Machs gut 2022! Wir verabschieden uns mit unserem Rückblick-Cast von diesem turbulentem Jahr!
#EuderionInfinity #Euderion #fandom #startrek #podcast
Wir präsentieren euch unsere neueste #Fanfilm Episode "Next in Line".
Diese Episode ist als Charakter Vignette gedacht, aber auch als kleine Überleitung zu kommenden Fanfilmen wie unserem Großprojekt für 2023.
Gedreht wurde an einem einzigen Tag, die Nachbearbeitung erfolgte dann in den folgenden zwei Wochen.
Wir hoffen sie gefällt euch und wir wünschen euch noch frohe Feiertage.
#StarTrek #Fanfilm #Euderion #EuderionInfinity #StarTrekCommunity
#StarTrekCommunity #EuderionInfinity #Euderion #startrek #fanfilm
Our fourth door of the #Euderion advent calendar.
The crew at yesterday's Christmas party. Mulled wine, good food, the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special and lots of fun. We hope you all had a great second Advent. 🖖
#euderioninfinity #weihnachtsfeier #christmasparty #adventskalender
#adventskalender #christmasparty #weihnachtsfeier #EuderionInfinity #Euderion
Our fourth door of the #Euderion advent calendar.
The crew at yesterday's Christmas party. Mulled wine, good food, the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special and lots of fun. We hope you all had a great second Advent. 🖖
#euderioninfinity #weihnachtsfeier #christmasparty #adventskalender
#adventskalender #christmasparty #weihnachtsfeier #EuderionInfinity #Euderion
Our third door in the #Euderion #Adventcalendar is Santa Carl. Our little #Exocomp C.A.R.L. has already smuggled under our tree that we put up for today's Euderion Crew Christmas party.
#euderioninfinity #startrek #startrekexocomp #notpeanuthamper #christmastree #weihnachtsbaum
#weihnachtsbaum #christmastree #notpeanuthamper #startrekexocomp #startrek #EuderionInfinity #exocomp #adventcalendar #Euderion
Our third door in the #Euderion #Adventcalendar is Santa Carl. Our little #Exocomp C.A.R.L. has already smuggled under our tree that we put up for today's Euderion Crew Christmas party.
#euderioninfinity #startrek #startrekexocomp #notpeanuthamper #christmastree #weihnachtsbaum
#weihnachtsbaum #christmastree #notpeanuthamper #startrekexocomp #startrek #EuderionInfinity #exocomp #adventcalendar #Euderion
Our second door in the #Euderion #advent calendar takes us back to 2011, when the Babelsberg Film Park called for a SciFi parade. And we also met two of our current members there, Miri and Basti.
#euderioninfinity #startrekfans #startrek #filmparkbabelsberg #scifiparade #StarTrekCommunity
#StarTrekCommunity #scifiparade #filmparkbabelsberg #startrek #startrekfans #EuderionInfinity #advent #Euderion
Our second door in the #Euderion #advent calendar takes us back to 2011, when the Babelsberg Film Park called for a SciFi parade. And we also met two of our current members there, Miri and Basti.
#euderioninfinity #startrekfans #startrek #filmparkbabelsberg #scifiparade #StarTrekCommunity
#StarTrekCommunity #scifiparade #filmparkbabelsberg #startrek #startrekfans #EuderionInfinity #advent #Euderion
Let's try a little X-Mas #Calendar. If we find the time we will post a little bit background trivia from the past projects of the #Euderion. Today: The registry number of the #USSEuderion. The NCC-79541 consists of the months of birth of the five founding members of our group.
#startrek #startrekfans #xmas #Fanfilm #fangroup #StarTrekCommunity #euderion #euderioninfinity
#EuderionInfinity #StarTrekCommunity #fangroup #fanfilm #xmas #startrekfans #startrek #usseuderion #Euderion #calendar
Let's try a little X-Mas #Calendar. If we find the time we will post a little bit background trivia from the past projects of the #Euderion. Today: The registry number of the #USSEuderion. The NCC-79541 consists of the months of birth of the five founding members of our group.
