@RDL Das Interview ist ja echt wie Bullshitbingo. #NATO am #Krieg schuld, man muss die #Ukraine endlich ihrem Schicksal überlassen und #Waffenlieferungen einstellen, #Euromaidan war ein #US-gesteuerter Putsch, Krieg 2014-2022 war ein innerukrainischer Bürgerkrieg, der kriegsgeile #Westen hat bisher gelaufene Verhandlungen torpediert usw. Warum sind deutsche sog. #Friedensforscher eigentlich so imperialismusgeil, solange der #Imperialismus von #Russland ausgeht?
#nato #krieg #ukraine #waffenlieferungen #Euromaidan #us #westen #Friedensforscher #imperialismus #russland
I have been dunking on #NATO a lot for their racism and hypocricy, but I have utmost respect for Ukrainians and revolutionary Russians fighting against #Putin
Many leftists are chumps who willing swallow Putin's Lies
#EuroMaidan was not just a "color revolution" it wasn't just a #CIA psyop, yes the US has its tentacles everywhere and have exploited the situation, but it was a popular uprising against a #neoliberal client regime There are fascists in #Ukraine but are far from the majority, meanwhile fascists have more representation in parliament in many western countries. There are also #Nazis on the side of Russia(#Wagner) and Putin has funded far right parties and spread antisemitic propaganda all over the world
Its True many eastern Ukrainians were sympathetic to joining Russia, mostly descendants of settlers (often involuntarily) sent to Ukraine under Stalin, but that doesnt mean they wanted Russia to invade and bomb their country. Crimean Tartars, who lived there long before the Russ, have been brutally subjugated by Russian occupiers
I'm no stan for the Ukranian government or Especially NATO but Russia is unequivivolly in the wrong, their presence in Ukraine is an indefensable crime against humanity and poor people, both Ukranian and Russian are the ones suffering
#nato #putin #Euromaidan #cia #neoliberal #ukraine #nazis #Wagner
https://www.valigiablu.it/ucraina-propaganda-russa-rivoluzione-maidan/ Un articolo da leggere per capire il presente della guerra #Russia/#Ucraina. #Euromaidan #UE #EU
RT Błażej
Re 2/4
@EEDemocracy to kolejny przykład skutecznej swego czasu polityki m. in. wschodniej, Polski via UE, kolejny krok po Partnerstwie Wschodnim i in., które doprowadziły do bardziej lub mniej odwracania państw post-ZSRR ku UE. Bez tego nie byłoby #AA/#DCFT
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Błażej: @sjanus_pl @LukaszWilkosz @jodynaa @krytyka @EEDemocracy 2/2 Gdyby nie Partnerstwo Wschodnie, Euronest i podobne, nie byłoby #AA/#DCFTA 🇪🇺🇺🇦. To jej odrzucenie wywołało #Euromaidan i wojnę, którą Putin wydał jej i tego kierunku obrońcą od 2014, w nowej odsłonie od 24 lutego 2022. Reakcje Putina w obu przypadkach, to najlepsza recenzja
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/bpaskal/status/1675891814060924928
RT @bpaskal: A potem była flagowa inicjatywa polskiej prezydencji w Radzie UE 2011 @EEDemocracy, na co rosja zareagowała prawem o "obcym agencie" dla NGOs i mediów, a dalej #AA/#DCFTA, czego zakwestionowanie dało #Euromaidan i atak rosji w 2014r., w nowej odsłonie od 24 II 2022r. https://t.co/OlawkGmYgV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GrzybAndrzej/status/1668193511903051778
Ab dem 21. November jährt sich der „Euromaidan“ in der #Ukraine zum zehnten Mal. #Euromaidan
Aus Solidarität mit den Protesten will die Grüne Fraktion im #Stadtrat einen Platz in #Leipzig dementsprechend umbenennen. #srle
Das Thema ist nicht unumstritten, das Ergebnis denkbar knapp.
