#EuroLinux Desktop 9.1 Released As Easy Windows Workstation Replacement. 🇪🇺 :linux:
EuroLinux 9.1 débarque sur votre Raspberry Pi.
Nous vous parlions, dans notre édition du 13 janvier, de la sortie d’une mise à jour d"EuroLinux.
Le système d’exploitation est désormais compatible avec le Raspberry Pi. Une nouvelle qui ravira les possesseurs de ces machines.#EuroLinux #Raspberry-Pi https://lsdm.live/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3697
Nouveau noyau et support TPM pour EuroLinux 9.1
Une nouvelle distribution Linux venue de Pologne débarquait en septembre dernier.
EuroLinux Desktop 9.1 s’adresse aux utilisateurs venus de Window et macOS, avec une base Red Hat Linux Entreprise.#EuroLinux https://lsdm.live/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3575
It's that time again where I get to share a #screenshot of the computer I use primarily for work related stuff.
#thinkpad #linux #eurolinux #neofetch #gnome
#gnome #neofetch #EuroLinux #linux #thinkpad #screenshot
Currently migrating my workplace from #Ubuntu2004LTS to #EuroLinux. Progress is satisfactory thus far!
I was all set to migrate my workplace to #EuroLinux from #ubuntu and had actually started before I realized simple-scan isn't available either in the repos nor as a #flatpak. I tried building the program locally but was thrown an error I could not solve super quickly. So that migration will have to be delayed and possibly even scrubbed, can't take systems down to troubleshoot the compiling errors. Does anyone know of a different scanner software that works with a Cannon m641c mfp?
How to install EuroLinux 9.0
#linux #EuroLinux #tutorial #opensource
#tutorial #opensource #linux #EuroLinux
#linux #EuroLinux #Gnome #opensource
#linux #EuroLinux #gnome #opensource