RT @sandiplomat: Felicitations to @EU_in_India & Amb. Ugo Astuto @EUAmbIndia on #EuropeDay22
EU & India are strong global partners & force for global good.
@IrlAmb_Delhi @AmbLindnerIndia @FranceinIndia @Videluca59 @LUinIndia @BergMarten @FrancoisDelhaye @JCKugener
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_in_India/status/1523533948151730176
Os dejamos aquí un resumen de la jornada #AmplifyinAction de este #EuropeDay22 desde #Harinera #Zaragoza 😍
Las intervenciones de #AmplifySpain frente a #Eurodiputados y todos los maravillosos vídeos que se han sumado a la campaña #somosculturacomunitaria 🌈
#AmplifyinAction #EuropeDay22 #Harinera #Zaragoza #AmplifySpain #Eurodiputados #somosculturacomunitaria #InterartsF
RT @UgandaRedCross: Thanks to Partners for putting this together as we celebrate the #EuropeDay22
@EU_ECHO @ECHO_CESAfrica @EU_Commission
Thank you Your Excellency President-elect Dr José Ramos-Horta for attending our #EuropeDay22 reception in #Dili yesterday evening. @eu_eeas @EU_TimorLeste
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Andrew_JacobsEU/status/1523847033878360064
RT @actforculture: “It’s great to celebrate #EuropeDay22 with a talk on culture and Europe with young European artists. The objective of the #CoFoE was exactly bringing EU citizens from every background to think about the Europe they want and their future” ~ @laurencefarreng #AmplifyInAction
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/laurencefarreng/status/1523593233472794624
#EuropeDay22 #CoFoE #AmplifyinAction
.@EmmanuelMacron : «Aujourd’hui, en ce #9Mai, la liberté et l’espoir dans le futur ont le visage de l’Union Européenne ».
#CoFoE #EuropeDay22 #Macron #Strasbourg
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CZacharopoulou/status/1523704106241896448
#9Mai #CoFoE #EuropeDay22 #Macron #Strasbourg
RT @actforculture: “Culture does not seem to be high priority for the EU or for the #CoFoE, so it’s crucial to keep this dialogue with you, cultural community, who show that there is much more the EU can do to improve this situation” ~ @AlexisMep at #AmplifyInAction #EuropeDay22 @Left_EU
#CoFoE #AmplifyinAction #EuropeDay22
#Agenda En breve comienza el acto institucional con motivo del #DiadeEuropa en la @unisevilla @cdesevilla
#sevilla #EuropeDay22 @Socialistas_PE @psoedeandalucia
RT @unisevilla: 🇪🇺 El @cdesevilla organiza diversas actividades para celebrar el #DíadeEuropa ➡ https://www.us.es/actualidad-de-la-us/el-cde-celebra-el-dia-de-europa
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1523618055292878848
#agenda #DiadeEuropa #Sevilla #EuropeDay22 #DíaDeEuropa
RT @actforculture@twitter.com
“16% of the Catalan population is migrant. Why are we not on TV, radio, newspapers as storytellers and not only as testimonies? There is absolutely no concern about incorporating diversity perspectives.” ~ @BeatriceDuodu@twitter.com #AmplifyInAction #TheFutureIsYours #EuropeDay22
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/actforculture/status/1523581701254828032
#AmplifyinAction #TheFutureisYours #EuropeDay22
Qué pensáis que hay en este código??!! 🤔😮
Estamos hackeando la ciudad con #culturacomunitaria ⚡️⚡️⚡️
#somosculturacomunitaria #AmplifyinAction #EuropeDay22 #Zaragoza #Harinera
#CulturaComunitaria #somosculturacomunitaria #AmplifyinAction #EuropeDay22 #Zaragoza #Harinera
RT @ReaccRed@twitter.com
Qué pensáis que hay en este código??!! 🤔😮
Estamos hackeando la ciudad con #culturacomunitaria ⚡️⚡️⚡️
#somosculturacomunitaria #AmplifyinAction #EuropeDay22
@InterartsF@twitter.com @actforculture@twitter.com
#culturacomunitaria #somosculturacomunitaria #AmplifyinAction #EuropeDay22
💥 3,2,1...Lanzamos campaña #somosculturacomunitaria con la que calentamos motores para el 9/05 en el #AmplifyinAction #EuropeDay22 😍🙌
Desde #LaDivergente #Toledo llega este primer video, súmate y alcemos la voz desde todo el territorio! 🙌🏽
#somosculturacomunitaria #AmplifyinAction #EuropeDay22 #LaDivergente #Toledo #somosfamilia
Estamos tramando con muchas ganas!🔥 😍 el #AmplifyinAction este 9 de mayo #EuropeDay22
Desde #Harinera #Zaragoza estaremos haciendo ruido, dando voz a la #culturacomunitaria y demandando acciones concretas a decidores polític@s de la #UE 🇪🇺
Súmate x #streaming y seamos muchas! ✊ ❤️
Aquí + info: https://www.interarts.net/noticias/dia-de-europa-2022-amplify-in-action/?lang=es
#AmplifyinAction #EuropeDay22 #Harinera #Zaragoza #CulturaComunitaria #UE #streaming
RT @ECF_tweets: #EuropeDay22: The Future is now!
Join us on 9 May for #EuropeDay22. We will bring together artists, creatives, policy-and opinion makers, journalists, partners, grantees & for a day of conversations to discuss the future of Europe.
Buy tickets: https://debalie.nl/programma/europe-day-22-the-future-is-now-09-05-2022/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_NL/status/1517390955908841472