#ukraine #Euromaidan #stadtrat #leipzig #srle
@barney @atomicpoet
ELoon seems to me to be really mad at Twitter for helping to spur #EuroMaidan and ditto for his Saudi benefactors about the #ArabSpring
RT @steffendobbert
Durfte diese Woche in Erfurt, Nürnberg & in der @UUniversitat in München mit vielen Beteiligten das #Ukraine-verstehen-Buch @KlettCottaTweet vorstellen.
Dank @DrGroth hier n Ausschnitt von Yevheniia Sobolevskas Gesang. Sie singt Plyve Kacha, im Hintergrund 📸s vom #Euromaidan.
called #PutinRegime the greatest threat to world peace since 2010. Stopped going to #Russia in December 2013, with one exception in fall'14. Fully sided with #Ukraine since #EuroMaidan in November 2013, ran for #EU parliament in spring 2014 with the slogan "#EnergyTransition instead of #Gazprom".
- Warned of attempt of violent takeover or coup in the #US after the 2020 Presidential Elections and pre-Inauguration if #Trump loses during the #MunichSecurityConference in February 2020.
#MunichSecurityConference #Trump #US #Gazprom #energytransition #EU #Euromaidan #Ukraine #Russia #putinregime
called #PutinRegime the greatest threat to world peace since 2010. Stopped going to #Russia in December 2013, with one exception in fall'14. Fully sided with #Ukraine since #EuroMaidan in November 2013, ran for #EU parliament in spring 2014 with the slogan "#EnergyTransition instead of #Gazprom".
- Warned of attempt of violent takeover or coup in the #US after the 2020 Presidential Elections and pre-Inauguration if #Trump loses during the #MunichSecurityConference in February 2020.
#MunichSecurityConference #Trump #US #Gazprom #energytransition #EU #Euromaidan #Ukraine #Russia #putinregime
Since the beginning of #Ukraine’s EU-integration processes and the country’s #Euromaidan protests in 2013,
#Russian propaganda has been constructing a disinformation campaign to portray Ukraine 🇺🇦 as a “failed state full of Nazis and radicals."
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/ukraine_world/status/1639199438420815872
Now you know what #Euromaidan mean to us.
Little did we know that night how many more such nights would lie ahead.
9 years of #RussiaUkraineWar.
Endless tweets, photos & eyes of Ukrainian citizens killed by russian bastards.
We will stand to the end.
We've made a promise.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1627822956377153536
Exactly 9 years ago,on Feb 20, 2014, we posted 100 tweets with names & photos of those who died on #Euromaidan.
That night, when we looked into their eyes at the photos, on which they were still alive, we've made them a promise that their death is not in vain.
R.I.P. Herous.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1627810796355964930
If you don't know much about #Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, just look at the images below to feel what we felt during the winter of 2014. The winter that changed us forever 👇
#UkraineFrontLines team.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1627806100467642369
#Euromaidan #ukrainefrontlines
If you don't know much about #Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, just look at the images below to feel what we felt during the winter of 2014. The winter that changed us forever 👇
#UkraineFrontLines team.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1627806292805922816
#Euromaidan #ukrainefrontlines
If you don't know much about #Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, just look at the images below to feel what we felt during the winter of 2014. The winter that changed us forever 👇
#UkraineFrontLines team.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1627806458451488769
#Euromaidan #ukrainefrontlines
If you don't know much about #Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, just look at the images below to feel what we felt during the winter of 2014. The winter that changed us forever 👇
#UkraineFrontLines team.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1627805079683178500
#Euromaidan #ukrainefrontlines
If you don't know much about #Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, just look at the images below to feel what we felt during the winter of 2014. The winter that changed us forever 👇
#UkraineFrontLines team.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1627805329076486146
#Euromaidan #ukrainefrontlines
If you don't know much about #Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, just look at the images below to feel what we felt during the winter of 2014. The winter that changed us forever 👇
#UkraineFrontLines team.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1627805479744286721
#Euromaidan #ukrainefrontlines
If you don't know much about #Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, just look at the images below to feel what we felt during the winter of 2014. The winter that changed us forever 👇
#UkraineFrontLines team.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1627805773521723399
#Euromaidan #ukrainefrontlines