on ? Better yet, .

#opensourceai #EthicalSource

Last updated 2 years ago

Will Barton · @will
94 followers · 82 posts · Server social.theor.io

πŸ‘‹ To everyone in the , welcome here! I was on mastodon.social for a while. Here's my :

I'm a public servant, software developer (, ) and an advocate and OES board member. I'm also a recovering grad student studying critical political theory and I have strong views on the political work of software.

I also like , , and and . I'm a bit of a nerd, but not a snob (I hope!).

#coffee #astrophotography #astronomy #photography #gaming #django #python #EthicalSource #opensource #introduction #twittermigration

Last updated 2 years ago

A major aspect about licensing many critics don't understand is that it's not about one's personal opinions on certain topics like , hate speech or climate change, but instead about protecting others who could be negatively affected by our itself or by licensees re-using it.

Just like of speech is not the freedom to harass others, software freedom is not the freedom to use software for inflicting harm on others.

#EthicalSource #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Freedom #Software #Privacy #ethical

Last updated 2 years ago

A Defence of Ethical Licencing – Why freedom should not be equivalent to ignoring our responsibility for the we write.

#OpenSource #FOSS #license #licence #FreeSoftware #EthicalSource #Code #Software

Last updated 3 years ago

Don’t want to support companies that extensively abet ? License your code to prevent misuse!

You can also modify the text if you wish to. :cc: :ccby: :cc_sa: More info: codeberg.org/ForGoodEyesOnly/f

#EthicalSource #FreeSoftware #Code #FLOSS #FOSS #Codeberg #license #ethical #licence #ForGoodEyesOnly #ClimateChange

Last updated 3 years ago

Zrythm DAW · @zrythm
1004 followers · 1019 posts · Server mastodon.social

"Coraline is the founder of the Ethical source movement. Despite the name, it is actually distributing non-free licenses; non-free because they put restrictions on the usage of software licensed under it. If you use software under one of those licenses, and the author disagrees with you politically, the author can ban you from using that software."


#EthicalSource #freesoftware #fsf #rms

Last updated 4 years ago

· @anarchotaoist
82 followers · 1155 posts · Server liberdon.com
Michael Downey :xr: · @downey
2894 followers · 3986 posts · Server floss.social

Today is day.

Humanitarian projects that rely on the freedoms guaranteed by the Definition, are under attack by so-called special interests, who are trying to coopt the movement to replace those freedoms with discrimination.

If you're an OSI member, vote tomorrow for board members that will rise against this hostile takeover. If not, join as a member today then vote tomorrow. youtu.be/_zg4f30onZw


#EthicalSource #OpenSource #ZeroDiscrimination

Last updated 5 years ago

Michael Downey :xr: · @downey
2894 followers · 3986 posts · Server floss.social

Most folks I work with at the nexus of humanitarian work and are experienced enough to know one can't meaningfully lessen global-scale atrocities with something so simple & weak as a copyright infringement claim.

If you don't want people mis-using stuff you make, don't make stuff.

If you want reduce inequity & atrocities, give people working on those problems building blocks with OSI-approved licenses so they can more easily do their good work.

#CopyleftConf #EthicalSource #FLOSS #OpenSource

Last updated 5 years ago