#startrek #startrekfans #xmas #Fanfilm #fangroup #StarTrekCommunity #euderion #euderioninfinity
#EuderionInfinity #StarTrekCommunity #fangroup #fanfilm #xmas #startrekfans #startrek #usseuderion #Euderion #calendar
Fanfilmers Live: When you already have a good Plot for an upcoming film but you suddenly start writing pages upon pages about the political situation in the Cardassian Union and the former DMZ after the Dominion War JUST because you need to fit your story with the Alpha and Beta Canon because it has to make sense!😅
#StarTrek #Fanfilm #StarTrekFanfilm #Euderion #EuderionInfinity #Worldbuilding is important #writing #DominionWar
#dominionwar #writing #worldbuilding #EuderionInfinity #Euderion #startrekfanfilm #fanfilm #startrek
Did some LCARSing today for an upcoming project. The final Version will also be animated a bit. 😎
#startrek #fanfilm #lcars #startrekfanfilm #StarTrekCommunity #euderion #euderioninfinity
#EuderionInfinity #Euderion #StarTrekCommunity #startrekfanfilm #lcars #fanfilm #startrek
Did some LCARSing today for an upcoming project. The final Version will also be animated a bit. 😎
#startrek #fanfilm #lcars #startrekfanfilm #StarTrekCommunity #euderion #euderioninfinity
#startrek #fanfilm #lcars #startrekfanfilm #StarTrekCommunity #Euderion #EuderionInfinity
The USS Euderion NCC-79541-A after her Refit in 2381.
Among other things, the #Euderion received a new Quantum Slipstream Drive. The slipstream drive fell short of the original expectations, since many converted ships required too much energy to create a suitable transfer tunnel due to their wide shape, but it allowed the ship to "sprint" shorter distances.
For safety reasons, these drives could only be operated for a short time before they had to be switched off.
#fanfilm #fanart #startrek #Euderion
The USS Euderion NCC-79541-A after her Refit in 2381.
Among other things, the #Euderion received a new Quantum Slipstream Drive. The slipstream drive fell short of the original expectations, since many converted ships required too much energy to create a suitable transfer tunnel due to their wide shape, but it allowed the ship to "sprint" shorter distances.
For safety reasons, these drives could only be operated for a short time before they had to be switched off.
#Euderion #startrek #fanart #fanfilm
So...ehm...about yesterday 😅😎
#startrek #fanfilm #fanfilming #greenscreen #verysmart #euderion #Euderioninfinity
#EuderionInfinity #Euderion #verysmart #greenscreen #fanfilming #fanfilm #startrek
So...ehm...about yesterday 😅😎
#startrek #fanfilm #fanfilming #greenscreen #verysmart #euderion #Euderioninfinity
#startrek #fanfilm #fanfilming #greenscreen #verysmart #Euderion #EuderionInfinity
Hintergründe, Hintergründe, Hintergründe!!! Wir stellen vor: Euderions Neuzugang Ensign Alana Kosh und die bewegte Geschichte des Kosh Symbionten!
Viel Spaß beim Lesen! 🖖
#dossier #crewmitglied #kosh #EuderionInfinity #Euderion
Hintergründe, Hintergründe, Hintergründe!!! Wir stellen vor: Euderions Neuzugang Ensign Alana Kosh und die bewegte Geschichte des Kosh Symbionten!
Viel Spaß beim Lesen! 🖖
#Euderion #EuderionInfinity #kosh #crewmitglied #dossier
The moment the new week hits you after the weekend🙈😎😅
#weekend #newweek #mondays #startrek #startrekfanfilm #fanfilm #Euderion #euderioninfinity
#EuderionInfinity #Euderion #fanfilm #startrekfanfilm #startrek #mondays #NewWeek #weekend