RT Europa Nostra
Until 28/08, heritage enthusiasts are encouraged to...
🗳️ Vote online for the #PublicChoiceAward 2023
📱 Win support for the winner(s) of the #EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards 2023 from their own or another 🇪🇺 country
with @europe_creative
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/europanostra/status/1688866495604891649
#PublicChoiceAward #EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
Dublin's @MoLI_Museum is one of the winners of this year's #EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards!
If you'd like to see it win the #PublicChoiceAward 2023, you can vote for it now at 👉https://vote.europanostra.org/
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Europa Nostra: Until 28/08, heritage enthusiasts are encouraged to...
🗳️ Vote online for the #PublicChoiceAward 2023
📱 Win support for the winner(s) of the #EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards 2023 from their own or another 🇪🇺 country
with @europe_creative
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eurireland/status/1688873842725306369
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards #PublicChoiceAward
Congratulations to Dublin's @MoLI_Museum which was one of the winners of the 2023 #EuropeanHeritageAwards👇
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Europa Nostra: #EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards 2023 winners
Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI), Dublin, 🇮🇪
This museum celebrates Irish literary heritage and inspires people to engage with reading and writing with a participatory approach.
👉http://www.europeanheritageawards.eu/winners/museum-of-literature-ireland-moli https://t.co/IX5xCqnlsH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eurireland/status/1681226981206097920
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
RT Europa Nostra
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards 2023 winners
Spotlight on Steam Engine Brewery Lobeč🇨🇿
For +15 years, 2 architects worked to revive this brewery with a rich history dating back to 1586. It reopened with a mix of cultural & business activities 👉http://europeanheritageawards.eu/winners/steam-engine-brewery https://t.co/DngFYJDmEi
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/europanostra/status/1670750638286708736
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
Kudos to Dublin @MoLI_Museum, for being among the 30 🇪🇺 initiatives that received one of the #EuropeanHeritageAwards & #EuropaNostraAwards 2023, announced today.
Thank you for inspiring generations with the art of writing & reading in Ireland👏.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eurireland/status/1668625153167867904
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
🏆Evropska komisija in @EuropaNostra sta danes razglasili 30 dobitnikov nagrad #EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards.
🎊Med njimi je tudi projekt MADE IN, pri katerem sodeluje 🇸🇮 @MAO_Slovenia iz Ljubljane. 👏 Čestitke! 🔗👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1668649880510779393
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
🏆 De winnaars van de Europese erfgoedprijzen #EuropaNostraAwards 2023 zijn vandaag bekendgemaakt! Er zijn 30 mooie initiatieven uit 21 Europese landen bekroond. Bekijk de winnaars via: 🔗https://www.europanostra.org/2023-winners-of-europe-top-heritage-awards-announced-by-the-european-commission-and-europa-nostra/
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #erfgoed
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinNL/status/1668593740036931588
#EuropaNostraAwards #EuropeanHeritageAwards #erfgoed
Komisařka @GabrielMariya v úvodu slavnostního předávání Cen @europanostra 2022 ve Státní opeře: “V oblasti kulturního dědictví nás čeká mnoho úkolů. Třeba obnova Ukrajiny. Věřím, že během našeho zítřejšího jednání dospějeme i k nějakým řešením.”
RT @LEkulttuuri: Tänään voi jännittää striimin äärellä, saako jompi kumpi 🇫🇮:n hienoista #EuropaNostraAwards -palkituista hankkeista pääpalkinnon!
🔹 Kulttuuriperinnön palauttaminen @NatMuseum_FI @SiidaInari
🔹 Mestarit ja kisällit @Kotiseutuliitto
‼️ 15 MINUTOS para la entrega de premios #EuropeanHeritageAwards / #EuropaNostraAwards.
📲 No te pierdas a las 20:00 el streaming de la ceremonia desde 📍la Ópera Estatal de Praga → http://vimeo.com/733240673.
Programa completo → http://bit.ly/3RtBAgh
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1574455007478521856
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
🏆 30 проекта и личности от 18 🇪🇺 държави са сред тазгодишните носители на наградите, които вече 20 г. се връчват за принос в опазването на традициите и културата на Европа.
Кои 5 от тях ще бъдат отличени с Grand Prix, предстои да разберем на 26 септември.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ECinBulgaria/status/1565958208535105537
RT @europanostra: 🗳️Vote Now for the #PublicChoiceAward!
Show your support for the #EuropeanHeritageAwards / #EuropaNostraAwards winning projects! 💕🇪🇺
- Visit https://vote.europanostra.org/
- Vote for your top 3 projects
- Leave a comment
- Confirm your vote via email
⌛️Deadline 11 Sept 23:59 CEST
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/REA_research/status/1565241898205417472
#PublicChoiceAward #EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
RT @EUCreativa_ES: 🏆🇪🇺 #Wikipedra es uno de los 5 proyectos 🇪🇸 ganadores de #EuropeanHeritageAwards @europanostra 2022. @catpaisatge y Drac Verde #Sitges han creado esta base de datos para proteger el patrimonio de piedra en seco
#EuropaNostraAwards #patrimoniocultural
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1562041239301652481
#Wikipedra #EuropeanHeritageAwards #Sitges #EuropaNostraAwards #patrimoniocultural
RT @europanostra: The winners of the #EuropeanHeritageAwards / #EuropaNostraAwards 2022 in category Research represent some of the most exciting & innovative developments in the field 🔎
📽️👇 Learn about their discoveries below!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/REA_research/status/1544992610049302530
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
¡Enhorabuena a los proyectos ganadores de #EuropeanHeritageAwards / #EuropaNostraAwards 2022 ! 🇪🇺🏆
Y entre ellos... ¡5 con participación española🇪🇸!
✓Illa del Rei (@HauserWirth)
✓@silknow_eu (@UV_EG)
✓Symphony (@CaixaForum)
✓Wikipedra (@catpaisatge)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1542522068138283011
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
Congrats to Lumbardhi, @DokuFest, @ecmandryshe, @ChwbKosovo & all who supported them, along with the #EU, for winning the European Heritage/Europa Nostra Award in the Citizens Engagement & Awareness-raising cat. for their Lumbardhi Public Again initiative👉https://bit.ly/3y5GDM1
RT @europanostra: ⚡️Breaking
@EU_Commission & @europanostra just announced the 2022 Winners of the #EuropeanHeritageAwards / #EuropaNostraAwards!🇪🇺🏆
#EU #EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
🇺🇦Андріївська церква та Всесвітній день вишиванки – серед переможців найпрестижнішої європейської премії у сфері культурної спадщини. Вітаємо!🎉
RT @europanostra: ⚡️Breaking
@EU_Commission & @europanostra just announced the 2022 Winners of the #EuropeanHeritageAwards / #EuropaNostraAwards!🇪🇺🏆
🎉👏Congratulations to 30 outstanding heritage achievements from 18 European countries awarded in 5 categories!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUDelegationUA/status/1542497960960950274
#EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards
🇪🇺Kyiv’s St. Andrew’s Church and World #VyshyvankaDay campaign – are among the winners of Europe’s most prestigious Awards in the heritage field. Congratulations! https://bit.ly/3byTONX
RT @europanostra: ⚡️Breaking
@EU_Commission & @europanostra just announced the 2022 Winners of the #EuropeanHeritageAwards / #EuropaNostraAwards!🇪🇺🏆
🎉👏Congratulations to 30 outstanding heritage achievements from 18 European countries awarded in…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUDelegationUA/status/1542497503974633472
#VyshyvankaDay #EuropeanHeritageAwards #EuropaNostraAwards