🎉 Congratulations to @amsterdampride for being awarded both #EuroPride and #WorldPride in 2026!
🇳🇱 we are looking forward to travelling to #Amsterdam in the next mandate to stand in support with our community 🙏🏼
RT @EuroPride: NEWS: EuroPride 2026 title awarded to @amsterdampride: the same year that they host WorldPride. https://www.epoa.eu/europride-2026-title-awarded-to-pride-amsterdam/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LGBTIintergroup/status/1622577429523865607
#EuroPride #WorldPride #amsterdam
RT @max_lucks: Der Europarat schaut auf LGBTI-Rechte in seinen Mitgliedsstaaten, grade nach der #Europride!
Am Donnerstag wird in der parlamentarischen Versammlung des @coe auf meine Initiative eine Dringlichkeitsdebatte zum Verbot von Pride-Events in Europa stattfinden.#belgradepride
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1579417093711491074
- “There must be a clear plan so that minority groups are not left unsafe”
Thanks to @euronews reporter @valgauriat for covering this important story.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1577257266239377409
RT @LGBTIintergroup: 🇷🇸 Today, our MEPs wrote once more to the #Serbian government to follow up on developments surrounding #Europride (@belgradepride/@EuroPride)
Our concerns on #FreedomOfAssembly and violence against activists can be found here 👇
🖇️ Read it all: https://lgbti-ep.eu/2022/09/29/over-50-meps-write-to-serbian-government-to-follow-up-on-developments-during-europride-2022/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1575492179606540291
#Serbian #EuroPride #FreedomOfAssembly
RT @LGBTIintergroup: 🇷🇸 Today, our MEPs wrote once more to the #Serbian government to follow up on developments surrounding #Europride (@belgradepride/@EuroPride)
Our concerns on #FreedomOfAssembly and violence against activists can be found here 👇
🖇️ Read it all: https://lgbti-ep.eu/2022/09/29/over-50-meps-write-to-serbian-government-to-follow-up-on-developments-during-europride-2022/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertBiedron/status/1575513061011726339
#Serbian #EuroPride #FreedomOfAssembly
What happened @EuroPride/@belgradepride in #Serbia concerned us @LGBTIintergroup: activists were attacked & #FreedomOfAssembly was not rightfully protected.
We addressed today the Serbian government and @SerbianPM to raise further questions
Our letter 👇
RT @LGBTIintergroup: 🇷🇸 Today, our MEPs wrote once more to the #Serbian government to follow up on developments surrounding #Europride (@belgradepride/@EuroPride)
#Serbia #FreedomOfAssembly #EuroPride2022 #Serbian #EuroPride
RT @LGBTIintergroup: 🇷🇸 Today, our MEPs wrote once more to the #Serbian government to follow up on developments surrounding #Europride (@belgradepride/@EuroPride)
Our concerns on #FreedomOfAssembly and violence against activists can be found here 👇
🖇️ Read it all: https://lgbti-ep.eu/2022/09/29/over-50-meps-write-to-serbian-government-to-follow-up-on-developments-during-europride-2022/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MarcAngel_lu/status/1575473010751971331
#Serbian #EuroPride #FreedomOfAssembly
There are causes for concern that we believe deserve a larger discussion ⬇️
RT @LGBTIintergroup: 🇷🇸 Today, our MEPs wrote once more to the #Serbian government to follow up on developments surrounding #Europride (@belgradepride/@EuroPride)
Our concerns on #FreedomOfAssembly and violence against activists can be found here 👇
🖇️ Read it all: https://lgbti-ep.eu/2022/09/29/over-50-meps-write-to-serbian-government-to-follow-up-on-de…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1575498852957704192
#Serbian #EuroPride #FreedomOfAssembly
🇷🇸 Today, our MEPs wrote once more to the #Serbian government to follow up on developments surrounding #Europride (@belgradepride/@EuroPride)
Our concerns on #FreedomOfAssembly and violence against activists can be found here 👇
🖇️ Read it all: https://lgbti-ep.eu/2022/09/29/over-50-meps-write-to-serbian-government-to-follow-up-on-developments-during-europride-2022/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/LGBTIintergroup/status/1575472735735644160
#Serbian #EuroPride #FreedomOfAssembly
Ik wens onze nieuwe ambassadeur in Servië veel succes. Haar gastvrijheid tijdens de #EuroPride was hartverwarmend.
RT @BelgiumBelgrade: Yesterday H.E. Mrs. Cathy Buggenhout had the honour to present her letters of credence to H.E. Mr. Aleksandar Vucic, President of the Republic of Serbia. After the hand-over ceremony at the Palace of Serbia,
Nu är vi här, på plats i Budapest för att visa Orbán och hans kompisar runtom i Europa att vi inte tänker backa i försvaret av hbtqi rättigheter och kvinnors rättigheter!
#Hungary #HumanRights #RuleOfLaw
RT @euobs: Rights defenders plan a conference in Budapest amid concerns that the anti-LGBTI sentiment of the Hungarian government is spreading across Europe, pointing to Serbia #EuroPride #LGBTI @EuroLesbianCo…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MalinBjork_EU/status/1575049923757629440
#hungary #humanrights #ruleoflaw #EuroPride #LGBTI
RT @jennyronngren: – Demokratimässigt håller det inte måttet, säger @MalinBjork_EU till @TidningenSyre.
#europride #belgradpride 🌈 https://tidningensyre.se/2022/20-september-2022/otydlighet-om-prideparad-kan-forsvara-serbiens-vag-till-eu/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MalinBjork_EU/status/1572249840934961153
After a weekend spent at #EuroPride I’m in Poland.
Tomorrow I will go to the Ukrainian border.
Today I meet with NGOs, Frontex, the Secretary of State & Warsaw President.
As the most senior member of the @europarl_en @EP_Justice I will Chair the meetings this morning.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1571784109109792774
RT @DKAmbSerbia: Such a pleasure to co-host with 🇫🇮🇳🇴🇸🇪a party to celebrate first #EuroPride in SE Europe 🏳️🌈. Thanks for coming @anabrnabic @Tatjana_Matic @ravnopravnostRS @Dunja_Mijatovic @EuropeanParl @helenadalli @goranmiletic and many many more. 🇩🇰supports all human rights 🌈 @DanishMFA
RT @AnttiTimonen: Têtu:…«Nous avons toujours besoin de Fierté. Trop de personnes vivent dans la peur, trop de discriminations perdurent. (...) J'aimerais dire que tous nos citoyens, jeunes ou plus âgés, peuvent vivre comme ils le souhaitent en Europe…» a déclaré @RobertaMetsola… 🏳️🌈🇪🇺 #Europride
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1571490900131332098
Thanks to everyone who decided to march for #LGBTI rights and fundamental freedoms at the #Europride march yesterday in #BelgradePride2022 - and to the organizers: you have succeeded and done a tremendous job, hvala! @peterkraus @TerryReintke @LGBTIintergroup
RT @peterkraus: Today at #Europride, thousands marched for human rights, LGBTI rights and fundamental freedoms. I’m so proud and impressed by the bravery of this community h…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UlrikeLunacek/status/1571523070057144329
#LGBTI #EuroPride #BelgradePride2022
Die Übergriffe, die organisierte Hetze gegen die #EuroPride müssen allen endlich klar machen:
Da braut sich etwas sehr gefährliches zusammen.
Das ist nicht nur Queerfeindlichkeit, sondern eine demokratiezersetzende internationale Hassbewegung, die immer mehr Einfluss gewinnt.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1571385057029378048
RT @kimvsparrentak: Lots of security to protect us.
Lots of loud queer music to counter the screams and songs of hate.
And Greens from all over Europe💚💚💚
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1571339772680871936
#equalrightsforall #LGBTIQ #pride #EuroPride
RT @Krstorevic: So sah es außerhalb unserer für die #Europride2022 abgesperrten Zone aus.
Schaut sie euch an. Das sind die Leute, die behaupten gute serbische und christliche Werte zu vertreten und die von Kirche und Teilen der Regierung aufgehetzt wurden.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1571339723607605249
#EuroPride2022 #Belgradepride #EuroPride
RT @Milan__Nikolic: love
except hate, homophobia, misogyny, darkness, past, repression, ignorance #EuroPride2022 #BelgradePride #BelgradePride2022 #europride
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1571339399723368448
#EuroPride2022 #Belgradepride #BelgradePride2022 #EuroPride